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Rudolph Wurlitzer's Blasphemous Screenplay

Posted: 11 Aug 2010 16:08
by Jodorowsky's Acolyte
Hal Yawm! I am glad to have steered my space-folding worm to back to the Hagal.

I've noticed everyone has been studying the various drafts of Lynch's screenplay, but is anyone aware of any internet archives of Rudolph Wurlitzer's screenplay for Dune?
Before anyone unsheath's their chrysknife into my blood, I will quote from Brian Herbert's DREAMER OF DUNE (even though I may evoke the deep-seething hatred of Jacurutu. B-La Kaifa)

"As Harlan Ellison reported in the June 1985 issue of Fantasy and Science, the third draft of Rudolph Wurlitzer's screenplay included an incestuous relationship between Paul and Jessica. As Ellison put it, "Have you ever heard Frank Herbert bellow with rage?"
I heard it on a number of occasions, including this one. Dad said he wasn't interested in any variation of this theme, including one in which Alia-- Paul's sister, as Dad wrote Dune [my edit: well duh!]-- becomes his daughter as well.
Appaled, Frank Herbert told Dino De Laurentis that Dune fans would never tolerate an incestuous relationship between their beloved characters, and De Laurentis agreed." (B. Herbert 322)

Because the screenplay seemed so blasphemous, I'm curious to see how Wurlitzer integrated this heretical meddling into DUNE's story, as well as see what other adaptive choices Wurlitzer made for the rest of the screenplay. Does any other acolyte know the whereabouts of this screenplay?

Re: Rudolph Wurlitzer's Blasphemous Screenplay

Posted: 11 Aug 2010 16:57
by Kojiro
Why? Do you have an odd fascination with self-induced punishment and pain? Best let slumbering, forgotten demons to rest.

Re: Rudolph Wurlitzer's Blasphemous Screenplay

Posted: 11 Aug 2010 18:57
by Jodorowsky's Acolyte
Primarily for historical purposes, and partially as a reference for a potential satire of artistic meddlings with DUNE.

The Demons of the past are probably better off rested and forgotten, but the history of DUNE's adaptive process fascinates me, and I would rather that the bad screenplays as well as the good screenplays were preserved for posterity, even at the cost of having these screenplays scorned and condemned by half or most of the Orthodoxy.

It probably should have been better advised for me to have asked if all the screenplays from Jacobs, Jodorowsky, Herbert, and Scott were available, rather than single Wurlitzer out as a primary request.

(Dino De Laurentis may have not liked Frank Herbert's screenplay, but how do we know it was that bad? It might have been good, but probably more suited for reading purposes than filming. Who knows?)

Re: Rudolph Wurlitzer's Blasphemous Screenplay

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 04:54
by inhuien
The only screenplays I've had the chance to look at were a few versions of the Lynch movie. I've never seen or heard rumours of their being any others online.

Rob or some of the others may be able to suggest somewhere but no me.

Re: Rudolph Wurlitzer's Blasphemous Screenplay

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 15:23
by Robspierre
I've only seen the different drafts for Lynch's version. HAving said that, here are a few sites:

If i can find the latest Creative Screenwriting Magazine, they have a list of sites with scripts as well.
