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The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 20:37
by Freakzilla
My 4-year-old daughter begs me to watch The Rocky Horry Picture Show. Discuss...

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 20:55
by Redstar
How does she know of it?

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 21:33
by trang
I would vote a big negatory on that one. Stand alone on a tv not the same experience as drunk in a theatre. The themes are to mature for one of that wee age. Just my opinion.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 21:51
by TheDukester
That would be a non-starter for me. The themes are too adult and there's some scary images for kids.

Plus, she won't get to throw toast, spray water, and do all the other fun theater things.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:10
by SandRider
at four, the "adult themes" will be over her head, anyway.

there's not anything "scarier" in Rocky than in a Scoobie-Doo cartoon.

there's lots of music & singing & dancing, bright flashing colors & so forth.
I'd say make the popcorn and do the Time Warp. (again)

now, your son's a different story.....

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:37
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:now, your son's a different story.....

I expected different from you. :snooty:

First of all... she was introduced to it by me. A movie they show slightly edited on public TV.

I do the audience participation, severely edited.

She thinks Janet is BEAUTIFUL.


I must interject that I have explained to her that these are aliens (she has three older brothers, two of which know what sex is and probably host their own porn sites(OK, they have at least seen a couple of my Hustlers)) and that it is not normal to dress nor act (unless doing the Madison) like that.

She does not question the sex.

What I have the most dificult time explaining to her is why Frank kills Eddie.

Dare me to point out a network TV show that glorifies violence less and sex more.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:45
by Freakzilla

it points out a fundamental breakdown in our social values.

Sex is evil and murder is good. Unless you kill for sex.

You should all be ashamed.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:46
by Freakzilla



Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:50
by Freakzilla
trang wrote:I would vote a big negatory on that one. Stand alone on a tv not the same experience as drunk in a theatre. The themes are to mature for one of that wee age. Just my opinion.
I didn't drop my daughter of at the midnight movies, she sits in my lap and has PG.

Does screning your children [p]repare them for the outsde world?

Where do you draw the line?

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 22:56
by Freakzilla
Freakzilla wrote:
trang wrote:I would vote a big negatory on that one. Stand alone on a tv not the same experience as drunk in a theatre. The themes are to mature for one of that wee age. Just my opinion.
I didn't drop my daughter of at the midnight movies, she sits in my lap and has PG.

Does screning your children repare them for the outsde world?

Where do you draw the line?
I must tell y'all though...

MY first experience with RHPC was on eight (8) hits of window pane LSD. A few short months later I was in a tank sworn to defend the constitution.

However, I ended up in German Brothels.

Which is more civilized, the brothel or the desert war?

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 23:18
by Slugger
All I have to say is: That's two hours of my life I won't get back.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 23:19
by Freakzilla
Slugger wrote:All I have to say is: That's two hours of my life I won't get back.
Reading my posts or watching the movie?

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 00:01
by Slugger
Freakzilla wrote:
Slugger wrote:All I have to say is: That's two hours of my life I won't get back.
Reading my posts or watching the movie?
Watching the movie.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 02:12
by SandRider
blasphemer, be still.

& Freak, how drunk you been tonight ?

as far as explaining why Frankie kills Eddie,
skip the homosexual jealousy angle, if that's hard to explain to her -
tell her Eddie's just dinner, that's all ...

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 02:50
by Ampoliros
I think RHPS is brilliant, I would suggest it to NASA to study as the best glimpse into how to deal with a culture completely alien to the one you think you know.

I play the soundtrack at work sometimes, my boss grew up in that generation and the soundtrack is one of the few things we can agree on, outside Ren-faire Pirate music and the Beatles.

Re: The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 07:37
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:blasphemer, be still.

& Freak, how drunk you been tonight ?
Dear God, if you make my head stop hurting I swear I'll NEVER touch a drop of alcohol again! (Fingers crossed)

as far as explaining why Frankie kills Eddie,
skip the homosexual jealousy angle, if that's hard to explain to her -
tell her Eddie's just dinner, that's all ...
I told her Frank was jealous that Rocky liked Eddie. (and Eddie was crazy because he only had half a brain.)