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Convicted Killer Escapes During County Fair...?

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 12:02
by smugetsu
OK, I'm sorry, but this makes no sense to me.

Why in the hell would you take a convicted killer on a field trip to the county fair? Whether he's sane or not makes no difference! What the frak were they thinking?!?!?!?

CNN - ... index.html

Re: Convicted Killer Escapes During County Fair...?

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 16:20
by SandRider
aww, makes tons of sense.

wasn't in prison, he was in a state mental hospital.

depending on his in-house behavior, medications, treatment plan &etc,
his inclusion on the "field trip" might have been automatic, with whatever
peer-group he was housed with.

bad management bites 'em in the ass.

before reading the link, I had thought maybe he was a trustee of some sort,
from a state prison. same thing happens all the time - more emphasis is placed
on behavior and status in-house than the original crime or charge. if a guy keeps
his nose clean in the joint for awhile and jumps thru the right hoops, the system
can be manipulated no matter the charge, save safe-keeping death-row inmates.

looks like this guy was just a loony-tune, probably did the Thorazine shuffle on to
the bus when they told him to, and wandered off. I'm with the last quoted guy,
I guess I'd be a little concerned, too, when his meds wear off.

then again, with the tens of millions of citizens in prisons & mental institutions
in this country, I'm surprised this kinda thing doesn't happen several times a day.

Re: Convicted Killer Escapes During County Fair...?

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 04:30
by inhuien
SandRider wrote:then again, with the tens of millions of citizens in prisons & mental institutions
in this country, I'm surprised this kinda thing doesn't happen several times a day.
Who said it doesn't, you should see the city centres of here. Since bitch Thatcher introduced her "care in the community" programme the number of wet crotched, glass eyed unfortunates has sky rocketed.