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Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 10 Nov 2010 21:22
by Superdog
It might seem weird to some people that a Dune fan would hope the movie falls through, but we just need to wait for the Peter Jackson of Dune to come along. A talented artist with a definite vision to come up and hit a home run. I'm sure it will happen. As of now the situation is basically this:

HLP to Paramount: Make us a movie of Dune.

Paramount: Okay, we'll find some random fuckfaces to slap a sci-fi picture together because we're soul-less studio executives who have no artistic integrity.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 10 Nov 2010 21:39
by SandChigger
Unfront wrote:Pierre Morell out? Sweet. Here's to hope: Big Fail! Big Fail! :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: Massive Fail! :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :happy-cheerleadersmileyguy: Come on Epic Fail!!! :happy-wavemulticolor:
Definitely Post of the Day so far. :lol:

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 02:16
by SandRider
yeah, I agree with you, Chig ... I was just shocked, shocked I tell you, to see arnoldo's name and then,
fuck me if doesn't drop a plug for McDune .... and I've enjoyed taking the opportunity to toss the KJASFer
scandal out into public ... on the other hand, what ever happened to that "science fiction author" from
Philadelphia that I called a child rapist on Amazon ?

I agree that we should always endeavor to take the High Moral Ground in this battle; just because Keith and the The Other Guy
have been lying about Frank's Notes for ten years, and lying about us (hey, you ever receive a "thank you" from Uncle Mike
over that KJASF registration error, or an apology from Keith for telling all the Special Fans you "hacked" his treehouse ?) is
not justification for fabrication on our part - (and yes, you're right, they certainly do enough bonehead jackwagon stuff on
their own that embellishment is not necessary - on the other hand, I ain't never let The Truth stand between Me & A Good Story ...)

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 03:22
by Unfront
Thank you Chig. And yes, I agree. I do not want a new Dune movie to fail because I am a professional curmudgeon; however, I do not want a new movie to come out and be 1. Lame! or 2. A catalyst to promote the prequels. I want a quality Dune movie to come out that is true to the original Dune novel that we all know and love. If a new movie comes about and it is a Lynch Dune redux...then we have truly lost all hope.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 12:03
by merkin muffley
I'm still waiting to hear an explanation for the "four-part" thing... Harry?


Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 11 Nov 2010 20:05
by SandChigger
Yes, Harry, what WAS that about? :?

This made me giggle this morning:
ksander_n: @TheKJA There are rumors that new DUNE movie will be dead soon. Any comments on this? :(
about 15 hours ago via web in reply to TheKJA
TheKJA: @ksander_n Brian and I are not allowed to make any comments about the movie, but rumors tend to be overboard, as usual.
about 9 hours ago via web in reply to ksander_n
Doesn't know shit. As much in the dark as that knob in California. :roll:

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 08:48
by SandChigger
merkin muffley wrote:I'm still waiting to hear an explanation for the "four-part" thing... Harry?

I'm starting to get the feeling we're not going to get any sort of coherent answer on this... :roll:

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 08:54
by lotek
a good Dune movie(that is faithful to the message and artistic direction of Frank Herbert)would be the ultimate killing blow for mcdune, as EVERYONE WOULD KNOW THEY SUCK DONKEYS' BALLS !

For now the idiots at the HLP can get away with the pretense as most of their fanbase is too dumb to read anything above the level of the shit that comes out of the hack and bobo...
But a good Dune movie that' managed to bring FH's vision to the general public(let's face it most people watch and don't read) would with the unevitable vulgarization destroy the littlle credibility mcdune maintained through lies, deception and a blatant disregard for everything that literature means and stands for...

But as Unfront pointed out, it could also work the other way round should whoever's in charge let keith anywhere near the script...

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 08:59
by HarryCanyon
Well the 4 part thing is a rumor i heard. I want the guy who did District 9 for director or Peter Jackson or the Wachowskis for directors since they are fans of the original books.

I don't want this movie to die, i want it to be as enjoyable as the mini-series and the superior sequel. Plus i want it to be an improvement over the $47 million dolllar David Lynch turd which is was so bad it makes Heaven's Gate, 1941 or other big budget stinkers look good. I mean i liked Dune as a kid but then when i read the books when i was 12 i realized what a piece of junk the 1984 movie was when i watched it on Sci-fi Channel's long version then i saw the movie again this year on Blu-Ray rental from one of my city's video stores and it still is awful after all these years, i mean as a true fan of the books it made me cry even at the end when it rained after Alia spoke in a dub voice "How can this be? for he is the Kwisatz Haderach" then metal toothed bald Rev Mother Mohiam just shows her metal fangs as she embraces like she just got an orgasm then things just rain WHICH was the creation of Lynch.

I dunno what went through Dino De Laurentiis Studio executive's minds when they hired Lynch. Just because they saw the great Elephant Man doesn't mean they need to hire an art filmmaker for a big budget studio movie based on a book when he doesn't know jackshit about the books when he read the book for a month then wrote script thus raped the book. I still think Alejandro or Ridley Scott could have done the film when they care about the books but Lynch doesn't, i'm glad it flopped before Christmas in 1984 and got the bad reviews it deserved from us fans and everyone.

The only thing i like about the disaster was the soundtrack which i own and Toto is a good band.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 09:01
by Freakzilla
And, there you have it.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 09:31
by HarryCanyon
Thank god Lynch disowns the movie for he is forgiven for that sin and did better movies like Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway and more. I mean it made him realized that he wasn't cut out for big budget hollywood movies and taught him never to do something like that again.

Now i think James Cameron could be a good contender for a big screen Dune series since he has a love and devotion to the Dune novels especially as one of the influences for his Avatar series. He also depises David Lynch's piece of shit as he called Lynch's movie "Now i do respect David Lynch himself for being a great director but i think Dune is the worst movie of his career and a terrible train-wreck adaptation of a fantastic inspiring novel that i had trouble watching when it first came out when my Terminator movie came out at the same time, i believe he was not meant to be a Sci-fi/action kind of guy but more of an art filmmaker despite that i am a hardcore fan of the novels and what was Frank Herbert thinking when he approved of this movie? what was Lynch thinking?" as what he said as i am a huge fan of Mr. Cameron as he's one of my top 10 directors even when i wrote various letters to him and that was one of his reponses to one of my letters to him on if he is a Dune fan and what did he think of Lynch's movie. But he is busy with Battle Angel Alita, working as producer on the new Cleopatra movie and on Avatar 2 & 3 at the same time so he couldn't work since he's a very busy man, but Mr. Cameron does like Lynch afterall as he admires his stuff from Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Elephant Man and that sort of thing but Dune is one of his least favorite movies but does forgive Lynch for that movie.

Who agrees that the ending in Lynch's in-name-only movie was retarded as hell? i mean all that rain is meant to do is to make worms die out. And do you think the Lynch movie is Lynch's own Howard The Duck? i mean both movies are considered 80's costly turkeys that flopped at the box-office and nearly killed the careers of the producers/directors/stars but the makers disowned them. But i do liked Howard The Duck as a guilty pleasure since i saw that movie in theaters as a kid at age 5, it's silly but it's fun. I mean who the hell casts Sting as Feye? talk about miscasting when it could have been Mark Hamil.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 09:39
by Serkanner
A movie is not a book and vice versa.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 09:53
by HarryCanyon
Well Cameron spoke the truth about Lynch's movie as he did says he's a true Dune fan at heart since he was a teenager and i have to agree. I wonder if he liked the mini-series plus the Children of Dune?

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 10:07
by Serkanner
HarryCanyon wrote:Well Cameron spoke the truth about Lynch's movie as he did says he's a true Dune fan at heart since he was a teenager and i have to agree. I wonder if he liked the mini-series plus the Children of Dune?
Your truth is not my truth.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 10:35
by merkin muffley
HarryCanyon wrote:Toto is a good band.
When session musicians go MENTAL!!!!

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 11:04
by HarryCanyon
I grew up with Toto and i think they are a good band, the soundtrack is better than the movie itself.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 11:06
by Freakzilla
I grew up with with Michael Jackson and he was certainly bad. But that doesn't mean he should do a Dune score.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 21:03
by SandChigger
HarryCanyon wrote:Well the 4 part thing is a rumor i heard.
If it's just an unsubstantiated rumor, you should indicate that in your posts.

There has been no mention by anyone official of the movie being in more than one part.

So... you're the guy on Amazon, right? He was suggesting Cameron should direct as well, yesterday. ;)

Sucky idea. He can keep fucking his giant blue ecoSmurf space kitties.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 21:39
by HarryCanyon
No way, Cameron is an awesome director who i admire for years and i do believe in his love for Dune in Avatar (the film that Lynch's Dune should have been) your just jealous of him being successful and all with tons of fans of him. He's not like Michael Bay you know when he is called the anti-Michael Bay. Afterall a major fan of the novels is required for Dune and not some hack who doesn't know jackshit of the novels, Cameron cares and loves for the Frank Herbert novel as he quoted "One of Sci-fi literature's greatest stories! true originality and very inspirational".

I love how he attacked Lynch's mess adaptation of Dune and i should write to him on what does he think of the mini-series and the sequel Children of Dune.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 22:30
by merkin muffley
your just jealous of him being successful and all with tons of fans of him
Do you know Onasander?

"Now i do respect David Lynch himself for being a great director but i think Dune is the worst movie of his career and a terrible train-wreck adaptation of a fantastic inspiring novel that i had trouble watching when it first came out when my Terminator movie came out at the same time, i believe he was not meant to be a Sci-fi/action kind of guy but more of an art filmmaker despite that i am a hardcore fan of the novels and what was Frank Herbert thinking when he approved of this movie? what was Lynch thinking?"
Is that a direct quote? :lol:

It's interesting because somebody did say this...
I do respect David, and I think his interpretation and vision was interesting, but not what we [fans] expected.
...but it was Pierre Morel.

I'm beginning to see some flaws in your research.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 12 Nov 2010 23:33
by SandChigger
HarryCanyon wrote:your just jealous of him being successful and all with tons of fans of him
Um, yeah, right, you got me, I must be jealous. :roll:

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 03:42
by SandRider
you + are = you're
your = possession

from your simple-minded and error-filled posts,
I'm going to assume that you're twelve ...

see the difference ?

mmm'kay, then; carry on ...

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 08:23
by Nekhrun
HarryCanyon wrote:No way, Cameron is an awesome director who i admire for years and i do believe in his love...
If by awesome you mean the most over-rated, miserable piece of shit directors ever then I completely agree with you. He's the kja of the directing world.

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 18:51
by Shaitan
Cameron had his heyday, but more out of luck than anything else (see: Aliens), IMHO. The original Terminator wasn't even that great if you ask me. Interesting concept/backstory, but the film itself was an eye-roll inducing romp through the early 80s of no particular redeeming value IMHO.

Avatar was crap, visuals aside. So predictable I almost fell asleep in the middle.

If you want to see Dune turned into the fictional "Aquaman" film from Entourage, go for it. I bet it would even end up with the same starring actor. :roll:

Re: New Dune Movie

Posted: 13 Nov 2010 18:51
by Shaitan
Nekhrun wrote:
HarryCanyon wrote:No way, Cameron is an awesome director who i admire for years and i do believe in his love...
If by awesome you mean the most over-rated, miserable piece of shit directors ever then I completely agree with you. He's the kja of the directing world.
Bingo. Exactly.