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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 22:11
by Nekhrun
More Herman Cain fun:
Herman Cain Quotes Pokémon Theme Song ... in-pok-mon" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 09:28
by Freakzilla
Nekhrun wrote:More Herman Cain fun:
Herman Cain Quotes Pokémon Theme Song ... in-pok-mon" onclick=";return false;
Damnit, I was just about to post that... beat me to it. There goes his credibility. :roll:

Cain upsets Perry in Florida Republican straw poll

Posted: 24 Sep 2011 20:36
by Freakzilla
By Jane Sutton and Steve Holland | Reuters – 2 hrs 1 min ago

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Former pizza executive Herman Cain surprised rival Rick Perry with an upset victory on Saturday in a nonbinding Republican presidential straw poll in Florida, dealing a disappointing loss to the Texas governor two days after a shaky debate performance.
Perry, leading in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, had needed a victory in the key test of strength in a crucial state to salve the wounds left over from a debate with his rivals on Thursday in which he struggled.
Instead, former Godfather's Pizza executive Cain, who is far behind the two top-tier candidates Perry and Mitt Romney, won with 37 percent of 2,657 votes cast.
Perry was a distant second at 15 percent, just ahead of Romney, who won 14 percent despite not participating in the poll. Further back were Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann.
Florida's straw poll is a nonbinding popularity poll and is significant only in terms of showing a candidate's strength in the state. The state contests to determine the Republican nominee do not start until early next year.
The Perry camp shrugged off the results.
"Cain won, we still have work to do," said Perry spokesman Mark Miner. "It's his day. The conservative message won today. We've been in this race for five weeks. We're going to continue campaigning hard."
Miner put the focus on Romney's third-place finish, saying he has been running for president for years and is still not breaking through.
"It's more of what happened to Mitt Romney. He's not going to be crowned president of the United States. He's going to have to work for it. And after five and a half years he once again got rejected in a key state in the Republican primary process," Miner said.
Perry created doubts among some conservatives at a debate with his Republican rivals on Thursday that he admitted on Friday was not his best performance.
Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, and Bachmann chose not to compete in the straw poll but since they took part in the debate and spoke earlier to delegates at the convention in Orlando, the Florida Republican Party put their names on the ballot. ... 09435.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 02:10
by Robspierre
Freak, you do realize that the the Republican power brokers have already picked the candidate right?


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 13:44
by Freakzilla
Yeah but I can still hope.

Maybe Larry Flynt will come through for me.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 13:55
by JustSomeGuy
I know he's come through for me in the past.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 14:05
by Freakzilla

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 18:48
by Freakzilla
Dennis Miller endorses Herman Cain: ... 06213.html" onclick=";return false;

Not sure is I think that's good or bad. :?

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 21:48
by Freakzilla
Cain calls Obama a liar: ... 34617.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 30 Sep 2011 09:31
by Freakzilla ... t=1&f=1057" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 09:12
by Freakzilla
Perry once defended Confederate symbols ... 35630.html" onclick=";return false;

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Eleven years ago, when the NAACP stepped up a campaign to remove the Confederate battle flag from statehouses and other government buildings across the South, it found an opponent in Rick Perry.

Texas had a pair of bronze plaques with symbols of the Confederacy displayed in its state Supreme Court building. Perry, then lieutenant governor, said they should stay put, arguing that Texans "should never forget our history."

It's a position Perry has taken consistently when the legacy of the Civil War has been raised, as have officials in many of the other former Confederate states. But while defense of Confederate symbols and Southern institutions can still be good politics below the Mason-Dixon line, the subject can appear in a different light when officials seek national office.

For Perry, now Texas governor for 11 years and in the top tier of Republican presidential candidates, a racial issue is already dogging him.

He took criticism over the weekend for a rock outside the Texas hunting camp his family once leased that had the name Niggerhead painted on it. Perry's campaign says the governor's father painted over the rock to cover the name soon after he began leasing the site in the early 1980s and says the Perry family never controlled, owned or managed the property. But rival Herman Cain, the only black Republican in the race, says the rock symbolizes Perry's insensitivity to race.

A related issue may rise this fall when Texas decides whether to allow specialty license plates featuring the Confederate flag. The plates have been requested by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a nonprofit organization Perry has supported over the years. A state board he appointed will decide.

The NAACP says its initiative against "glorification" of slave-state symbols remains ongoing. "The romanticism around the Old South," said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington Bureau. "It's a view of history that ignores how racism became a tool to maintain a system of supremacy and dominance."

Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner did not return messages seeking comment on the matter. But Granvel Block, the Texas Division commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, said the organization appreciated Perry's position on such issues.

"I would give him high praise for saying it," Block said. "Honoring your ancestors, it's something that the Bible teaches."

The Confederate battle flag has been chief target for the NAACP. The organization called for a boycott of South Carolina in 2000 for flying the banner over its statehouse. The state moved the flag to a capitol memorial. In 2003, Georgia replaced its state flag, which included the Confederate battle standard, with one that combined other elements from previous state flags. Other institutions have scaled back their displays of Confederate heritage. The University of Mississippi retired Colonel Rebel as its on-field mascot.

In January 2000 the NAACP asked Texas to remove the Confederate battle flag from plaques in the entryway of a building housing the state Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, saying it undermined the notion of judicial equality. One of the 11-inch by 20-inch bronze plaques featured the seal of the Confederacy and the other the image of the battle flag and quotations from Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Perry wrote to the Sons of Confederate Veterans in March 2000 that, "although this is an emotional issue, I want you to know that I oppose efforts to remove Confederate monuments, plaques and memorials from public property."

"I also believe that communities should decide whether statues or other memorials are appropriate for their community," Perry wrote in the letter, one of several obtained by The Associated Press under a public information request. "I believe that Texans should remember the past and learn from it."

He added, "We should never forget our history, but dwelling on the 19th century takes needed attention away from our future in the 21st century."

Perry elaborated publically on the issue, saying, "I think you've got a slippery slope when you start saying we're going to start taking down every plaque or monument."

He wasn't the only prominent Texan defending the plaques. Then-Gov. George W. Bush, himself running for president, initially said they should remain but then reversed himself and authorized the state's General Services Commission to replace the plaques with new ones saying equal justice is available to all Texans "regardless of race, creed or color."

The floor of the Texas Capitol's rotunda still bears the seal of the Confederacy, and statues on the grounds memorialize Lee and Confederate soldiers. But civil rights organizations consider the battle flag the most objectionable symbol.

Public officials in Texas, as well as in the other Southern states, are called upon periodically to honor Confederate causes because related organizations observe its anniversaries. Block said the Sons of Confederate Veterans was founded in 1896 and has 2,500 members statewide. Also active is the Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

In a 2005 letter, Perry welcomed attendees of a benefit hosted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. "By learning about the past," he wrote, "we honor our ancestors' memories and contributions, and appreciate the people and events that preceded the present." Perry's great-great-grandfather David H. Hamilton fought at Gettysburg with the First Texas Infantry.

Two years later, Perry issued a "Message from the Governor" honoring Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross on what would have been his 169th birthday. He noted Ross' service as a Confederate brigadier general, two-time Texas governor and president of what became Texas A&M University, calling him "one of the greats on whose shoulders our modern day Texas rests." The Sons of Confederate Veterans maintains a college scholarship fund in Ross' honor — despite accusations that Ross was behind the murder of black prisoners of war in Mississippi.

Today, Block's organization wants to use the Confederate flag license plate to raise money to pay for markers on Confederate soldiers' graves. "I know that to some people it's an issue," he said. "But our purpose is to honor our ancestors and to educate the public on the true cause of the war."

The state Department of Motor Vehicles board tied 4-4 in an April vote because one of its members, Ramsay Gillman of Houston, was absent. Gillman then died and Perry chose a new appointee, Raymond Palacios Jr. of El Paso.

Palacios declined to comment on the issue. Members won't vote on the plate until at least Nov. 9. A similar request from the Sons of Confederate Veterans was denied two years ago, but the criteria have been expanded, opening the door for approval this time. Texas has approved 276 specialty plates.

Perry hasn't commented. "This is a matter before the board," said Lucy Nashed, a governor's office spokeswoman.

Matt Glazer, executive director of Progress, Texas, a left-leaning advocacy group, said of Block's organization: "If they want to put a sticker on their car, or fly the Confederate flag at their home or business, that's up to them. But the state itself should not associate itself with this racist relic."


Cain tied with Romney for lead in new CBS poll

Posted: 05 Oct 2011 12:25
by Freakzilla
.By Holly Bailey | The Ticket – 3 hrs ago

Herman Cain's momentum in the Republican presidential primary appears to be no fluke.

A new CBS News poll finds the former Godfather's Pizza chief tied with Mitt Romney for first place among likely Republican primary voters, with 17 percent support apiece. That's a 12-point jump for Cain, who was at 5 percent in the same poll just two weeks ago. The poll's margin of error among likely Republican voters is 6 points.

But with Cain's prospects on the rise, Rick Perry's stock has plummeted. The CBS poll finds Perry in third place with 12 percent support, an 11-point drop in two weeks.

The other candidates are stuck in single digits, including Newt Gingrich (8 percent); Ron Paul (7 percent); Michele Bachmann (4 percent); Rick Santorum (3 percent) and Jon Huntsman (2 percent).

Cain's sudden jump in the polls reflects greater enthusiasm for him among the GOP's most conservative voters. The CBS poll finds the former radio host leading Romney among self-described conservatives—there he clocks 31 percent support, compared to Romney's 15 percent. Cain also leads among Republicans who describe themselves as supporters of the tea party, with 24 percent support. Romney is that group's second choice, with 17 percent support, followed by Gingrich (13 percent) and Perry (12 percent).

Still, the race remains incredibly fluid. According to the CBS poll, 18 percent of likely GOP voters remain undecided in the race, while a whopping 76 percent say it's still "too soon" to make a final decision on which candidate they will support for the nomination.

One good sign for Romney: Thirty-two percent of likely voters view the former Massachusetts governor as the candidate with the best chance of beating President Obama next year. By comparison, 21 percent view Perry as most electable. Cain trails at just 8 percent. The margin of error among likely voters is 3 points.

The CBS poll comes on the heels of a trio of state surveys released by Public Policy Polling on Tuesday that found Cain leading GOP primary contests in North Carolina, Nebraska and West Virginia. An ABC/Washington Post poll released earlier this week found Cain tied for second place with Perry nationally. ... 03992.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 19:45
by Shepherd492
I (moderately) liked Herman Cain untill I saw this" onclick=";return false;

And this ... re=related" onclick=";return false;

Pandering to the religious idiots at the expense of rights of human beings doesn't sit right with me, sorry.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 21:11
by A Thing of Eternity
He's republican, he's not allowed to be pro-human rights, and if he doesn't pander to the extreme religious types he'll lose! (Not even the godless democrats can get away with actually being godless in that country - they'll elect a gay president decades before they ever elect an atheist!)

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 22:34
by Shepherd492
The effect religion plays in American politics is disturbing, especially when it is limited to basically one religion (Christianity). The fact that candidates can knowingly spit in the face of progress, and human rights, is baffling to me...more so when people willingly support these platforms.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 00:58
by A Thing of Eternity
It's pretty scary, can't dissagree.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 07:12
by Freakzilla
They're now calling him "the republican alternative to Romney" now that he's number two in the polls.

Cain leads Republican field in NBC/WSJ poll

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 10:24
by Freakzilla
By JoAnne Allen | Reuters – 13 hrs ago..

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Businessman Herman Cain now leads the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, while former front-runner Rick Perry has dropped to third, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.

Cain, who has never held elective office, was the first choice of 27 percent of Republican voters, followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 23 percent and Perry at 16 percent, the poll found.

The Texas governor's support fell from 38 percent in the previous poll in late August. In the earlier poll, Cain was at only 5 percent and Romney was at 23 percent.

After entering the race on August 13, Perry soared to the top of the field of candidates vying to challenge Democratic President Barack Obama in the November 2012 election. His support began sliding after his initial performances in Republican debates and Cain's upset victory in the Florida straw poll last month.

Among the rest of the field, Texas Representative Ron Paul was in fourth place at 11 percent, followed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 8 percent, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann at 5 percent and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman at 3 percent.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of 1,000 adults was conducted from Thursday to Monday and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.10 percentage points. ... 58398.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 14:20
by Crysknife
Jon Huntsman is the only republican worth electing any of those names. Which is why he's running dead last, of course.

If we had an Obama vs Huntsman election I'd be pretty happy with the outcome either way.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 14:25
by A Thing of Eternity
Hey, haven't seen you in a while! You still just need to move to Canada I say, not only do you live in the US, you live in one of the more insane parts...

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 14:34
by Crysknife
A Thing of Eternity wrote:Hey, haven't seen you in a while! You still just need to move to Canada I say, not only do you live in the US, you live in one of the more insane parts...
I've been locked in a cold, dark cell with little food or water....or it seems upon looking back. But I'm back!

Canada is freaking awesome but it's too cold for me......I can barely stand Utah's weather. I tried to make it rich so I could move to southern Cali but that I'm stuck here behind the Iron Curtain that is Utah(or bat shit crazy Mormonville as I prefer to call it). I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on the economy so my nieghbors can finally drag me in the streets and eat me. They will convert the rest of the family. I have no allies in my nieghborhood.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 14:46
by A Thing of Eternity
It's not really that cold most of here, if it's cold enough for you to have snow then you can find parts of Canada the same or better. Edmonton for example gets cold and stays cold, many MANY months of minus -20 to -30. But, just slightly south here in Calgary, it rarely goes much below -20, and we get chinook winds that give us mini springs all winter, winter here is a cakewalk. Go to Vancouver, and it barely has winter at all, it'd probably be warmer than where you live in the winter (just rains some) - and then go to Victoria and it's a weird micro-climate, they have bloody flowers all winter (and if you look across the water you can watch Washington getting just drenched in rain and snow while sitting outside in a t-shirt, great fun!).

It's not all cold, you just have to do the research!

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 07:48
by Freakzilla
....Amanda Terkel, a reporter for The Huffington Post, finds that Herman Cain's "9-9-9 Plan" looks a lot like the default tax structure in the computer game SimCity 4. She writes:

Long before Cain was running for president and getting attention for his 999 plan, the residents of SimCity 4 -- which was released in 2003 -- were living under a system where the default tax rate was 9 percent for commercial taxes, 9 percent for industrial taxes and 9 percent for residential taxes.


When asked about similarities between Cain's plan and SimCity's default tax rates, Cain campaign spokesman JD Gordon replied, "Well, we all like 9-9-9."

Cain's plan would replace the entire federal tax code--income taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, etc.--with three 9 percent taxes on consumption, business income and personal income.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 12:48
by Crysknife
But the 999 plan doesn't take into account the state taxes people would have to pay. It would actually increase the taxes poor and middle class families pay, while reducing the taxes the wealthy contribute. Because poor and lower middle class families usually spen all of their income.

Republicans always say that 50% of the population pays no federal taxes. That may be true, but they do pay local sales, excise, and property taxes...etc. It's simply not true to say they pay nothing. So the 999 plan would put a greater burden on those at the bottom.

Canada does sound great....but got to keep up the fight down here......till I get eaten by the zombies I guess!

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:03
by Freakzilla
Anyone watch the debate last night? They were kind of fiesty! They really tore into Cain's 999 plan. But hey, at least he has a plan.

Ron Paul quoted Peres:

"Foreign aid: We take money from poor people in rich countries and give it to rich people in poor countries."


Michelle Bachmann promised to build a double fence along the entire Mexican border.
