New Graphic Novel to make fun of

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the rev
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New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by the rev »

I was looking at books for sale on Amazon and had the misfortune to come across a new graphic novel called Dune: The Graphic Novel Part 1 that will be released November 24th. 'Adapted' by two bad writers. ... NrPXRydWU=

The worst part is that it's only Part 1. Already trying to cash in on the movie. I shudder to think that a new generation of Dune 'fans' immersion into the Dune universe will be watching the movie then reading the shitty graphic novels. Since most of them will think the Frank Herbert stuff is too long and difficult to read. And that the graphic novels will be an honest synopsis of the original series which of course it won't be. No doubt there'll be not so subtle ties between the graphic novel and the shitty preq/seq universe. To smooth out the inconsistencies and trick new readers into thinking they're missing something if they only read the books Frank wrote.

I also watched a trailer for the new movie. It has potential to be good but I hate that they're still using elements from the Lynch movie. Considering how big a failure it was it's strange how much it's insinuated itself into the fabric of Dune. I should go into detail in the thread about the movie but it passed the first test. It didn't look terrible.
the rev
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by the rev »

I just noticed in the Dune media section there's a thread about the graphic novel. Didn't look there because I smelled the Anderson/Brian stink and went straight to the preq/seq section. If a moderator wants to consolidate my post into the main thread, delete it, or leave it here doesn't matter to me.
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by Freakzilla »

Moved to Dune Media :D
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by jardindegivre »

I looked through the first issue of the comic version of Keith & Bobo's House... something (the first one of their god-awful novels...) and I have to say this : it's awful... The designs are hideous and look like cheap imitation of a Marvel or DC standard substandard space opera. At the end, there is a teaser of the first issue of Frank's first book and it doesn't fare better, design-wise. Duke Leto looks like Duke (same "title"... maybe there is an obscure link!! :roll: ) from the old G.I. Joe cartoon and once again, they chose an artist with very limited vision.

This is clearly an attempt to cash in on the movie, which will never beat the Lynch attempt, (despite all that our esteemed moderators can say :mrgreen: ) which art direction was the most successful aspect.

I wasn't really keen on Bobo's refusal to republish the Dune Encyclopedia, but now, with the movie, the TV series and the comics (I dare not call them graphic novels), he's come out as a mercantile little spoiled brat jealous of daddy's talent.

Anyway, as Muad'Dib used to say "What do you despise? By this are you truly known"
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by xcalibur »

more of the same, I see.

as for the Lynch movie, it was halfway competent, which is more than can be said for most Dune related media. that's why it has such a good reputation -- it's less bad than other things.
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by famicommander »

xcalibur wrote:more of the same, I see.

as for the Lynch movie, it was halfway competent, which is more than can be said for most Dune related media. that's why it has such a good reputation -- it's less bad than other things.
I don't see how anyone could have this opinion about the Lynch movie.

I saw the Lynch movie as a kid and hated it so much I didn't read the original novel for 20 more years (after I finally read it, I burned through all six Frank novels in less than 10 months).

It's not a good movie for someone who hasn't read the book, and if you have read the book then all the changes it makes should be too much to bear. The stupid weirding modules? Come on.

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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by georgiedenbro »

famicommander wrote: I don't see how anyone could have this opinion about the Lynch movie.

I saw the Lynch movie as a kid and hated it so much I didn't read the original novel for 20 more years (after I finally read it, I burned through all six Frank novels in less than 10 months).
FWIW, I had seen Lynch's Dune first, prior to reading Dune, maybe by about 2 years or so (saw the film a few times at age 13, read the book age 15). I LOVED the movie, and found the book better but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the film. In fact, I would say that I've always just considered them different products entirely, so the movie bits don't clash with what I think the book should look like. Even the stupid rain/messiah stuff at the end is cool cinematically, despite it being literally the opposite of what the book intended. You know what? I still love the movie, and once in a while I watch a mega-compilation version including all deleted scenes and those that didn't make it to post. I think the cast is incredible, minus the Baron who I don't particularly care for. And Duncan is a little lame too, for his short appearance.
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Re: New Graphic Novel to make fun of

Post by xcalibur »

famicommander wrote:
xcalibur wrote:more of the same, I see.

as for the Lynch movie, it was halfway competent, which is more than can be said for most Dune related media. that's why it has such a good reputation -- it's less bad than other things.
I don't see how anyone could have this opinion about the Lynch movie.

I saw the Lynch movie as a kid and hated it so much I didn't read the original novel for 20 more years (after I finally read it, I burned through all six Frank novels in less than 10 months).

It's not a good movie for someone who hasn't read the book, and if you have read the book then all the changes it makes should be too much to bear. The stupid weirding modules? Come on.

Even David Lynch doesn't like David Lynch's Dune.
As Georgie said, the film is different enough from the books in character, tone, and even plot that it doesn't clash, and I can evaluate the film on its own merits. I wouldn't say it's great, but it's the least bad Dune adaptation I've seen thus far. Maybe the new movie will do better, but that remains to be seen.
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