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Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 16:40
by TheDukester
Oh, it gets better!

He re-tweets all of his own posts at Twitter! All kidding aside, it's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


Quick primer for those who don't do Twitter (and I don't blame you at all): Re-tweeting is taking an interesting post by someone else and then broadcasting it to your own followers. It's the same as: "Hey, guys, look at this interesting thing I found."

To recap: it's for broadcasting other people's posts.

Re-posting your own stuff — which is only possible by having multiple accounts in the first place — is like writing "I'm a gigantic LOSER" on your forehead.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 17:18
by Sev
Bloody hell, does this man's dumbfuckery know no limits :doh:

From his addendum:
dumbfuck wrote:I really appreciate the trolls posting a link to this blog at their private forum to send more visitors to my blog.
He knows it us, because no one else is looking at the bloody thing. And why does keep repeating the fallacy that Jacurutu is private? :crazy:
dumbfuck wrote:I've also noticed some people, apparently trolls, wanting to post Comments, but then backing off. They haven't got anything to say when they can't hit and run like most cowards, right?
We don't post a comment because we know you're the coward and won't publish them :doh:

and the final crowning piece of dumbfuckery:
dumbfuck wrote:HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kevin J. Anderson - this coming Saturday - born 27 March 2010.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 17:19
by A Thing of Eternity

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 17:36
by TheDukester
Sev wrote:He knows it us, because no one else is looking at the bloody thing. And why does keep repeating the fallacy that Jacurutu is private?
Isn't it great? It might be the most dead blog ever, with something like seven posts in four years. Also, it's received ZERO comments ever. In other words: he's talking to himself.

As far as the "private" thing goes, he's either legitimately, truly crazy (as in: insane in the legal sense) or else he thinks he's making us look bad or something. But it takes any visitor here about four seconds to realize it's just a messageboard running standard phpBB software.

Epic fail.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 17:47
by SadisticCynic
Sev wrote:
dumbfuck wrote:HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kevin J. Anderson - this coming Saturday - born 27 March 2010.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Now that is funny! :lol:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 18:19
by lotek
TheDukester wrote:Oh, it gets better!

He re-tweets all of his own posts at Twitter! All kidding aside, it's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


Quick primer for those who don't do Twitter (and I don't blame you at all): Re-tweeting is taking an interesting post by someone else and then broadcasting it to your own followers. It's the same as: "Hey, guys, look at this interesting thing I found."

To recap: it's for broadcasting other people's posts.

Re-posting your own stuff — which is only possible by having multiple accounts in the first place — is like writing "I'm a gigantic LOSER" on your forehead.
yeah the first time I encountered one like that on a French forum I really thought he was a joke...
if you googled that guy's online name you'd get results of his being banned from all the forums he could find, and I mean ALL,(banned for spamming those boards with links to his own)
At first I really thought it was someone trying to create a concept or something but he was real, in his own weird way.
And now after one year he's back on the interwebz again.

People like this should not even be allowed to own a computer, they are too fucking stupid to understand anything, and when backed into a corner, they resort to kindergarden name calling...

Pathetic :tissue2:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 18:59
by Sandwurm88
His questions to the host of Survivor and the fact that every single one has been ignored is hilarious. What a tool!

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 19:02
by SandChigger
Whoa ... I go to bed for a few hours and y'all been BUSY! :lol:

Have any of you taken a look at his ScifiParty account or the page on Facebook? He's trying to get a political party started! Saw at least one Twittage at LeVar Burton! :P

Oooh! In two days TheKJA and I will be the same age again! Poor guy, getting OLD! :dance:


:? Um ... yeah...

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 19:10
by TheDukester
This guy is a keeper! He makes Brian The Pest look like the absolute height of reason and common sense.

Gotta love them preeks ... and the fact that TheKJA seems to attract all the wingnuts, losers, and social retards. They're made for each other. :lol:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 20:44
by Nekhrun
Left a reply. I doubt we'll see it. Fuck him.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 22:21
by Omphalos
He reiminds me of Martian Bob only with one or two extra marbles rattling around up there. No more than one or two though.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 24 Mar 2010 23:38
by Nebiros
I read his blog. I wonder if he would consider me a troll. I've been accused before of being a talifan so it could happen.

I'll shut up now.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 02:21
by SandChigger
Nebiros wrote:I'll shut up now.

I'd actually like you to come around more often. It's been a couple years now, let's see if time has mellowed you any. :)

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 03:08
by nampigai
my wife may give birth on the 27th...I'll tape her legs together if any signs shows.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 03:54
by The_Kat
How much of a self publicist is Princess Irulan????

She Quotes several of her own books in the propaganda pamphlet she wrote(Dune).

I suppose she wrote GEoD as well posthumously so that all the contradictions between the sequels and Leto II's quoted memories of the exact events can be dismissed.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 05:05
by lotek
The_Kat wrote:How much of a self publicist is Princess Irulan????

She Quotes several of her own books in the propaganda pamphlet she wrote(Dune).
bloody good point that!

While I still have posting rights on the Dune Saga Facebook page I might go and ask :)
The_Kat wrote:I suppose she wrote GEoD as well posthumously so that all the contradictions between the sequels and Leto II's quoted memories of the exact events can be dismissed.
Do they also claim GEoD was "written" by Irulan?

I'm confused...
and angry...

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 05:09
by lotek

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 05:37
by The_Kat
lotek wrote:Image
lotek wrote:
The_Kat wrote:I suppose she wrote GEoD as well posthumously so that all the contradictions between the sequels and Leto II's quoted memories of the exact events can be dismissed.
Do they also claim GEoD was "written" by Irulan?

I'm confused...
and angry...
I don't think they claim that .....yet. There are lots of contridictions between GEoD and the prequels so i'm sure they will be doing soon, or saying that the Leto was lying or some other bull.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 06:41
by SandChigger
Well, they've already said he was deluded or mistaken about his own importance, that he couldn't see the greater, ULTIMATE KWISATZ HADERACH that Duncan was to become eventually, so why not?

Harq has some books in him, but my bet for the author of Leto (The Golden Path?) of Dune is still Gaus Andaud.
Ten thousand years since Leto II began his metamorphosis from human into the sandworm of Rakis and historians still argue over his motives. Was he driven by the desire for long life? He lived more than ten times the normal span of three hundred SY, but consider the price he paid. Was it the lure of power? He is called the Tyrant for good reason but what did power bring him that a human might want? Was he driven to save humankind from itself? We have only his own words about his Golden Path to answer this and I cannot accept the self-serving records of Dar-es-Balat. Might there have been other gratifications, which only his experiences would illuminate? Without better evidence the question is moot. We are reduced to saying only that "He did it!" The physical fact alone is undeniable.
The Metamorphosis of Leto II, 10,000th Anniversary Peroration by Gaus Andaud
10,000 years gives one EXTREME perspective. ;)

And remember that the guy we're discussing here DID NOT like GEoD.

= Complete Dumbfuck. :roll:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 07:01
by lotek
you do not like what you cannot comprehend :)

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 08:11
by DuneFishUK
This guy re-defines dumbfuckery.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 14:39
by Nekhrun
Well, since he won't approve comments there's always Sidewiki (if you have a Google account) and Diigo.

Here's one: ... uFNgD4mBgQ" onclick=";return false;

This can also be shared via Facebook and Twitter. Since he has a blogger account to write that blog, he'll see this and so will anyone else logged into Google.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 15:16
by TheDukester
Hey, that's pretty cool! You kids and your computer tricks ...

I'm punting, personally. I've got no more interest in this guy — in fact, I'm beginning to feel sorry for him. He seems like a sad, lonely man who is desperate for some attention. What convinced me was this post from his "personal" blog (similar to Twitter, he's got like eight different blogs; I have no idea why):" onclick=";return false;

Sad and lonely, like I said. And the "science fiction author" at the top of the page now strikes me as more pitiable than funny.

I'm out.

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 15:59
by lotek
Nekhrun wrote:Well, since he won't approve comments there's always Sidewiki (if you have a Google account) and Diigo.

Here's one: ... uFNgD4mBgQ" onclick=";return false;

This can also be shared via Facebook and Twitter. Since he has a blogger account to write that blog, he'll see this and so will anyone else logged into Google.
nice trick!

I'm yes number 3 :)

and Duke I see your point but "kingdom of the trolls"? now that wasn't very nice was it?
Trolls are fanatics on the Internet who are usually found in forums, flaming other members of those forums unless it is their own private forum created by trolls. They usually attack for the love of the attack, not because they actually believe in the side they have taken against the others. Recently, I discovered trolls have found a new playground: Twitter.
Don't start a fight if you're not ready ti finish it, one way or another...
Since we're talking virtual here, physical strength doesn't count, only the power of the mind, which that dude seems to lack seriously!

now that's funny, chck out his favourite music videos list(at least the first ones)
Favorite Music Videos J

* Jessica Simpson - Irresistible
* Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away
* Jessica Simpson - These Boots are Made for Walkin
:lol: :lol:

Re: "Kingdom of the Trolls vs. Dune Prequels"

Posted: 25 Mar 2010 17:23
by inhuien
Ms. Simpson wrote:Weak with desire.