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Book store happiness

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 23:03
by GamePlayer
Figured you guys would like to hear this; I went to a local book store this weekend (non-chain, but huge; it's three floors) and looked for "H" in the fiction section. Not only were all six of the original Dune books on the shelf (a few with multiple copies) but they also had three other non-Dune books from Frank. By comparison, they had only two of the hack's books and that was it. They also had one copy of the Pile of Dung hardcover in the discount section (10% off all HC in this section).

Put's a smile on the face :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 23:25
by Omphalos
Bout time, I say.

Posted: 30 Nov 2008 23:27
by TheDukester
That gives me the same warm fuzzies I feel when stores keep the Robert E. Howard section pure, instead of shelving all Conan pastiches under "Howard."

Whatever store that is: keep up the good work.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 05:02
by SandChigger

Oblivion is the tomb of shiteful writers! :D

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 11:08
by Seraphan
And they shall be mocked and remembered as such, making it their own purgatory.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 12:59
by Ampoliros
Yeah, i'm a huge conan fan, and always heard the L.Sprague stories were crap. After reading a couple of them, they were right! Sprague's Conan is almost as bad as Hack's Dune. They actually have him use tools to climb a tower. /facepalm

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 14:02
by TheDukester
Ampoliros wrote:Yeah, i'm a huge conan fan, and always heard the L.Sprague stories were crap. After reading a couple of them, they were right! Sprague's Conan is almost as bad as Hack's Dune. They actually have him use tools to climb a tower. /facepalm
For some real juicy author hatred, it's educational to spend some time lurking near some "pure Howard" fans who loathe DeCamp.

We here are complete lightweights when it comes to the utter contempt that DeCamp receives from the REH purists (a group I am very proud to be a part of). The best part: the man just recently died! And still the scorn comes in gigantic tidal waves ... in fact, it might have gotten worse since DeCamp died. :)

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 15:27
by Omphalos
I had no idea that there was so much animosity towards de Camp for that. I think that de Camp is one of the best writers that the fantasy genre ever had. I loved his stories, but his writing style is so far superior, IMHO to everyone else that writes fantasy. He is up there near the top, AFAIAC.

on Gameplayers point

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 15:42
by Sole Man
I find it intresting that the stre would do that right around Chirstmas time...

That doesn't really make me happy, or make me show any kind of emtion towards it. Now, if they had lit the books on fire, or tied them up in a noose, or fed them to a cow who crapped them out, reate them, ad sent the second crap t othe hacks themsevels, then maybe you'd intrest me.

Until then, :roll:

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 15:54
by TheDukester
Omphalos wrote:I had no idea that there was so much animosity towards de Camp for that. I think that de Camp is one of the best writers that the fantasy genre ever had. I loved his stories, but his writing style is so far superior, IMHO to everyone else that writes fantasy. He is up there near the top, AFAIAC.
I don't know about "best ever," but I see where you're going. At least DeCamp had verifiable talent, unlike The Hiking Hack or The Useless Sidekick.

The REH crowd is pretty much not that interested in DeCamp's non-Howard efforts. Their (and mine, too, I guess) platform of hatred is based on three points:

1. That, from as early as the 1950s, DeCamp profited hugely from his backroom dealings to control REH's writings, and that his primary motivation was, in fact, monetary (*cough*sound familiar?*cough*)

2. That DeCamp had no business heavily editing REH stories for publication, finishing incomplete REH stories, and continuing Conan's adventures with a series of God-awful stories.

3. That DeCamp, more than any other single person, did more to damage REH's reputation, both critically and with the general public, than any other single person. (It's DeCamp who pretty much championed the "REH committed suicide because he had mommy issues" myth that still dogs Howard to this day).

Re: on Gameplayers point

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 15:56
by TheDukester
Sole Man wrote:I find it intresting that the stre would do that right around Chirstmas time...

That doesn't really make me happy, or make me show any kind of emtion towards it. Now, if they had lit the books on fire, or tied them up in a noose, or fed them to a cow who crapped them out, reate them, ad sent the second crap t othe hacks themsevels, then maybe you'd intrest me.

Until then, :roll:
I hope you'll believe me when I say that the following line is written with complete sincerity:

HUH? :?

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 17:07
by GamePlayer
Why Duke, you're not actually reading his posts now are you? Bad Duke :)

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 17:57
by SandChigger
Silly Duke. :D

(But reading this little exchange resulted in this sobering thought: Imagine what a riot a spelling bee between Sloey and Simon would be! :shock: )

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 20:19
by SandRider
I was in my LittleBigTown today - fucking neurosurgeon's a PUSSY - wants
another MRI (at $3,000) (already had TWO) and is sending me back to
the moron orthosurgeon to see if he wants to replace my fucking hip before
he considers spinal surgery .... fucking crock, goddamn insurance scam, bastards.


I went to the little mall & into the chain bookstore - the one PoD copy they have
is still shelved with the Scientology books, so that made me feel better. but then
I got to looking at the rows and rows and rows of Star Wars books - authors
I've never heard of, characters I've never heard of and I realized:

this is exactly what Keith wants to happen to Dune.

then I was pissed off again.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 20:45
by Omphalos
SandRider wrote:I was in my LittleBigTown today - fucking neurosurgeon's a PUSSY - wants
another MRI (at $3,000) (already had TWO) and is sending me back to
the moron orthosurgeon to see if he wants to replace my fucking hip before
he considers spinal surgery .... fucking crock, goddamn insurance scam, bastards.
Do you have some sort of degenerative disc diesease, or is this from trauma? I think I remember you saying that you had gone through a course or two of epidural steriod injection. I guess that didnt work, huh?

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 20:54
by SandRider
degenerative disc - cocksucker between L4&L5 ruptured about three
months ago - took a month for them to figger that out. one guy thinks
the disc between L4&L3 is fixing to blow - he's the one talking about a
double fusion - but now there's this hip bullshit - I don't care I'm just
wanting something done - pain's the worse I've ever had, and I done
been shot. Pain meds were helping a little, but seem to have little effect
now, just makes me loopy & more incoherent than normal.

christ, tho, those steriod injections were painful, and then three weeks of
traction three times a week, that's what messed my hip up - atleast I
wasn't having any pain in the hip before that.

gettin' old's a motherfucker. avoid it at all costs ...

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 22:24
by Omphalos
Ah. That's a bitch. By "double fusion" do you know if they mean an anterior/posterior approach or fusion at two levels? Probably the latter, but I spend a good part of every week reading medical records about back surgeries and I have seen that term used for both. Still though, Im surprised that the injections arent working, or at least giving you some temporary relief. Have you had a discogram yet to find out if there are problems at other levels? Is your disk pulped and are the spine levels touching at all? If that thing was pulped on the last MRI, Id tell your doctor that he has what he needs to justify the recommendation to the insurance company and ask him to make that clear to them.

Posted: 01 Dec 2008 23:13
by SandRider
yeah, double fusion meaning L3,L4&L5. L5's already compressed pretty good too apparently for quite awhile. The disk between L4&L5 is ruptured and the material is pushing against the nerve causing the pain down my right leg. It's compressed pretty good too but not touching yet. The insurance isn't the issue, I've got great coverage; the surgeon just seems to be a lollygagger. Wants to "try everything else first - surgery as a last resort". I just want to get walking again ASAP - I've got about a five minute window of standing up before it feels like there's a crysknife stuck in my leg, walking any distance is out of the question, even with a cane and loaded up on pain pills and whiskey. laying down, I'm almost fine - i can sleep better now, which a few weeks ago I wasn't able to, but then the pain wasn't as bad then when standing. Sitting's okay too, but a bitch when I get up. Mainly it's the pain in the leg now, the back's not bad comparatively. And I know I shouldn't take the pills and drink and I really don't give a fuck. Shouldn't smoke two packs of camels a day and whore around with tittie dancers, but I do.I've lived alot longer than I had any right to, anyway.

Boring the hell out of the board yet ?
Wait til I tell ya'll about my bout with the goiter ....

Man, did my feet swell up! you wouldn't believe .....

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 00:04
by Omphalos
Just tell him to do the fucking operation. He'll do it.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008 11:44
by GamePlayer
Yeah, it was one of the big ones down on Bloor. I forget the name.