Spice Grandson wrote:Serkanner,
I guess I'd ask you why you felt the need to include my children in any commentary related to our discussions. They're not HLP members and have nothing to do with the Dune material other than they are my kids. You could've easily have said something like "Byron's saving up to buy a new car," or "Byron's helping Brian buy a new mansion." But instead, you chose to drop to the lowest level and I think we both know why.
The other comments in this post are adequately answered by other forum members. I will therefore only comment on the part directed at me personally.
Why your children?
Because your children are important to you. You earn money for them, you feed them, you educate them, praise them when they do good and scold them when they are bad.
Nothing in this world comes for free though.
You have chosen that ANY way to give your children the best start in life as possible is allowed; the end justifies the means.
It is YOUR decision that I have a problem with ... not your children. By mentioning them I managed to get your attention in a way I hadn't foreseen but in hindsight allows me to make the statement that indeed in your case: the end justifies the means.
YOU are willingly letting your grandfather's legacy be vomited on by two ( putting it friendly ) mediocre writers. YOU have agreed, as HLP member, to let KJA pile up a mountain of dung and put the word Dune on it year after year after year. YOU earn money from that pile. YOU raise your children with that "blood money" ... because: the end justifies the means.
You can not be objective BECAUSE your children are involved. Your heart might scream ATROCITY when reading your uncle's crap but it pays the bills doesn't it? It also pays part your children's upbringing. Again you must think: the end justifies the means.
For you it would be easy to defend your decision to buy a new car or mansion, because then there is just greed involved. Having children is something else and as Orald has pointed out it is the decent thing to do to give your children the best head-start in life as possible. I FULLY agree with that.
In other words it is YOU who brought your children into the equation by being a HLP member and accepting money for the work you do for it.
You could have chosen to be just Byron Merritt, wannabee writer who became a nurse. YOU have chosen to be part of McDune and it is THAT decision that I target by bringing your children in.
I do not believe in: the end justifies the means. You have proven that YOU do by supporting McDune and getting paid for it.