Where Others Have Gone: Advent

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Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by SandRider »

http://www.usul.net/fandom/marco/frames.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
inhuien wrote: Dune: Advent
Word Doc, If anyone wants to fix the formatting, It needs it. :)
http://hotfile.com/dl/77577851/7bc5fa6/ ... T.doc.html
http://hotfile.com/dl/77578261/a7942ed/ ... T.pdf.html
inhuien wrote:Improved version of of Advent, doc and pdf, in case any of you wish to mess about with it so more (Duneeesh, cough, cough :D ).
http://hotfile.com/dl/77600775/4d75271/ ... F.rar.html
Edit to add: I've just noticed that chapter Prologue: The Gate does not start on it own page. If it's big deal It'll take one minute to fix, just remember to backspace page 8 to the header to maintain correct paging from then on. If anyone can't edit .docs for what ever reason let me know.
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Re: Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by Omphalos »

Courtesy of inhuein:

http://tau.solahpmo.com/assets/dune_7_advent.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://tau.solahpmo.com/assets/dune_7_advent.doc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

He has some people to thank for this final product, so I'll let him add to this thread with them himself.

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Re: Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by inhuien »

Thanks for hosting that Omphalos, and all credit to the author Marco van Leeuwen and Dunefish for his most excellent font Orthodox Herbertarian. I encourage everyone to grab a copy as it's a fine looking doc, finally. :)
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Re: Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by E. LeGuille »

First time seeing this, and I gotta say I am very happy to done so! Very good stuff! :dance:
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Re: Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by zacher2005 »

So how's this ending different than the hack's?
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Re: Where Others Have Gone: Advent

Post by Naïve mind »

Not entirely sure who ‘the Hack’ is supposed to be, but having recently read this conclusion, I can recommend it. I'm not sure if I found the ending entirely satisfying, but the writing style is fairly Herbertian, and the characters are all true to form (with the possible exception of Duncan Idaho—but then, how is a multi-lifetimed swordsmaster mentat Ghola with supernatural perception supposed to behave?)
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