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Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 00:58
by Nebiros
Let’s discuss the Great Kevin today. Let’s be somewhat serious about this.

Why or how is he the way he is? Is he happy? And what he gives to us.

We all know he “writes” terrible science fiction novels by dictating them in a recorder while going up mountains. Often his lack of creativity makes him write his own stories within the universes created by OTHER people.

Let’s discuss his motives and his mental state of health. We can all conclude that making up stories and hiking is his passion despite his lack of creativity. Is he aware or oblivious to his lack of creativitiy? This is very legitimate question to ask.

Let us look at the scenario where he is in fact aware that his writing is poor to say the least. He counters complaints from his critics by pointing out that millions of people do in fact buy his books. His ego is easily hurt, and wants to feel superior over people he sees as his enemies. Perhaps the attacks against him actually motivates him to keep writing because he does not want a few “talifan” to bring him down.

Now let us look at the more realistic scenario that he is completely oblivious. We know that he loves to do what he does and, going back to his ego, he strives to be one of “The Greats”. Unfortunately he is constantly encouraged by being nominated for writing awards and the millions of fanboys who consume every poorly thought out sentence he makes. I do not know how much love he is given by his family growing up or by his wife. But he seems to also do what he does because he wants to be loved by millions of fanboys. He does not notice any of the critics because his mind filters out the undesireables so he sees only what he wants to see.

He impresses his fanboys by writing three to six books every year hoping this will win them over. A speed that few authors go because they want their writing to be carefully thought out and creative so they will be remembered long after they are gone. Which brings me to my next point: when he passes away, while millions of people will have read his books, future generations will not remember his writings let alone himself. So he is only famous for a few million people of the present. But the number of future readers would be ten times more if he wrote something worthwhile as Frank Herbert and many other greats have proven. (Here is where I will need a little help. Could somebody tell me why he completely oblivious to this fact?)

His buddy Brian on the other hand is a different story. He should know better than to work with Kevin and should have learned long ago what good writing is gowing up with Frank Herbert as a father. My brief analysis of Brian is that he is a weak willed and passive person who let’s somebody like Kevin become his supperior for no particular reason. Perhaps he has not learned to face confrontations in life like school bullies. But another theory is he simply hated his father and angry that he did not inherit his father's genius and is only writing for the money and to urinate on his father’s grave.

Whatever it is that Kevin thinks or what fans of Frank Herbert think of him, nobody can deny that he makes money though what he does. He can definitely do more than put food on the table. If a SHRINK did an analysis of Kevin’s mental state of health, he/she would point out his arrogance, greed and an obession to being loved by many people. But the shrink would then advise Kevin to continue his lifestyle. Despite the negativity of the mental analysis, it has in fact brought him health and happiness and it is not living dangerously.

Or if we choose to ignore everything that I discussesd on this post, Kevin is just doing it for the money. And he does it with overwhelming success thanks to the ignorant masses. This is also possible since they have already back stabbed devoted fans twice with their short stories. And to be honest, not all of Kevin’s writings are terrible. Hiking worked for a while to impress people such as myself. But eventually he ran out of whatever little creativity he had (Hunters of Dune was where it ran out). This is proven by the declining sales of his books. But of couse this will not discourage him from milking every penny from persistent fanboys. But I must come to Kevin's defense here as I still sand by the fact that he is legally allowed to do what he does and fans are in no position to question him.

Now despite all our rabid hatred for Kevin, I can say that he is a source of amusement. There would be a LOT less comedy in all things Dune. I think most of us here are happy to have him as a punching bag and a source of great jokes and laughs. However, I’ll also say that without Kevin, we might have more meaningful convesations on the content of Frank Herbert’s Dune.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 02:29
by Hunchback Jack

interesting post. I'm very interested in these matters as well.
Let’s discuss his motives and his mental state of health. We can all conclude that making up stories and hiking is his passion despite his lack of creativity. Is he aware or oblivious to his lack of creativitiy?
Well, at the risk of setting myself up as a target, I don't think creativity is Kevin's problem. I think he can (and does) come up with interesting and cool ideas and premises for stories. Often based on others' universes or characters, granted, but I think he does have some great story ideas.

I think his problem is execution. He can't plot, create characters or use language effectively. He has no discipline when it comes to editing. He has no sense of pacing and can't generate tension. (But other than that, he's a great writer :) ).

As for whether he's oblivious, I think not.

I believe he thinks he's a very good writer. He measures his success in terms of output and income, and *he* loves what he writes. But he has deep-seated fears that he's not a *great* writer, that he'll never be recognised as one, that he'll never be an Asimov, Heinlein, Banks or Gibson.

He knows that the only way he can get recognition is to ride the coattails of an established franchise. He hoped that once he became famous, he would be recognised as *good*, but he can see that his original series don't sell as well as his Star Wars or Dune novels, and the awards haven't come. He looks at other authors who have gained everything he's always wanted - fame, money and respect - purely by writing in their own universes, and he is both envious and bitter.

I think he knows that he's not in the same league as his "critical darlings", but what can he do? He doesn't know how to write any other way. So he consoles himself with the knowledge that he writes six books a year, sell many copies (in others' universes), and has enough fanboys to feed his ego.


Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 03:31
by SandChigger
Hunchback Jack wrote:Well, at the risk of setting myself up as a target, I don't think creativity is Kevin's problem. I think he can (and does) come up with interesting and cool ideas and premises for stories. Often based on others' universes or characters, granted, but I think he does have some great story ideas.
Maybe he's Japanese: when not being truly original or creative, he at least has a genius for adaptation?


Nah, no way. And I think I just insulted the Japanese terribly with the comparison. :P

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 10:39
by GamePlayer
Kevin J. Anderson was never meant to be a writer. He simply does not have what it takes and that much is painfully apparent. That's really all there is too it. He's a writer because his ignorant persistence (his one true virtue) allowed him to ignore/bypass all the checks and balances in society which ordinarily would have long ago prevented people like Kevin from attaining financial liquidity in a creative field. This is not to say KJA is unique but only to acknowledge that he is a rarity that managed to crawl unawares between the barriers separating failure and success. Basically, KJA found a loophole and not such a loophole as to be built by his own design or will, but a loophole achieved by accident through a tragically oblivious tenacity.

His lamentable psychology is really what makes KJA so mono-dimensionally interesting and why that's the only thing that inspires me to write posts that go on in any length about the man. Looking at KJA, I can relate to the same morbid fascination that Tim Burton likely felt when he cultivated a desire to film the life of Ed Wood. KJA is an Ed Wood. A Russ Meyer. A John Waters. A Uwe Boll, even. A truly awful, talentless "creator" that ordinarily never would have achieved anything, but who slips through the cracks of an imperfect system and gains financial stability by fulfilling the low expectations of a very needy consumer demographic. These aberrations exist in every walk of life, not just within literature. They really are curious cases that merit discussion if for no other reason than to understand their incredibly unlikely path through life :)

As for the Japanese, well, if people create a less heterogeneous society in favour of a more homogeneous one, there will exist a state of depressed individual expression and vision. Having said that, as much as I may criticize the Japanese for their odd sociological tendencies (at least in relation to my own admittedly biased perspective), I would never insult any nation by comparing them to the bottom-of-the-barrel likes of KJA....with the exception of Idaho :wink: :P :lol:

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 11:03
by SandChigger
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 13:40
by Ampoliros
I'd really like us to stop labelling KJA as a Science fiction author. I think it was SC that pointed out hes much more of a "Science Fantasy" author. KJA is to Sci-Fi as 50's B movies are to Sci-Fi.

KJA Success = Bestseller, Popular, "Prolific", Name Brand.

Sci-Fi Success = Creativity, exploration, visionary work.

KJA is a serial romance manufacturer who writes in the wrong genre. Again, I think KJA would find much more success writing for Saturday Morning Cartoons. At least then we'll have psychological studies directed at if he is a leading cause of ADHD and Autistic behavior in children rather than just a leech off of them.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 14:12
by Omphalos
I'd like to think that Keith is a lot more aggressive than he comes off. In my mind I imagine his publisher, his editor and his wife cracking the whip on his sorry ass every time he plots aloud to bring us down (in my mind he rubs his hands together and looks like a mad scientist from the 30's). In fact, if there is any truth to the whole dictahiking thing, Ill bet he's out there because his wife sends him outside to "walk it off" with a Dictaphone.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 19:31
by SandChigger
:D That's a nice point.

I've always just assumed that his frequent trips away are HIM trying to get away from HER. But maybe it's really her kicking his fat ass out.

I like it. :lol:

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 23:47
by Rakis
KJA is an Ed Wood
But i like Eddy... :(

...and nobody would ever write or filmed a bio on KJA...

For me, KJA is like GM : He can mass produce something nobody wants and still say with arrogance that he blames the guy(s) in Japan for his mistakes... :lol:

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 19 Jul 2009 04:38
by SandChigger
:lol: :shock: :twisted: Hey!

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 19 Jul 2009 08:08
by trang
here's my profile: KJA is a literary assasin, out for profit, with no concern or remorse, period.

I hadnt even heard of KJA until two years ago, when Apjak mentioned there were other Dune books written by KJA and Brian. I never read any of the New Star Wars Books, X-files books, or others of that type, hell im surprised he didnt write in Star Trek as well. To this day I have never read any of his books outside McDune, and dont plan on it.

He is a complete null to me, other than the damage he does to Dune. I dont think he warrents analysis or discussion beyond that point. I do feel his efforts in the Duniverse deserve every syllable of ridicule we have given, and should be continued until he stops and, if possible, the damage can be highlighted and repaired.

I throw out the following points to shut him and his ego up:

1. I doubt all his books combined sales dont stack up to the sales of Frank Herberts Dune.
2. I dont see publishers doing 25th and 40ith aniversary publications of his books.
3. His books, including McDune, are on no ones top anything list.

One point, as sci-fi fans, think of all the different series you have read over the years. Have you ever seen any author do to another series (classic or not) what this idiot is doing to Dune? it is a very unique situation. I think that needs to be remembered.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 19 Jul 2009 14:08
by Skibum
It's not like he wakes up in the morning and wonders "how can I further ruin the Dune universe?"

He vilifies anyone who criticizes him (us) and therefore can ignore it. (If we're "bad" people who cares what we think?)

Most people get better at something the more they do it. Not for Kevin. He gets worse but believes that he is in fact getting better.

Kevin has no creativity. If he was creative he wouldn't have need four deus ex machinas to wrap up waterworms,a magical fairy pool to start the BG, etc.

Clearly he doesn't go out of his way to write shitty books. But he certainly does write shitty books.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 19 Jul 2009 21:09
by Frybread
For a guy who hikes a lot he sure is fat. Makes me wonder if Keith just takes a tape recorder, bag of chips, and liter of soda in a backpack and sits in the city park.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 07:35
by SandChigger
If Marlin Perkins were still alive, we could send him and Jim in and have them wrassle Kevin down and tag him with a radio transmitter. That way we could be sure where he is at any time and determine the scale of his migrations. I mean, movements.

Hey, it works for the Herberts with BoBo. He hasn't escaped from his keepers in years! :lol:

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 10:48
by SadisticCynic
I don't know if this has ever been brought up before, but in the Jedi Academy trilogy that Kevin wrote he sets up a few things that are immediately taken down by other authors. For example, he has Wedge Antilles begin courting an alien woman called Qwi Xux, but in a book set soon afterward (Starfighters of Adumar) Aaron Allston has them decide not to continue the relationship at the very start of the book and then her effect is ignored from then on, allowing Wedge to be connected to the character that would have made more sense (Iella Wessiri).

Also in a book (I, Jedi) set during the Academy trilogy, Mike Stackpole has his character Corran Horn basically criticise every choice Kevin had Luke make during the Academy events. Once I spotted this I had to wonder if this kind of thing is a deliberate jab at Kevin's trilogy. I wonder if he knows and if it annoys him?

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 11:17
by Hunchback Jack
Possibly not so much a jab at Kevin himself, but a necessary part of sharing a universe with the guy. Can you imagine trying to write Dune books which take place around KJAs disasters? You'd spent half your books trying to explain away all his inconsistencies and random nonsensical additions.


Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 12:41
by TheDukester
SadisticCynic wrote:... Mike Stackpole has his character Corran Horn basically criticise every choice Kevin had Luke make during the Academy events.
That's hysterical. Way to go, Mike!

I'll bet it does annoy TheKJA to no end. All of these shared-world authors know each other, and many are cut from the same mold (they work quickly, cheaply, and don't have much in the way of original thought). It's a pretty small clubhouse they are sharing; I'd guess resentment and jealousy builds up pretty easily.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 14:45
by Ampoliros
If you were another Author writing in the expanded Dune universe, the only way to explain some of KJA's shit would be to have the universe moving through a cloud of anti-particles which causes everyone to act as if they were drunk and operating at 1/4 their normal intelligence.

It's enough for me to believe that Stackpole's "I, Jedi" was commissioned specifically to refute some of the drivel written by KJA. IIRC after that KJA's only relationship after the Jedi Academy Trilogy with SW was editing the "Tales from..." series and the Young Jedi Knights 'series'.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 14:51
by Freakzilla
Every time I see someone use "editing" and "KJA" in the same sentance I can't help but laugh.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 14:54
by Ampoliros
True dat. I believe it was in the Tales of the Bounty Hunters that KJA wrote his famous "IG-88 is the Death Star II" story. So it obviously wasn't passed through Quality Assurance.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 15:28
by Tleszer
Ampoliros wrote:True dat. I believe it was in the Tales of the Bounty Hunters that KJA wrote his famous "IG-88 is the Death Star II" story. So it obviously wasn't passed through Quality Assurance.
Wait, what? I thought IG-88 was one of the bounty hunters commissioned by Vader during The Empire Strikes Back.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 15:33
by Freakzilla

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 15:51
by Hunchback Jack
he wrote Darksaber as well.


Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 17:05
by Ampoliros
Tleszer wrote:
Ampoliros wrote:True dat. I believe it was in the Tales of the Bounty Hunters that KJA wrote his famous "IG-88 is the Death Star II" story. So it obviously wasn't passed through Quality Assurance.
Wait, what? I thought IG-88 was one of the bounty hunters commissioned by Vader during The Empire Strikes Back.
Yes, But according to SW lore, IG-88 had downloaded his consciousness into multiple bodies out of self preservation and an attempt to increase his firepower. KJA took the idea and had IG-88 download his mind into the Death Star II and take over its computer core. I've only heard the horror stories about it, I've not read the actual story.

Re: Analysis of Kevin

Posted: 20 Jul 2009 17:40
by Tleszer
I'm speechless. I know of TheKeith's horrors, but that's... :puke: