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Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 24 May 2012 21:07
by Dirty Tleilaxu
I say this without irony. Frank Herbert's Dune books are a spirtual work, they are special. I've been reading them for 15-17 years. I don't know how many times I've read them. I would guess that I've read Duneat least 20 times. The rest I've read at least once every two years. I still find new meaning within them, as I grow older I find new facets.

I am disgusted by what Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson have done. I read a couple of their "books." It was like having fish hooks dragged through my brain.

Check out No mention of the anger or controversy their greed has caused among readers. Nor is there any on Kevin Anderson's page. If you check out the discussion pages, you'll see comments on both pages by NihonJoe defending the lack of criticism. Paid shill?

My web Prana-Bindu is weak, are there people with Wikipedia street-cred that can fix this? Maybe some of you know someone who is an editor at wikipedia.

As for Brian and Kevin. Frank Herbert said it best in Children of Dune

Burning be on you, Atreides! You shall have no souls, nor spirits, nor bodies, nor shades nor magic nor bones, nor hair nor utterances nor words. You shall have no grave, nor house nor hole nor tomb. You shall have no garden, nor tree nor bush. You shall have no water, nor bread, nor light nor fire. You shall have no children, nor family nor heirs nor tribe. You shall have no head, nor arms nor legs nor gait nor seed. You shall have no seats on any planet. Your souls shall not be permitted to come up from the depths, and they shall never be among those permitted to live upon the earth. On no day shall you behold Shai-Hulud, but you shall be bound and fettered in the nethermost abomination and your souls shall never enter into the glorious light for ever and ever.

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 25 May 2012 03:52
by lotek

This would have made a fine introduction though.

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 25 May 2012 08:58
by SandRider
there are some veterans of the WikiWars around here,
and I'm sure there are some old threads that document
the quagmire that the Dune Wiki became ....

(of course, in the past, Keith did have a more loyal and slavish band
of shitheels and douchebags who devoted their lives to deleting and
editing OH entries ... it might be an easier task now ...)

my position on the wikis (and in general) is simply that the value and merit
of the McDune is right there on every page ... if a person reads a McDune,
and is not enraged or offended, they are most likely too stupid to understand
Frank, anyway ... so that person is no loss ....

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 25 May 2012 09:03
by Freakzilla
Lundse was in the thick of the WikiWars, I believe.

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 30 May 2012 05:20
by Lundse
Freakzilla wrote:Lundse was in the thick of the WikiWars, I believe.
Yeah. Back when it was about the canon issues. Unfortunately, there is little to be done re. wikipedia on that - even though we have black on white contradictions, any claim that they are contradictions would be original research according to the guildelines. Best case in keeping with policies: explain how it is described in Dune, and how is it described in McDune. Let anyone but utter morons figure out that KJA is a worthless hack for themselves.

Re. the author biographies, then there is a rule against editing anything yourself (at least it would look bad if there was disagreement). But since KJA has enough fanboys, that won't be a direct problem. They cannot, however, quote from his self-publicized work to support claims about him - twitter stuff, and probably the HLP Dune sites are not good sources on him. Jacurutu discussions are no good for us either, obviously - but actual reviews would be good. The cover-blurb industry is doing a number on anyone trying to make any balanced review here, unfortunately. The movie people have aggregators they can point to as "more authoritative", literature has nothing...

I did a bit of cleaning, but overall there are no major issues with the page - except being overly inclusive...

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 30 May 2012 05:30
by Lundse

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 22:25
by Sandwurm88
wrong language butthead. derriere-tete.

Re: Astroturfing at Wikipedia?

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 08:45
by lotek
labixiaoxin wrote:Waw ce post est tout simplement maifgnique ! Tes photos sont superbes et bien choisies et la dernie8re m’a mi le coup fatal lol j’adore cette sce8ne et ce film est l’un de mes pre9fe9re9s! Je vais voir la suite de ton blog tout de suite !
wow this post is just wonderful! Your pictures are wonderful and a good choice, that last one stroke the final blow. I love that scene and this movie is one of my favourites. I'm gonna check out the rest of your blog right now.

Fucking bots
And no lingerie pics either.