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Posted: 02 Dec 2008 14:05
by Drunken Idaho
That's what I never understood about the Bloc. In the US, they'd be called treasonous. I'd love to see NDP gain more power though.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 15:12
by Omphalos
I dont understand all the interrelationships in Canadian politics yet, though I have learning lately, with all the discourse on this site. But it seems to me that this is exactly the kind of thing that I distrust aobut multi-party coalition governments. Isnt the conservative power base up there still pretty new?

Then again, maybe this is an example of a strong third-world government excersising its power to reform quickly when needed? I doubt that though, not because I understand the system, but because Im cynical.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 15:35
by GamePlayer
Don't like the idea of this coalition. I don't care if it's "technically" allowable and legal "by the book". These three parties know they don't have jack in common as far as issues, they just want the Conservatives out so bad they are willing to play "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Shit like this just makes me want to vote against them all the more and if we get an election, I can't wait to smash their little coalition to pieces. I'd vote Green before I'd vote for these jackals.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 15:44
by A Thing of Eternity
I've had to decide to stop giving a shit for now. They're all pretty damned useless, and I'm tired of it. When I have more energy to waste on a bunch of bullshit artists I'll start voicing a political opinion again, because that's all I'm doing is voicing an opinion on who's bullshit smells the worst.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 15:49
by GamePlayer
That's a tough one. :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:21
by A Thing of Eternity
Very tough one. Like I said, I've lost most of my energy for this topic, but I'd have to say it's damned near a three way tie between the Conservatives-Liberals-NDP on the BS-O-Meter, the Bloc at least is what it is and spews relatively little BS. Regardless of which party might be closest to my views they're all so full of answer dodging super powers that I could give a crap who runs the country right now.

I'm coming to terms with the fact that there may not be a party for me in this country, so I really might be stuck with voting strategically against the worst ones for the rest of my life. :(

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:34
by SandRider
sorry, got to do this :
omph wrote:maybe this is an example of a strong third-world government excersising its power to reform quickly when needed?
did you just call Canada "third-world" ?

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:39
by A Thing of Eternity
SandRider wrote:sorry, got to do this :
omph wrote:maybe this is an example of a strong third-world government excersising its power to reform quickly when needed?
did you just call Canada "third-world" ?
I saw that and then forgot to respond to it...

YEAH?! Did you just call Canada third-world? I thinks you may be using the term a tinsy bit wrongly. :wink:

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:46
by Drunken Idaho
LOL@Third world

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have infrastructure, democracy, and all the rest up here, what about you guys?


Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:51
by A Thing of Eternity
Drunken Idaho wrote:LOL@Third world

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have infrastructure, democracy, and all the rest up here, what about you guys?

I just tested the tap and water was indeed flowing, I think that's a good sign. :wink:

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:53
by GamePlayer
Oh, come now. Everyone knows it's all seals and igloos up here. No need to play coy :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 16:59
by A Thing of Eternity
GamePlayer wrote:Oh, come now. Everyone knows it's all seals and igloos up here. No need to play coy :)
Did you see that episode of "Talking to Americans" where Rick Mercer convinced a bunch of people that our parliment building is a giant igloo in danger of melting? :lol:

I love that guy.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 17:11
by GamePlayer
Yeah, Mercer is great :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 17:20
by Omphalos
SandRider wrote:sorry, got to do this :
omph wrote:maybe this is an example of a strong third-world government excersising its power to reform quickly when needed?
did you just call Canada "third-world" ?
Oops! :oops: Wish I could say that was a fat-finger, but its obviously a product of a non-working mind. Of coruse I meant first world.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 18:36
by Spicelon
Hey, I don't think it's third world. I love our northern states! ;)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 18:40
by Omphalos
America's Attic: You often forget its up there, but when you remember and go, you find that its loaded with cool stuff!

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 19:00
by Drunken Idaho
"Global Warming could potentially cause the polar ice cap above canada to split in two, making Canada bi-polar..."

- Rick Mercer, Talking to Americans

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 20:50
by Drunken Idaho
Baraka Bryan wrote:"Congratulations Canada on legalizing staplers" :lol: it's in 4 parts
NICE! I forgot they did a whole special on this...

"Congratulations Canada on preserving your National Igloo."

- Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 13:51
by A Thing of Eternity
Talking to Americans:

"... our Canadian neighbors to the South" was one of my all time favorites. :lol:

Or that time he went to Harvard and had the students and professors saying all kinds of ridiculous things. "Prime Minister John Poutine"! :lol:

So many memories... to be fair some of the questions he asked were asking a bit much of foreigners, I don't know the locations of all the US states myself, so when he convinces someone that there's a baby seal hunt in Saskatchewan I'm not laughing as hard as I am at stuff like "Canada to the South".

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 13:54
by A Thing of Eternity
Baraka Bryan wrote:true... it's great where the kid says "wait, Canada has provinces!"
I remember that one. :D It's great when the kids outsmart the adults.

I always wondered how many people he had to film just to find ones that gave such monumentally stupid answers. Tens, Hundreds?

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 14:17
by GamePlayer
It's just for a laugh. I bet you could do "Talking to Canadians" and get a bunch of dumb answers too. It's just not as funny because it doesn't play into the American stereotype. :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 14:28
by A Thing of Eternity
GamePlayer wrote:It's just for a laugh. I bet you could do "Talking to Canadians" and get a bunch of dumb answers too. It's just not as funny because it doesn't play into the American stereotype. :)
Of course. Every American I've ever met has known that Canada was to the north, and that we don't live in igloos! I've actually only ever met a few people who fit into the "American Stereotype" and most of those people have been Canadians.

Still hilarious though!

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 15:06
by GamePlayer
Just because it's wrong, doesn't mean it's not hilarious :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 15:19
by GamePlayer
I tried to find the sexism demotivator, but I couldn't see it online. It's this sexist joke about a math test, with a question featuring a fictional character named Tracey. The student is asked to provide an example why Tracey is wrong. I found the original "math test" picture (and it's funny enough on it's own), but I couldn't find the demotivator (which is far more funny). It goes "Sexism: Just because it's wrong, doesn't mean it's not hilarious" :)

Posted: 03 Dec 2008 16:43
by A Thing of Eternity
Just to get back on topic I've decided I am against this coalition. Not because of the Bloc though - I have no problem with a seperatist party. But - as much as I don't like the Conservatives, I really don't agree even with politicians changing parties without the consent of their constituancy (that really is just pissing on your voters in my opinion) so I can't stand for something like this. I like the Bloc, the NDP and the Liberals more than the Conservatives, but this isn't Democratic.

As annoying as it would be, there should either be a vote of non-confidence and a new election, or let the Conservatives run the government. End of story. IMO.