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Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 13:22
by Tleszer

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 14:05
by TheDukester

Nice one ... the classics just never get old. :lol:

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 17:25
by SandChigger
Never see them coming. :laughing-rolling:

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 20:00
by Ampoliros
I'm in the middle of the Young Indiana Bronso section. i was worried at first because the book seemed to be more boring than bad, but once Alia got started talking about historical accuracy it got really really fucktardish. (I am now convinced that at least half of the plot for Winds of Dune revolves around the HLP-OH conflict. Omph, what legal rights do we have to this? lol)

I'm annotating the book as i go this time, until I'm done here's a glaring inconsistency (which matters less as it becomes obvious they don't give a fuck)

Paul goes to study on IX with Indiana Bronso. No Problem right? i mean, we've already broken the rule that Paul's first trip off planet was to Arrakis. What about the quote from Dune that he had no childhood friends his own age? Well thats covered, Jessica restates it as he had no friends his own age on Caladan. Nice save right? Well Duncan goes to Ix, Gurney goes to Ix, good good. But no Thufur. Wait a minute, Paul is being trained to be a mentat right? Bronso isn't...SO WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY IN THE SAME STUDY PROGRAM.

Oh yeah, Jessica also mentions that Paul has no tutors on Caladan.

What did Thufir do to get so mistreated?

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 20:08
by Hunchback Jack
I flipped through a copy of Winds in the bookstore yesterday, and stumbled across a chapterlet where Jessica is talking to Irulan, I think, about Paul's childhood adventures, and Irulan is saying "What? I didn't know anything about that."

Without reading it in detail, it looked like that whole exchange was meant to "explain" why Dune omits any mention of - well, flatly contradicts - the "young Paul" sections of this book. Although I didn't read it closely enough to be sure.


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 20:44
by SandChigger
That sounds like the gazebo scenes. Before or during the YA flashback? ;)

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 21:05
by Hunchback Jack
During I think. It was either at the end of a "Part" or at the beginning of one.

Sorry I dont have more details. I literally picked it up, scanned a couple of paragraphs, realized what I was reading, said "oh FUCK!" in anger, and then started looking at how long the chapters were, just out of interest.


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 21:32
by SandChigger

Yeah, I got bogged down in the YA section on the synopses ... and just can't seem to get back into it. ;)

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 21:53
by Hunchback Jack
SandChigger wrote:That sounds like the gazebo scenes.
There's really a gazebo?

Was it a ... Dread Gazebo?


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 21:55
by TheDukester
Knights of the Dinner Table? Or do you have your own version of the famous Gazebo Story™?

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 21:58
by Hunchback Jack
The Original and Best:

The Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 06 Aug 2009 00:42
by Ampoliros
I love KODT. Our Wow guild is named after the Southern Orc League.

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 22:55
by Robspierre
Mike Resnick has been posting pics form conventions on his Facebook.

Here are three more pics of "The Jacket" and a tux.



"I'm Kevin mother J fucking Anderson bitch"


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:31
by TheDukester
Do we need to add that blue shirt to the list, too? Isn't he often wearing it under The Jacket™?

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:38
by Omphalos
You think he's got, like, seven of those jackets in his closet at home? Like he found a sale at Filene's Basement one day and just stocked up? Or is he going to have to patch the worn out elbows in that thing soon?

I swear it's gotta have all kinds of food stains and encrusted dandruff on it by now. I'll bet it's fucking disgusting up close.

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:42
by inhuien
Aww the nice, that's sweet, he lent his favourite jacket to that nice man in the second photo.

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 08:39
by lotek
I think that the Jacket found out about this:
I heard that Albert Einstein wore the exact same thing every day. Is that true?
Another story about Einstein that is highly exaggerated but has some basis in reality concerns his clothing. Many say that Einstein wore the same thing every day and had a closet full of the exact same suit, shirts, ties, and shoes. This isn't true, especially when Einstein's second wife, Elsa, was alive. Elsa took a firm hand when it came to her husband's appearance, and pictures of the two of them touring everything from Japan to the American Southwest show Einstein in beautiful silk vests, and dapper neckwear -- as well as in a kimono and an American Indian headdress. But after Elsa passed away and Einstein spent his last 20 years as a professor emeritus at Princeton, his clothing did become more, er, irregular. He openly disliked wearing a suit and while already legendary for often going sockless, now he wore sandals. Perhaps the most common pictures of Einstein from that time show him happily shuffling around his Princeton study wearing a big gray sweatshirt. Luckily for Einstein, his life coincided with the invention of the cotton sweatshirt -- for he was enamored of the soft warm comfortable garment." onclick=";return false;

And btw, this has got to be his best combover effort to date!

And thought it was true...

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 14:48
by merkin muffley
inhuien wrote:Aww the nice, that's sweet, he lent his favourite jacket to that nice man in the second photo.

The Jacket look is sweeping the nation.

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 14:51
by lotek
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 14:52
by TheDukester
That's one of our asshole mascots, Mike Resnick, in that second photo. He did a drive-by over at Chiggie's blog a while back, defending Anderhack and calling us all out. Typical Pretentious Author stuff, in other words. I think we also had a run-in somewhere else, too (some other random blog? Not remembering it right now).

He's pretty much an engorged donkey phallus. But, yes, with a fashion sense to die for!

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 14:54
by Freakzilla" onclick=";return false;

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 14:57
by TheDukester
Shit, I forgot: Resnick likes to do Google searches for himself!

Hey, Google spiders! Over here!

"Mike Resnick" Mike Resnick hack dickhead relic has-been "Kevin J. Anderson" Kevin Anderson Dune McDune combover asshat wannabe parasite arrogant arrogance ego egomaniac "never won a Hugo or Nebula" pickle-fucker hiker hiking dictahiking "polished prose" liar doughboy pasty douche-nozzle

Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 16:39
by lotek
I hate every ape I see
from chimpan A to chimpan Z

you finally made a monkey out of meeeeeeeeee!


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 23:05
by merkin muffley
lotek wrote:I hate every ape I see
from chimpan A to chimpan Z

you finally made a monkey out of meeeeeeeeee!


Re: The jacket lives!

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 02:04
by Freakzilla
Is that Sid Caesar?