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Posted: 15 Jan 2009 19:42
by Freakzilla

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 01:30
by Irulan Corrino
Wow, that's some prolific posting...well, I'll just address the few relevant remarks:

-- - interesting, have no idea what that is all about but according to DNS checks...the owner is someone name Fathi Said. Does that ring a bell with anyone? Not with me. Ok, moving on. ;)

-- Yep, I did reply to the post. It merely means that at a particular time it suits me to do so, because it amuses and/or entertains me in some way.

-- As for Protected Forums at AA...anyone is free to sign up and not all the forums are Protected. In fact, I am not the only Staff member on the forum capable of changing permissions, so kindly point your fingers someplace else....or...point them a bit higher....hmm, over to the left, yes...gently...oooh, that tickles! :P

Seriously. Get over it. You want to RP, register and make an app - otherwise, stop inventing gossip. Everyone is welcome at any site I run as long as they behave themselves in accordance with site guidelines.

-- Mandy: I do agree with what you said. The only thing is, I wouldn't want to have RPers on our forum ridiculed or say, compared to KJA, etc. This is their venue, a place where they can just be themselves and let their imagination take flight. Sometimes, it only takes one undesirable element to turn a community upside down.

Cute LOLcat - love 'em. :lol:

But my ultimate favorite is this one:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 02:35
by SandRider
Seriously. Get over it. You want to RP, register and make an app - otherwise, stop inventing gossip.
Seriously. Get over yourself. Stop handing down proclaimations and marching orders.
This is the wild wild web, and you have no control over what other people think & say.
This is what is so irritating about Hyppo.

Here's what I think, about all the internet drama queens, from Hyppo to Merritt to
Andrew Ian Dodge. They ain't seen or done shit in their lives. A cross word
gets posted on a fucking internet message board and their panties get so tangled it
strangles them.

I've seen men killed all around me in combat and done some of the killing myself. I've
seen men burned alive in oilhead fires. I've seen men goddamn well vaporized by high
voltage electricity. I've been in more bar fights and street brawls than I can remember,
some recently. I've been shot and stabbed and beat with sticks by cops. I've pulled
the bloody bodies of little children out of car wrecks, and dug corpses out of collapsed
buildings after tornadoes. I've seen a man get punched straight thru his guts by a bull,
then stomped to death. And on and on.

Somebody gets called a nasty name over the goddamn internet and they lose their
goddamn minds. Get all huffy and righteous and bitchy. Act like they've been done
some great injustice. Fucking pussies. Fucking weak-minded little shitheels. Nobody's
hurt them. Nobody's attacked them. I've got to wonder, if they get that upset
over words on a screen from people they don't even know, what would they do in a
real-life situation ? Curl up in a ball on the sidewalk, crying in shock ?

Fuck you.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 04:40
by SandChigger
Irulan Corrino wrote:Sometimes, it only takes one undesirable element to turn a community upside down.
HI! :lol:

I bet you've seen more than 85 movies. You have, haven't you?

Jesus Christ, it's like a Hyppo MiniMe or something. :shock:

Question for the Canadian contingent: Just how common is this type among your women? :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 09:25
by Freakzilla
Fathi Said, CEO of IX Web Hosting, Hopkinsville, KY


OK... someone is going to get a title: undesirable element

Who's it going to be? :P

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 10:05
by Tleszer
Well, Chig is already a "Jewish Saint." I would nominate Sloey or SandRider, though I think The Sloester would just abuse it. So my vote goes to SandRider. :)

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 11:14
by Schu
SandChigger wrote:
Irulan Corrino wrote:Sometimes, it only takes one undesirable element to turn a community upside down.
HI! :lol:

I bet you've seen more than 85 movies. You have, haven't you?
Now that almost didn't even make sense to me until I thought about it!

*steps back, enjoys the show*

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 13:12
by SandRider
Freak, check you mail.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 13:34
by GamePlayer
Irulan Corrino wrote:PS
Cute LOLcat - love 'em. :lol:
Really? You don't say :laughing:
Yoda says; "Mmmm, to SandRider you listen; get over yourself, you must. Only a laid back community, with understanding as their ally, will attract like members and flourish. If you choose the demanding and bossy path, as Hypatia did, you will become a target of mockery. Told you, did he." :)
SandChigger wrote:Question for the Canadian contingent: Just how common is this type among your women? :lol:
These people in no way represent the majority of the Canadian female population. Most know how to enjoy a good drink and chill the hell out :)

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 13:59
by SandRider
I think that's exactly what that drunken rage at 1am was all about.
You want to mock me, if I give you the opportunity ? Go right ahead.
Won't hurt my feelings none nor will I take it personally. It's a fucking internet
message board that in the larger scheme of things doesn't mean shit.

I'm sick of these people thinking they're taking some kind of high moral
ground. Taking all this so seriously, like there's warcrimes and psychological
crimes being committed. "Irulan Corrino" is obviously not the worst kind of
this asshole (Hyppo is, and google "Johan Steele") and was most likely the
unjustifiable straw that broke out that bullshit in me last night. But so what ?

Now I realize I'm most likely dead wrong about all this. Younger generations
take these "internet communities" more seriously than I do. For me, all this
is a novelty. On the other hand, if you're putting all this effort and investing
all this emotional capital into these "communities", to the point where it adversely
affects your feelings and mental well-being if someone attacks your online
persona, you're probably a fucked up individual to begin with.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:35
by Mandy
GamePlayer wrote:
Mandy wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:I just asked a question and then basically got told off. So I pointed out the obvious.
Personally, I thought my reply was an appropriate proportional response, but your mileage may vary :)

I'm hoping people will eventually learn to direct their grievances appropriately rather than indicting everyone here at Jacurutu by default. But until then, en garde! :wink: :P
She offered her banners to anyone who wants to use them, and you call that getting told off? My 80 yr old grandma can tell people off a lot better than that. :) Other than that, I think she was pretty specifically going after the Chigger.
O RLY? :)
Now, I have no argument with you guys, any of you
At any rate, I hope I haven't offended anyone (in general) and if I have, well ...I'll live with it. Your dislike or disapproval of me (if such exists) of supreme indifference, to me.
Yep, sure sounds "specific" to me :)

She was being patronizing, petulant and insulting. If I acted that way, I wouldn't blame anyone for pulling a lolcat on me. But apparently a lolcat is considered "harsh" treatment here. On noes indeed! :)

I'm also getting a vibe that another issue is just below the surface here, so I would kindly remind you to review the simon incident and gain some perspective. As Freak-Z has said, people should think more about their posts before pressing submit. You paint everyone with the same brush, don't cry foul when someone steals it and beats you with the handle. :)

I don't give a shit about what anyone else does when visiting other sites/blogs/forums. Your dirt is your business; that's how the net works. But if your critics and enemies intend to join Jacurutu to indict the whole community with trash talk, I'll defend myself most effectively, I assure you. :P
I don't need to review the Simon incident. It was retarded. He's a retard and most everyone who responded to him, did so in a retarded manner. I think the "vibe" you are sensing goes back to the first run in between the delicious SandChigger and Irulan a few months ago. I imagine she's also 'net friends with Hypatia and that is a strike against her here, fer sure. I'm over the Hypatia drama, it was fun while it lasted, but it's boring now.

About the indicting of Jacarutu as whole? I still don't see it. She was attacked, she defended herself using slightly general terms at the end, but most of it was aimed directly at Chig. She displayed a general garment and you claim it's cut to your fit.. lol (sorry the Dune quote popped into my mind and I altered it a little)

I don't think the lolcat was harsh, I think they are funny usually. I just thought it was weird that her response was pounced on. I don't know her, so it's possible she's a horrible bitch, but I'm not judging her by that post, or any post in this thread. She's on the defensive, and she's outnumbered.. I'll cut her some slack for making a few general comments.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:37
by Irulan Corrino
Seriously. Get over yourself. Stop handing down proclaimations and marching orders. etc.
That's 'proclamations' and it was a suggestion. You want to do something, do it -or do not. What I am being is direct and factual.

Fuck you.
Alas, I hardly know you, and so I must reject the somewhat puzzling offer of copulation. ;)

OK... someone is going to get a title: undesirable element
Surely, you realize I wasn't speaking of any of you specifically; it was a generality.

seriously, i don't know what it is about Dune that attracts a disproportionate amount of female Canadian Crazies
We are turned on by anal retentive males in large groups?

Only a laid back community, with understanding as their ally, will attract like members and flourish. If you choose the demanding and bossy path, as Hypatia did, you will become a target of mockery.
Laid back? Some people seem to get quite defensive when I stand up for myself. Alas, sucking up just to fit into the Society of Mutual Adoration is not...for me. ;)

Mock away. I will always smile back, even though you will twist that gesture into some act of villainy on my part. Whatever. :D

Ah, time fllies when you're having fun. Well. Almost. *kicks the dead horse* Alas, fleeting amusement is just...that.


Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:57
by Freakzilla
Irulan Corrino wrote:
OK... someone is going to get a title: undesirable element
Surely, you realize I wasn't speaking of any of you specifically; it was a generality.
:lol: No, I'll come up with a better one for you.

I'm sure you won't but don't let these guys bother you. We're all bitter about the current state of affairs, we've got 'chigger bites and to top it off, we've been infested with Canadians.


Posted: 16 Jan 2009 14:59
by Crysknife
My head hurts...

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 15:04
by Mandy
Irulan Corrino wrote:
seriously, i don't know what it is about Dune that attracts a disproportionate amount of female Canadian Crazies
We are turned on by anal retentive males in large groups?
You should make that your signature :D

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 15:11
by GamePlayer
Mandy wrote:I don't need to review the Simon incident. It was retarded.
"Oh, you do Mandy. You REALLY do" :)
I knew I picked up a vibe; dead on, it was. I haven't seen spin this tragically obvious since the old Hypatia days. :)
Here's a recap for you my dear...

Irulan steps into Jacurutu and yells...
Irulan: You all suck, and if you're offended, I don't give a shit.
Everyone else: Chill the hell out, idiot.

In all fairness, tit for tat. Until...

Mandy: Oh, how this poor member is treated! Imagine, Irulan insults the membership here and someone actually calls her on her lousy behaviour! UNTHINKABLE! I must...*escalation ensues*

And just look at how many personal insults you and Irulan have now leveled. Oh yes, but I forgot, I'm not being insulted (insult follows), I was the first to attack (but I wasn't), I'm the bad guy (despite being the victim) and I'm taking this all too seriously (because that's what lolcats are for).

But by all means, keep up the "defensive" personal insults and attacks. In fact, here comes one now...
Irulan Corrino wrote:We are turned on by anal retentive males in large groups?
I love being right :)
I crown thee, Hypatia Irulan Corrino II. Long may she flame! :laughing:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 15:41
by Irulan Corrino
Irulan steps into Jacurutu and yells...
Irulan: You all suck, and if you're offended, I don't give a shit.
Everyone else: Chill the hell out, idiot.
Now that's poignant. :D was I wearing my crimson Presa Manolo Blahniks, or my Jimmy Choo Lance Metallic Sandals? Thanks for the crown, btw. ;)


On the actual Dune Sites news front, I wanted to ask if any of you had the Dune Mediteatro trailer (the one that was so swiftly snatched from YouTube by HLP :x ) - I know it's a long shot, but if you do, please let me know.

Also, I see that the Arrakeen.CO.NR has been put to good use since I decided to release the domain. Question here, have you guys given any thought to hosting an online radio, a weekly or monthly show, for example?

I don't know what it would involve, but some of my acquaintances had an online radio website for a while and it was quite a success (had a decent following). Anyway - twas just a thought.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 15:47
by GamePlayer
Irulan Corrino wrote:
Irulan steps into Jacurutu and yells...
Irulan: You all suck, and if you're offended, I don't give a shit.
Everyone else: Chill the hell out, idiot.
Now that's poignant. :D was I wearing my crimson Presa Manolo Blahniks, or my Jimmy Choo Lance Metallic Sandals? Thanks for the crown, btw. ;) insult this time. The salient point actually makes it through! We're honored :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 16:23
by SandRider
I tell y'all honestly what I'm kinda pissed about - Robin H. locking down
the dead-as-a-doornail House Atreides because a few of us were using
that dead-as-doornail forum as a Thunderdome for flaming Hyppo- it
was neutral ground, no-one had cared about the forum for a long time,
obviously. Hyppo absolutely can't post here, I can't call her names in
public Over There. For a brief minute, I had a separate Dune space to be a
complete asshole. Not like the partial one I play here.

I think I'm sick of siteadmins & moderators, too. I understand there has to
be some rules, depending on the content of the board. But I think it attracts
some power-hungry nazis with delusions of grandeur. (present siteadmins
excluded of course - that's why I keep coming back and am sometimes
ashamed of my mouth here - elsewhere, no so much.)

BTW your highness, that was not a proposition. It was a general "fuck you"
to all internet drama queens - you don't seem to fit the Hyppo-mold in a
few important ways - for one, I think maybe you do have a sense of humor
about the whole thing. Some don't. Delusions of grandeur, tho ....

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:00
by Mandy
GamePlayer wrote:
Mandy wrote:I don't need to review the Simon incident. It was retarded.
"Oh, you do Mandy. You REALLY do" :)
I knew I picked up a vibe; dead on, it was. I haven't seen spin this tragically obvious since the old Hypatia days. :)
Here's a recap for you my dear...

Irulan steps into Jacurutu and yells...
Irulan: You all suck, and if you're offended, I don't give a shit.
Everyone else: Chill the hell out, idiot.

In all fairness, tit for tat. Until...

Mandy: Oh, how this poor member is treated! Imagine, Irulan insults the membership here and someone actually calls her on her lousy behaviour! UNTHINKABLE! I must...*escalation ensues*

And just look at how many personal insults you and Irulan have now leveled. Oh yes, but I forgot, I'm not being insulted (insult follows), I was the first to attack (but I wasn't), I'm the bad guy (despite being the victim) and I'm taking this all too seriously (because that's what lolcats are for).

But by all means, keep up the "defensive" personal insults and attacks. In fact, here comes one now...
Irulan Corrino wrote:We are turned on by anal retentive males in large groups?
I love being right :)
I crown thee, Hypatia Irulan Corrino II. Long may she flame! :laughing:
Gimme a break.. :roll: I had no idea you were referring to me defending simon as the "vibe" you were picking up. Most of the attacks against him were fucking retarded, and embarrassing. I don't give a shit if he's a preek, or what he says over at DN about the OH. If you were one of the retards, I don't remember it, but I'm sure you do. Take that as a defensive and personal insult.. or post an lolcat, ya big meanie. You seem to think posting that was a significant moment in the conversation.. or are you taking a jab at Freak for being too general when he said you guys were "harsh"?

I said I didn't know what all the Irulan bashing was about and I didn't care.. you took it upon yourself to claim that you were "told off" for asking a question, which was bullshit. She didn't tell you off, she replied to you specifically, then went on defending herself from the rest. I have no idea why you are taking that so personally. If you were slagged off here, you'd defend yourself, hell you weren't even mentioned and you're taking it upon yourself to defend all of Jacarutu from the evil Irulan Corrino.

She didn't step in here and yell that we all suck, maybe you should go back and review the beginning of this thread. Why do you think you are the victim here? Because she told you that you could use her banners if you ask her? The horror.

You know, I love SandChigger, I think he's the bee's fucking knees, but I'm not going to jump on every person he has a problem with. He's capable of fighting his own battles, without the mob joining in.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:15
by Spicelon
Mandy wrote:
GamePlayer wrote:
Mandy wrote:I don't need to review the Simon incident. It was retarded.
"Oh, you do Mandy. You REALLY do" :)
I knew I picked up a vibe; dead on, it was. I haven't seen spin this tragically obvious since the old Hypatia days. :)
Here's a recap for you my dear...

Irulan steps into Jacurutu and yells...
Irulan: You all suck, and if you're offended, I don't give a shit.
Everyone else: Chill the hell out, idiot.

In all fairness, tit for tat. Until...

Mandy: Oh, how this poor member is treated! Imagine, Irulan insults the membership here and someone actually calls her on her lousy behaviour! UNTHINKABLE! I must...*escalation ensues*

And just look at how many personal insults you and Irulan have now leveled. Oh yes, but I forgot, I'm not being insulted (insult follows), I was the first to attack (but I wasn't), I'm the bad guy (despite being the victim) and I'm taking this all too seriously (because that's what lolcats are for).

But by all means, keep up the "defensive" personal insults and attacks. In fact, here comes one now...
Irulan Corrino wrote:We are turned on by anal retentive males in large groups?
I love being right :)
I crown thee, Hypatia Irulan Corrino II. Long may she flame! :laughing:
Gimme a break.. :roll: I had no idea you were referring to me defending simon as the "vibe" you were picking up. Most of the attacks against him were fucking retarded, and embarrassing. I don't give a shit if he's a preek, or what he says over at DN about the OH. If you were one of the retards, I don't remember it, but I'm sure you do. Take that as a defensive and personal insult.. or post an lolcat, ya big meanie. You seem to think posting that was a significant moment in the conversation.. or are you taking a jab at Freak for being too general when he said you guys were "harsh"?

I said I didn't know what all the Irulan bashing was about and I didn't care.. you took it upon yourself to claim that you were "told off" for asking a question, which was bullshit. She didn't tell you off, she replied to you specifically, then went on defending herself from the rest. I have no idea why you are taking that so personally. If you were slagged off here, you'd defend yourself, hell you weren't even mentioned and you're taking it upon yourself to defend all of Jacarutu from the evil Irulan Corrino.

She didn't step in here and yell that we all suck, maybe you should go back and review the beginning of this thread. Why do you think you are the victim here? Because she told you that you could use her banners if you ask her? The horror.

You know, I love SandChigger, I think he's the bee's fucking knees, but I'm not going to jump on every person he has a problem with. He's capable of fighting his own battles, without the mob joining in.
Now THAT is bringing the rock!

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:20
by GamePlayer
Mandy wrote:Gimme a break...
How about "No?" :)
I think the statute of limitations is passed on this one Mandy. And you've completely missed the point of the Simon issue in it's entirety; he actually apologized to me. :)

Btw it sure is nice of you to attempt to leverage the crowd by insinuating an insult of the admin. I admit, I'm curious to see just how low your posts will go. Should be your next :lol:

But don't worry, I won't take your venom as part of your imaginary "unified front." It looks like Irulan actually got the point. Maybe you can do the same :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:46
by Mandy
What difference does it make if he's an admin or not? The crowd knows we're all just people. You went on about the harsh comment, not me, and Freak is the only one who said you guys were "harsh". lol.. you think being an admin of a message board is special?

You brought up Simon, as if he has something to do with this thread, which he doesn't. It's great that the two of you patched things up. I'm sure you were gracious in accepting his apology. The only thing this thread has in common with that fiasco, is that a mob jumped on one person.

I don't know what "unified front" you are referring to, I'm just one person. I've got plenty of venom, though.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 17:50
by SandRider
I readily admit to being a prime retard in the Simon incident. And I'm one
of Chigger's minions. I have no defense for my behavior whatsoever except
boredom, Lortab & whiskey, and general mean-spiritedness. And I'm an asshole.

Maybe the difference between me and some others is that I know it,
and occasionally feel a little bad about it. But, I still have a folder full
of "shut the fuck up" graphics, and a burning desire to post them.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009 18:23
by SandChigger
Post away! :lol:
Irulan Corrino wrote:On the actual Dune Sites news front, I wanted to ask if any of you had the Dune Mediteatro trailer (the one that was so swiftly snatched from YouTube by HLP :x ) - I know it's a long shot, but if you do, please let me know.

And Nope.

Contact Mediteatro directly. As your friend has posted elsewhere
It's this little thing called "copyright"... you might have heard about it....