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Posted: 28 Feb 2009 00:54
by SandChigger


Posted: 28 Feb 2009 01:06
by TheDukester
I hope it's the 100 hours per week thing; that would at least be for a noble cause.

If it's not, though ... then: Byron! Smoke less dope!

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 01:10
by SandChigger
That would be putting a more positive spin on it than I am willing to extend to ole ByrByr anymore. :?

After that "alien roads" and some other threads over on DN, I figure he just can't read.

(Since I was the OP on this thread, I've edited the title to reflect the new sitch. :P )

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 01:11
by Tleszer
SandChigger wrote:(Since I was the OP on this thread, I've edited the title to reflect the new sitch. :P )
Classic. :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: I can't believe SandRider is missing this. :D

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 01:23
by TheDukester
Tleszer wrote:I can't believe SandRider is missing this.
Off doing a Blowing Up Damn Yankees re-enactment?

Picketing the Texas 6-Man Football Rules Committee meeting, maybe?

I'm just tossing stuff out here ... :wink:

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 02:14
by SandChigger
I think he's off in west Texas playing Don Quixote.

Something about windmills.

HEY! Maybe he'll see Jessica blowing by and figure out something's up! :lol:

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 06:14
by inhuien
A Bored Admin wrote:Hi all. FYI, there's a scheduled change in the titles of the upcoming new DUNE releases (as you can see from the change in this forum's title). Jessica of Dune is being changed to JESSICA TO THE WINDS OF DUNE. And Irulan of Dune will be changed to IRULAN TO THE THRONE OF DUNE.
The first thing I thought when I read of the change in titles was that it's a marketing strategy to accomplish 2 things: 1. Free Publicity ( I wonder if this is the first time they’ve pulled this shite 6 months before the publication date of a new book ). 2. Would be to distance these new books from the less then mighty PoD.
Byron’s use of the word "scheduled" above of course does nothing to dissuade me.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 09:36
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote:
TheDukester wrote:Sam here; I thought you guys were joking.
Hello, SAM! Welcome to the boards! :P

Leave it to "Gawd, I must be more tired that I thought" DUMBFUCK Byron to flub a simple message. When you want the straight shit, go to the asshole:
KJA on his MySpace blog wrote:NEW DUNE TITLE

After brainstorming together, Brian and I have decided to change the title of JESSICA OF DUNE to THE WINDS OF DUNE. We think it better conveys the large scope of the story, the epic feel of the novel, rather than implying it's just a small story about one person. Jessica is still the prominent character, but she isn't the only character and the story covers a lot of ground. The novel will be released August 4.

Along similar lines, and for similar reasons, we are also going to change the next Dune book from IRULAN to THE THRONE OF DUNE. But don't look for that one until 2011.
Sheesh. :roll:

This makes no sense at all, and therefore is typical of these idiots.
That's too bad, I wanted them to keep the titles because they reflect the theme of the Heroes of Dune. How are Winds and a Throne heroes?

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 09:53
by Mr. Teg

No, can't type comment...laughing too much :lol:

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 09:55
by Freakzilla
Nekhrun wrote:That's too bad, I wanted them to keep the titles because they reflect the theme of the Heroes of Dune. How are Winds and a Throne heroes?
Well, let's see...

The wind was the real hero in Dune. Without it Paul may not have beaten the Sardaukar and Saddam was in a bad mood because they set the Lion throne down on his pinky toe.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 09:58
by Nekhrun
We're one step closer to the mega-ultimate best title ever: Dunes of Dune!

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 10:49
by orald
Nekhrun wrote:We're one step closer to the mega-ultimate best title ever: Dunes of Dune!

Also, I took a pic at the linked thread on DN, and lol-ed at Byron and Hyp's respective avatars/sigs etc.
Poor taste indeed.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 10:54
by TheDukester
Nekhrun wrote:We're one step closer to the mega-ultimate best title ever: Dunes of Dune!
I was thinking the same thing this morning. For book #45, Kevvie and Bri-Bri will be forced to use: Sand of Dune.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 11:32
by DuneFishUK

Throne of Dune

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 12:09
by Omphalos
They Stopped the Moving Sands To Operation Haystacks of Dune

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 12:26
by Nekhrun
What about a Gaps of Dune series where they can fill every possible second of gaps that FH fucked up by leaving in his series?

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 15:02
by Robspierre
Wet Dreams of Dune


Posted: 28 Feb 2009 17:21
by Freakzilla
Obviously, they can't stay with one theme thoughout a complete book.

Or are they both retarded?

Cheese eatin' pretards...

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 18:12
by dunepunk
SandChigger wrote:
Leave it to "Gawd, I must be more tired that I thought" DUMBFUCK Byron to flub a simple message. When you want the straight shit, go to the asshole:
KJA on his MySpace blog wrote:NEW DUNE TITLE

After brainstorming together, Brian and I have decided to change the title of JESSICA OF DUNE to THE WINDS OF DUNE. We think it better conveys the large scope of the story, the epic feel of the novel, rather than implying it's just a small story about one person. Jessica is still the prominent character, but she isn't the only character and the story covers a lot of ground. The novel will be released August 4.

Along similar lines, and for similar reasons, we are also going to change the next Dune book from IRULAN to THE THRONE OF DUNE. But don't look for that one until 2011.
Sheesh. :roll:

This makes no sense at all, and therefore is typical of these idiots.
Oh No! now I have to go back to DN and harass the real new title too!

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 19:24
by Omphalos
Bullshit. What it does is make the book look less formulaic by giving it a unique title that does not reconcile with the titles of the shitty selling books that preceded it in the series.

How dumb does he think that we are?

I'll bet that the publisher is making them do this.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 19:39
by SandChigger
On Sat Feb 28, 2009 at 7:40 pm (board time), boardadmin wrote:The change in title is coming. Watch for it...
The time now is Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:19 am:


Jessica to The Winds of Dune
Discussions about the Upcoming Release of JESSICA TO THE WINDS OF DUNE
Um ... what are we supposed to be watching for? :shock:


What a complete tool. :laughing:

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 21:11
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote:
On Sat Feb 28, 2009 at 7:40 pm (board time), boardadmin wrote:The change in title is coming. Watch for it...
The time now is Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:19 am:


Jessica to The Winds of Dune
Discussions about the Upcoming Release of JESSICA TO THE WINDS OF DUNE
Um ... what are we supposed to be watching for? :shock:


What a complete tool. :laughing:
I'm still waiting. He did have more time after fucking with my profile to post some more of his own shitty reviews. Still now change to the thread. Maybe he meant that kja would be changing his blog to reflect the real title.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 22:09
by Omphalos
Man, even I only need to have things explained to me once.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 22:42
by TheDukester
I'm completely embarrassed for Byron. Not even kidding.

At this point, I'm not convinced he gets it ... you know, the whole "Hey, dumbass, you copied-and-pasted the entire sentence, not just the part with the actual title" thing. How could anyone be so oblivious?

Hey, Byron! Since I know you lurk here, I'll do you this one favor:read KJA's blawg for the actual title.

Jesus wept. What a fucking dumbass.

Posted: 28 Feb 2009 23:22
by Freakzilla
TheDukester wrote:I'm completely embarrassed for Byron. Not even kidding.

At this point, I'm not convinced he gets it ... you know, the whole "Hey, dumbass, you copied-and-pasted the entire sentence, not just the part with the actual title" thing. How could anyone be so oblivious?

Hey, Byron! Since I know you lurk here, I'll do you this one favor:read KJA's blawg for the actual title.

Jesus wept. What a fucking dumbass.
Winds of Dune!

That makes a lot more sense... :oops: :roll: