Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

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Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Robspierre »

Dude, they can't keep their fucking stories straight ever! ... interview/

Some highlights:
Q: The Winds of Dune is part of your Heroes of Dune series of prequels. What was the inspiration to go back?

A: When [co-author] Kevin [J. Anderson] and I started writing books together, he wanted to do Dune 7, which was the book my dad had not written before he passed away. I wanted to do The Butlerian Jihad and go back 10,000 years. So we settled on a third option -- we're doing the core characters of Dune when they're all older.
Oh this is priceless:
Q: Did Frank Herbert leave you any notes to guide you in writing these prequels?

A: When dad died he was using a yellow highlighter on Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune. That's all I knew. Then I got a call from an estate attorney who asked me what I wanted to do with two safety deposit boxes of my dad's. I didn't know they existed. So we went down there, and in them were the notes to Dune 7 -- it was a 30-page outline. So I went up in my attic and found another 1,000 pages of working notes
Keith is going to be so angry that Bobo has deviated from the agreed upon script!

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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Kojiro »

I'm pretty sure those are the same so-called notes they've been harping about for years. Although, maybe I'm missing something. What was the original story again?
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Redstar »

"So I went up in my attic and found another 1,000 pages of working notes"

It stretches the bounds of belief that after so much time he wouldn't bother to go into his own attic anytime before writing the books. It's too convenient.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Serkanner »

Wasn't the outline at one time only 2 or 3 pages?
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by SandChigger »

Yeah. It seems to have swollen to 30 pages suddenly. :roll:

Last summer.



Suddenly last summer... EEEEEEEK!!! The fanboys are eating Kevin ALIVE!!!! :angry-screaming:

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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by lotek »

well the number of pages of this outline doesn't matter much as it is pretty obvious they haven't followed jack from them(if they exist)
Even a sketched outline from Frank would be more interesting than all the shit these two came up with, and the more it goes the more I think it was all Keith's doing.
Bobo is too spineless to think of such a plan, and Keith is just the ideal suspect: stupid but ful of himself, productive but has yet to actually produce anything, has won no awards but acts like he got them all... the perfect candidate I tell you!

Did these two(and the rest of their heyna pack)really think they could change the details so often without anyone noticing?
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Yeah, that outline just increased in size either 10 fold or 15 fold, that's a load of bullshit.

Also, the first quote doesn't even make sense. BH says they were doing the Heroes series as a compromise between Dune 7 and the BJ books (both of which were done and over with) - I think he's a bit dim and he missunderstood the question, thought he was being asked about the House series. :roll:
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by TheDukester »

Things they can't keep straight:

1. How Spanky contacted Bobo;

2. Size of the notes;

3. Location of the notes;

4. Format of the notes;

5. Content of the notes.

This is because they are liars. With Anderprick being the worst of the lot.

Also, of course, I don't think they expected the whole "notes" thing to grow out of control like it has. They underestimated how much people — both preeks and individuals with working brains — would latch onto it.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by lotek »

and that shows how small and limited their thinking is...
Keith would have not made much about it and since he fancies himself to be so smart he'd never expect someone else to do more thinking than him.
Bobo, well, Bobo made another poo!
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by SandChigger »

A Thing of Eternity wrote:the House series
:hand: WAIT right there, buddy. Have we received confirmation from TheKJA yet that the House books WERE indeed a SERIES? :naughty:


I just cannot believe that he thinks that shit is going to fly. We need to find a quote from KJA himself where he calls it the "Heroes series". :laughing:
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

I can't believe he didn't have the balls to just say "we honestly just felt like we needed a break from that project (or needed more time to think/plan it if he wanted to look really smart) and had been wanting to go back to the Jihad time period for a long time". That would have been a perfectly good answer.

Why does everything have to be spun with him? For fuck's sake, he didn't even actually do anything wrong this time and he still feels like he needs to justify it.

Maybe the 2 Heroes books are doing even worse than we thought (look at DN, those 2 forums have had almost no activity whatsoever, so even the preeks don't feel like talking about them) and they want to go back to a timeframe where they can be much more liberal with the laser fight pew pew shit.

Or - maybe he's trying to say something deeper. Maybe he's saying the Heroes books are not their own series, they're part of the original series.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

:lol: I just skimmed the actual interview, look at this Q&A:
Q: Will you continue to write more Dune novels after you've finished with Heroes?

A: You could write them forever, but would they be substantial enough to be a major Dune novel? Maybe there could be Young Adult; there could be graphic novels that take little aspects of it. But we think there are perhaps three more Dune novels after Heroes. We may go on to the founding of the great schools: Dad says there are five, but we're going to do it in three. You've got the Bene Gesserit -- that would be The Sisterhood of Dune; then there's The Mentats of Dune and The Swordmasters of Dune
Ho ho, BH himself saying this shit is thinning out (in so many words). They're running close to the limit in his opinion, I think they just might finish this Schools series and then come back to finish Heroes and that might be the end of the books (at least for a while until they think up something more...).

And... drum roll... Young Adult stuff. Wow, didn't seee that coming. :roll: And comics.

The question that makes me afraid is this: If he thinks they're running out of story, then what exactly would be this YA and comic shit? NOW we see the real danger of those two re-writing the original. If they're going to do a graphic novel there's a good danger it will be of Dune itself, same goes for YA.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

Sorry for the back to back posting, but I just realized that he called the sword masters and the mentats Great Schools. Where's the quote that says ONLY TWO Great Schools survive, The Guild and the BG? Also FH never mentions what the others were, just says that they are gone to give a sense of decay (IMO).

Not only did he call two groups Great Schools that Frank Herbert specifically did not list amonst Great Schools - he MISSED the bloody Guild? Jeez... :shock:

They'll retcon it in advance though by saying that these were once Great Schools but they have fallen lower by the time of Dune.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by TheDukester »

Yeah, Bobo mentioned this sort of thing more than once during his "Summer of Discontent" last summer. That's really where some of us — well, mostly me and Chiggie, since we groove on shit like this — really started to notice some cracks in the armor. Spanky dissing Bobo pretty blatantly ("Brian had a difficult day") ... Bobo letting Spanky know who was in charge ("We'll be ending the series sooner rather than later") ... miserable sales ... almost no critical reaction ... and on and on. I really need to start cataloging some of these links. :)

In at least two places I remember, Bobo said something to the effect of "We're stopping at 20 Dune books." (I think it was 20). His tortured logic was as follows: six from FH; 10 so far from the two Corpse-Rapers; plus one for Leto finishing off the Heroes series; plus three for the Schools series) ... 6+10+1+3 = 20. Which is all good entertainment, of course, but it continues to raise obvious concerns:

1. How does this change of plan affect Bobo's math?

2. What happens when Bobo, in his late 60s, either shuffles off this mortal coil, or else just throws in the towel and says "I just don't want to do this any more."
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by SandChigger »

I'd love to know what was behind the delay in the announcement. ;)

I mean, Hackerson & Ballin' Chain fly off to NY to nobhob with the agents & publishers and pretty much as soon as they're back the hints start dropping. But it still takes them three weeks to find the gumption and spin an angle to really come out and say what's going on. And during that time KJA purportedly slips off to "brainstorm" with Brian, very hush-hush even though he's always blabbed the event well in advance in the past.

I'd like to think that the incredibly arrogant Heroes NON-series was originally Kevin's idea. That Brian had to be talked into doing them. (Or signing off on them, as the case may be.) That things didn't go as swimmingly as KJA and the ROT/Gorge publisher braintrusts had hoped, and when they (whoever) decided to pull the plug, Brian got stroppy and (tried to) put his foot down.

Because no matter how much we make fun of how stupid they are, I'm pretty certain that there isn't anyone among them who is too addled to realize what a loss of face is represented by dropping a planned and announced series — sorry, NON-series! — HALFWAY THROUGH. :lol:
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by TheDukester »

It just hit me that it'll never be finished, either. :shock:

Not unless they change the plan again, that is. Because no-way-no-how is Brian "Hard Livin' " Herbert going to be able to come back for two more books after three books of Skools of DUNE on an every-other-year basis. For one thing, he'll be well along into his seventies by that point; for another, I actually think he's serious about stopping the gravy train at some point (referencing his claims from last summer's "Tour of Difficult Days").

Heroes of DUNE is ... well, it's dead. :dance:
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

I must say, I am actually starting to feel cautiously optomistic about Heroes being abandoned. Aside from the travesty that was Dune 7, Leto II of Dune was going to be the worst possible thing they could ever write - the idea that it might not get written is amazing.

One small point though, if the first one/the movie have any success at all I doubt the Schools series will be every second year, they'll probably speed back up.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by D Pope »

A Thing of Eternity wrote::lol: I just skimmed the actual interview, look at this Q&A:
Q: Will you continue to write more Dune novels after you've finished with Heroes?

A: You could write them forever, but would they be substantial enough to be a major Dune novel? Maybe there could be Young Adult; there could be graphic novels that take little aspects of it. But we think there are perhaps three more Dune novels after Heroes. We may go on to the founding of the great schools: Dad says there are five, but we're going to do it in three. You've got the Bene Gesserit -- that would be The Sisterhood of Dune; then there's The Mentats of Dune and The Swordmasters of Dune
Ho ho, BH himself saying this shit is thinning out (in so many words). They're running close to the limit in his opinion, I think they just might finish this Schools series and then come back to finish Heroes and that might be the end of the books (at least for a while until they think up something more...).

And... drum roll... Young Adult stuff. Wow, didn't seee that coming. :roll: And comics.

The question that makes me afraid is this: If he thinks they're running out of story, then what exactly would be this YA and comic shit? NOW we see the real danger of those two re-writing the original. If they're going to do a graphic novel there's a good danger it will be of Dune itself, same goes for YA.
I don't know, maybe he's had this 'opinion' dumped on him; like by the publisher? What ever the reason, I can totally see KJA firing BH's handler.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by TheDukester »

A Thing of Eternity wrote:One small point though, if the first one/the movie have any success at all I doubt the Schools series will be every second year, they'll probably speed back up.
Yes, that's an interesting "what-if?" scenario. There is a big difference between annual and every-other-year, especially to a man in his late 60s.

The wild card in all this would seem to be Hellhole. Big flop? Reasonably successful? Do they really want to be doing this series or is it more of a "we will prove you wrong, you mean haters!" sort of thing? Can Spanky get Bobo to come out of his cave often enough to "brainstorm" both McDune and Hellhole books?

The mind reels ...
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by SandChigger »

In the deepest, darkest parts of my twisted psyche where I actually still want to like him, I wonder if...

Hopes of taking over when Uncle Brian finally kicks off may be why Byron Merritt plays the ultra-shill and lets KJA get away with so much shit...

Then I remember what an asshat pickle fucker he is. :hand:
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Kojiro »

SandChigger wrote:In the deepest, darkest parts of my twisted psyche where I actually still want to like him, I wonder if...

Hopes of taking over when Uncle Brian finally kicks off may be why Byron Merritt plays the ultra-shill and lets KJA get away with so much shit...

Then I remember what an asshat pickle fucker he is. :hand:
Well, he is one generation removed from Frank. Too much blood dilution there for him to retain any redeeming qualities.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by lotek »

you forget brian, being closer generation wise didn't help him either...
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Kojiro »

lotek wrote:you forget brian, being closer generation wise didn't help him either...
But we're starting to see some resistance from Brian now now aren't we?
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by Nekhrun »

Kojiro wrote:
lotek wrote:you forget brian, being closer generation wise didn't help him either...
But we're starting to see some resistance from Brian now now aren't we?
Don't get your hopes up.
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Re: Bobo' tells all! Brian gives an interview!

Post by merkin muffley »

Nekhrun wrote:
Kojiro wrote:
lotek wrote:you forget brian, being closer generation wise didn't help him either...
But we're starting to see some resistance from Brian now now aren't we?
Don't get your hopes up.
BH has no passion. Ain't happening.
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