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DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:26
by Onasander ... 0900#70900" onclick=";return false;
Post Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:48 am

I think we should put aside the first tuesday of every month, for everyone to post something, here on the forums, in a thread of sorts...... it can be a new thread, or one already established. We can mention things from Frank's Novels, or even the miniseries or movies.... not opposed to the new books being discussed either. Discussion and activity is key.

My idea will be someone will post something- and then someone will follow-up with ideas. Then, other people (not just being the first person again) comment on the ideas, and a cascade of discussion will be unleashed. Once more than say- three people have posted, only then it becomes permissible for the first person to reply.

OMG! and LOLs will not count as a legitimate post, as they don't actually add anything to the post. Also- googlebots don't count either, all they do is lurk.

I'll be back on that Tuesday- can't wait to see you and the forum rocking! Wild and Crazy Dune Tuesday (every first tues of the month)........ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, you heard it- Dunenovels is set to overtake this site once again- I had the brilliant idea of dedicating a day where all the members of the site would.... post. It will take place the first tuesday of every month. If my projections are correct, with the kind of posting I am projecting, within several years, we will overtake your lot here..... and then won't you all feel like a bunch of non-posting, Dune hating jackasses, unable to compete against our hot fury. Oh year, you're going down bitches, DuneNovels pwns your asses :violin:

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:29
by SandChigger

Who knew it was possible to have such a profoundly developed case of Internet forum penis envy?


Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:31
by Omphalos
onetesticle wrote:My idea will be someone will post something- and then someone will follow-up with ideas. Then, other people (not just being the first person again) comment on the ideas, and a cascade of discussion will be unleashed. Once more than say- three people have posted, only then it becomes permissible for the first person to reply.
What an ingenious use for an internet message board! How did you come up with this? You're my heroine. Congratulations!

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:35
by SandChigger
Anusunder wrote:Once more than say- three people have posted, only then it becomes permissible for the first person to reply.
If DuneNovels has taught anyone (besides, you, obviously) anything, it's that rules stiffle discussion.

I look forward to watching the success with which your suggestion will be rewarded, and wish you and arny the best of luck in meeting it!


Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:43
by Nekhrun
THAT'S AWESOME!!! That break you took from posting over there was totally worth it to come up with this idea.

Thanks for your brilliant idea. This should really shake up the Dune community. I'll be sure to be there on Tuesday with my post!

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:50
by TheDukester
Wait a minute ... using an internet message board to post messages?!?!

That's just godamn crazy talk!

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 20:52
by Nekhrun
Don't you see? He wants to do it on one of the slowest days of the week to guarantee success! It's brilliant!

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 21:33
by Onasander
Your all just so very, very jealous. Soon, in a matter of days upon days, we will be posting over on Dunenovels in mass, and will very soon after that, many upon many days later, will have a major hollywood movie, and will post about it, and it will be so kewl, and you all will not be able to here, because only we will have access to the trailer's link, and in the corner of the video it will say 'do not distribute to jacurutu' so everyone knows not to include you all in on the fun.

This site is going to be so devastated, it's going to have to give up Dune all together and become a fansite for Cleopatra 2525. ... pisode,1,0" onclick=";return false;

:puke: :dance:

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 21:34
by Nekhrun
Onasander wrote:Your all just so very, very jealous. Soon, in a matter of days upon days, we will be posting over on Dunenovels in mass, and will very soon after that, many upon many days later, will have a major hollywood movie, and will post about it, and it will be so kewl, and you all will not be, because only we will have access to the trailer's link.

This site is going to be so devastated, it's going to have to give up Dune all together and become a fansite for Cleopatra 2525. ... pisode,1,0" onclick=";return false;

:puke: :dance:
Yeah, but even by your own account it's going to take years, so who gives a fuck?

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 21:38
by Onasander
you posted too quickly... not used to that.... it's like your hovering, waiting for it. Never saw bored/board activity like that before, it's impressive. It's like, someone with advanced Prana-bindu training who also has no life.... truly amazing to behold.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 21:58
by TheDukester
I guess I'm not getting it. Why do you need a special day to have you, that moron Arnoldo, and Freakin' Meow post a bunch of stuff that no one else will read? How is that different from any other day?

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 22:11
by Freakzilla
Allizkaerf wrote:Do deleted posts count? :P

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 22:28
by Nekhrun
Onasander wrote:you posted too quickly... not used to that.... it's like your hovering, waiting for it. Never saw bored/board activity like that before, it's impressive. It's like, someone with advanced Prana-bindu training who also has no life.... truly amazing to behold.
Which is why DN will never compete with us.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 22:52
by SandChigger
Onasander wrote:Your all just so very, very jealous.
Why yes! I'm positively struck GREEN with envy by you're superier grammer skillz.

Dumbfuck. :laughing:

Edit: Is this not the same moron who showed up here at the beginning of the month to piss and moan about the dearth of activity over there on DumbassNovels? Here: viewtopic.php?p=77827#p77827" onclick=";return false;

And NOW he's getting all Khrushchev and going to bury us? I rather think NOT. :lol:

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 01:54
by Ampoliros
Is this a joke?

You want Dune discussion, True Dune discussion? On the Official Forum?


IS this another of Sandchigger's Preview Chapter Pranks? Or are you really that... I don't know, there isnt a moniker for how effin retarded that idea is unless its a joke. Oh yeah I remembered what it was:


Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 01:59
by merkin muffley
Freakzilla wrote:
Allizkaerf wrote:Do deleted posts count? :P
Exactly. From what I can work out, his diabolical plan is to... post things on the forum? I've tried that over there before, and it doesn't work.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 02:02
by SandChigger
Ampoliros wrote:IS this another of Sandchigger's Preview Chapter Pranks?
How bloody RUDE. :snooty:


(No, he's not one of mine. In fact, I wish the dumbfuck would go away or at least remove "Cincinnatti" from his profile over there. Or spell it correctly. :roll: He and Simon are giving Ohio a bad name. :twisted: )

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 10:10
by Nekhrun
Tomorrow's the big day!!! (Chig, how's DN shaping up on your side of the dateline?)

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 10:13
by Ampoliros
Rude? Chigga Please! That was a classic prank.

Revitalizing Dune Novels is a joke no matter what the motivation. Oh wait, did they actually get a MODERATOR and not James Dobson to run the board?
Are they going to deal with constructive criticism that points out ABSOLUTE FAILS in the plot? Will they even touch a canon discussion?


Joke. Ain't laughin

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 10:26
by Onasander
First off, it's Shittinanti, but I already know that name won't fly, and I will change it once I move back to California this summer, not until then- this city is a third would country, and no one should live in ohio, it's disturbing, the whole fucking state.

The grammar stays the way it it, if it's good enough for spell check, it's good enough for me. Just gotta get used to it. A forum isn't a book, I type and post- no matter how badly written, it still looks better than most of the garbled, insane shit you put out about the KJA guy your so obsessed with. As vices are weighed, mine comes out okay.

And my reply on deletions over there to freak was.... deleted.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 10:46
by TheDukester
Onasander wrote:The grammar stays the way it it, if it's good enough for spell check, it's good enough for me. Just gotta get used to it.
This sort of assumes that anyone gives a shit about what you're** writing here. That assumption would be wrong.

**Note that "you are" gets contracted to "you're" ... not "your." Something for you to ponder as the wagon train rolls toward Cali.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:30
by Tleszer
Why would anyone post messages on a message board? This is madness! Will young Tleszer be knighted by the Freakn' Meower? (there's a pussy joke somewhere in there)

So apparently Onasander is a Cali girl. That would explain those dumb blond moments, m i rite guyz?

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:39
by A Thing of Eternity
He's joking guys, and now he's just taking everyone's reactions and running with it. Read his first post again and it'll be pretty clear that unless he's/she's completely unhinged then it's a joke.

Of course, I could be wrong and Anusunder could truly be that batshit crazy... :D

Us vs Them is due for an update in around a month and a half - we all know how it's going to go. Even if we continue in the downward trend we have seen since Xmas they're still toast, and will always be toast. Freak's the main contributer over there now, and even with his return DN's numbers continue to fall each review period.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 12:15
by Omphalos
Hmmmmm. Nope. She's a moron, and that plan was from the heart.

Re: DuneNovels is coming back!!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 12:28
by TheDukester
A Thing of Eternity wrote:He's joking guys ...
Not sure I buy that, given past posting history.

Either way: fail. As an attempt to kickstart some sort of bizarre competition: unsuccessful. As a joke: not funny.