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Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 15:48
by Freakzilla
Spice Must Flow wrote:Probably should be a new thread depending how deep you want to go.
This topic has sort of evolved into one on the Republican candidates, and I understand that this relates to their stand on economics.

I know this is probably pissing in the wind but this topic will be irrelivent next year, one on general economics will not.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 16:19
by Spice Must Flow
Crysknife wrote: We've ran a deficit since 1938 and it hasn't done any harm. The fact is, cutting spending now, laying off govt. workers, cutting key programs that help the sick and elderly, cutting taxes on the wealthy all add to one thing......THINGS GET WORSE! If you can explain to me how things get better then please do. Having less money circulating in the poor and middle classes does nothing but flood the money to the top again where it is hoarded. The definition of government is "redistribution" but there isn't enough. If the wealthy had created more jobs like republican economics said they should then we wouldn't be having this conversation. So the govt. needs to get that money out and get it to the people in various forms like SBA loans, education, healthcare, grants, infrastructure, etc....

The safety net programs work. They shouldn't be killed or crippled just because republicans fucked it up in the first place, which was their plan all along anyway. Before Social Security 50 % of the elderly in this country lived in poverty and died of disease and starvation and cold, now that number is down to 10% due to SS and other programs. It is viable till the year 2037 and can go on indefinitely with minor tweaks. If the Republicans get their way that money would go once again to the private marketplace to be gambled on and eventually lost when there is a market crash. But many wealthy people will get wealthier along the way. No thanks!

I mean, how do you see Republican economics helping anyone but the wealthy.....explain yourself.
Things get worse no matter what party gets in. THis is a damned if you do, damned if youd don't scenario. Continuing to print money will lead to hyperinflation, stopping will lead to deflationary depression. WE FREMEN KNOW HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN EVILS. Deflation will be a cold cold winter, but hyperinflation will be a blistering summer that will lead to violence.

Really this topic should evolve into a thread where we could discuss the federal reserve and its tinkering with interest rates and such, and Austrian verses Keynsian economics and the Austrian business cycle, and why we have market crahses. I don't know if you want to do that or not, but if you start the topic I'll be willing to discuss it there. :D I think framing it Republican verses Democrat completely misses what's going on.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 16:30
by Freakzilla
Spice Must Flow wrote:...if you start the topic I'll be willing to discuss it there. :D
I think framing it Republican verses Democrat completely misses what's going on.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 21:46
by SandRider
I swear to gawd, if you people keep on referring to the US Federal Government
as "us" & "we", Imma STROKE THE FUCK OUT ....

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 21:52
by Robspierre
SR, in Silver City NM, they have an intersection where Texas and Yankee streets meet :cylon101:


Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 22:23
by Freakzilla
SandRider wrote:I swear to gawd, if you people keep on referring to the US Federal Government
as "us" & "we", Imma STROKE THE FUCK OUT ....

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 22:42
by SandRider
this ain't just a Southern Nationalist thing, either ... the actual word "nation" has become synonymous with "state",
instead the original definition of a group of people with common culture & heritage ... (altho, a modern usage applying
it to a "fan-base" is a step in the right direction ... i.e. "Raider Nation")

a "government" IS NOT the "nation" ... Lincoln's claptrap of "By the People, For the People" was repeated and repeated in
the Federal Public Schools (another alien Yankee idea) until generations later, "citizens" refer to the ruling government
as "us" ... "we" are at war with (fill in the blank) .... "WE" ain't at war with nobody; talk to the boys running the
Federal Military ... they're at war with (fill in the blank) ... the "nation" is not "at war", either ... there is no
homogeneous "American" nation ... and when a Federal President refers to the "American People", he means the
Federal Subjects ....

the poor Yankee People, while certainly to "blame" for most of the horrors on this continent and around the world
for the last 150 to 200 years (or longer, going back to Cromwell &etc), are no longer the "masters" in the American
Federal Empire they created ... the Yankee "people", just as the Black "People" & the "Southern People" & so on &
forth, are now as much Federal Subjects as everybody else ... (they finally got the "Equality Under the Law" they
always wanted ...)

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 22:47
by Freakzilla
Sorry, I wasn't laughing at your ideal, just your vitriol.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 29 Dec 2011 23:51
by Crysknife
Freakzilla wrote:
SandRider wrote:I swear to gawd, if you people keep on referring to the US Federal Government
as "us" & "we", Imma STROKE THE FUCK OUT ....

SR, if I am guilty of this please forgive me

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 30 Dec 2011 15:44
by Crysknife ... 76398.html" onclick=";return false;

This clown show will never end and I for one thank God! :D And they say Obama is out of touch.....please.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 17:06
by Freakzilla
Iowa Caucuss is tonight: ... 00977.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 03 Jan 2012 21:14
by SandRider
if Ron Paul wins, watch how the "mainstream media" downplays the significance of the Iowa caucus ...

also, I was in the bunk house a little while ago, and for some ungodly reason, the mexicans have figgered out
how to hook up an antenna that picks up the local TV signals (if you'll remember, I trashed all the DishTV bullshit
after we finally got a wireless internet thing that reached the ranch) and anyway, I walked in right as Scott Pelley
(and when the fuck did he the anchor's seat ?) said "voting in the Iowa caucus begins in two hours" or whatever
and I had a "fit" right then and there ...

misleading fucking statement if ever there was one ... I know the distinction is way too small for those people to
try to explain, but a "caucus" is not a "primary election" ... people ain't actually "voting" in Iowa tonight ...

but, who the fuck really cares, right ?

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 11:54
by Freakzilla

Looks like Michele Bachmann is dropping out.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 17:23
by Omphalos
Freakzilla wrote:Image

Looks like Michele Bachmann is dropping out.
Oh! Was she still in?

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 21:29
by SandRider
I'm hearing Niggerhead will wait the week out and drop out Saturday .... no one in his camp seems to be planning
anything at all for New Hampshire .... I'm extremely disappointed at having my prediction shot down (altho,
there is still some fishy secret shit going on) but I'm even more pissed off at having the bitch back in Austin,
still in power, with his political career mostly intact (state-wide, anyway) ....

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 21:32
by Nekhrun
I thought she knew The One Who Grants Miracles? Her faith must not be strong enough to continue past the very first event. Lame.

Can't wait to watch Newt kiss up to Brown-frothy just to give Romney the needle.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:45
by Drunken Idaho
Came across this nice little campaign ad from Ron Paul:

:clap: I guarantee you could not find an ad that is this honest about the war, from any Democrat. This is what it comes down to: occupation of other countries begets more terrorism to fight in the future, plain and simple. And a war on "terror" is utterly stupid. As Jon Stewart put it, "You'll never kill all the cockroaches in New York."

Then again, a self-perpetuating war against a human emotion sounds like a pretty sweet deal if you're a defense contractor. And if American citizens lose their rights & the economy tanks in the process, so what? Stop whining and get a job, you spoiled shits.

Yeah, anyway RON PAUL 2012!! (Well, except the insane half of his brain that wants to cut EVERYTHING...)

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 20:39
by Mandy
That's a great campaign commercial. I don't want him to become the president, but I hope he stays in the race until the end. It's good for people to hear what he has to say.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 06 Jan 2012 01:13
by Drunken Idaho
Agreed 100% Mandy. Sure would be fun to see him run to the left of Obama if he got the nod though, no matter the outcome.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 15:26
by Mandy
I just discovered Buddy Roemer :P I like what he has to say about government corruption. Too bad he doesn't have a chance.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 18:57
by trang
Drunken Idaho wrote:Came across this nice little campaign ad from Ron Paul:

:clap: I guarantee you could not find an ad that is this honest about the war, from any Democrat. This is what it comes down to: occupation of other countries begets more terrorism to fight in the future, plain and simple. And a war on "terror" is utterly stupid. As Jon Stewart put it, "You'll never kill all the cockroaches in New York."

Then again, a self-perpetuating war against a human emotion sounds like a pretty sweet deal if you're a defense contractor. And if American citizens lose their rights & the economy tanks in the process, so what? Stop whining and get a job, you spoiled shits.

Yeah, anyway RON PAUL 2012!! (Well, except the insane half of his brain that wants to cut EVERYTHING...)
Great video for feeding the mind. I think overall we are in to many different countries for reasons that don't add up and it does put a strain on our economy.

Ron Paul is a solid representative in congress with a solid track record. I think some of his views are a little extreme, but he does back them up. I don't think his views are ready for "Joe the plumber" though.
We have more evolving to do. His diversity is great, his ability to compete, that's the question.

For the record, I do believe in a strong military at all times, for the foreseeable future. The globe is so imbalanced, the overdeveloped vs underdeveloped, mix in population and Ideology(political, religious, ethnic, Illuminati,etc) and its just a dangerous mix.

I don't believe our "Republic" method is for everyone, but I do think our Constitution is one of the greatest governing documents ever created. If those seeking freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness want to tweak for their purpose, more power to them. Our Diplomacy and Consultation would go farther that a gun barrel I agree.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 11:31
by SandRider
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Texas Gov. Rick Perry will abandon his presidential bid and endorse Newt Gingrich, two Republican officials said Thursday, a move coming just two days before the pivotal South Carolina primary as Republican front-runner Mitt Romney struggles to fend off a challenge from the former House speaker.

Perry scheduled a news conference Thursday morning in South Carolina to announce his decision.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting the announcement.

Perry has faced calls in recent days to drop out of the race to compel conservative voters, whose support has been divided among several conservative candidates, to rally behind Gingrich in hopes of stopping Romney. Recent polls show Gingrich gaining steam heading into Saturday's contest. Romney has benefited thus far from having several challengers who are considered more conservative than him competing for the same segment of voters.

Perry entered the race last August to great fanfare and high numbers in polls. But his standing quickly fell after a series of gaffes and other verbal missteps. Those errors called into question whether the Texas politician who had never lost a race during his three-decade career in elected office was ready for the national stage.

His biggest flub came in a nationally televised debate in early November, when he could not remember the name of the third Cabinet department he pledged to eliminate.

Perry could only manage to say, "Oops." Making fun of himself afterward, he told reporters: "I stepped in it."

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 11:34
by Freakzilla
Go Newt!

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 04:07
by Drunken Idaho
trang wrote:I don't believe our "Republic" method is for everyone, but I do think our Constitution is one of the greatest governing documents ever created.
Agreed, but it's important to note that it was also the most progressive governing document of its time. Folks who suggest that those who wrote it were conservatives need a lesson in context.

Re: First Republican Presidential Candidate for '12

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 18:36
by Sandwurm88
Just a random thought, but women seem to absolutely hate Newt Gingrich...