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Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 00:31
by Robspierre
Down in the basin it was 108 F. Hell when I went into work at 7:45 this morning it was 94 F with 48% humidity. Every lowlife who could was in the free kids shows cooling down and getting pissy when we kicked them out when the movies were over.


Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 12:58
by Omphalos
It'll get down to 100 here today. Was cool and breezy this morning (we wear sweaters in the evening here too sometimes, even when its godawful hot during the day).

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 22:51
by Rakis
Well, around Montreal, we got on average around 70F since the beginning of the summer...of course, the heat will finally pick up now that my vacation is over... :(

They say it's the worst summer (cold,rain) in Canada since 1992...

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 15:29
by Spicelon
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
SadisticCynic wrote:
Spicelon wrote:My problem with Celsius is there's too much wiggle room between digits.
Sorry, I don't quite get that. Isn't it the normal distance between numerals ie. difference between say 15C and 25C is 10C? I don't think its a logarithmic scale or anything fancy like that...
I think he's saying that it isn't precise enough, the old system had more degrees between freezing and boiling.

That said - I've never met a person who could tell the difference between 20 degrees C and 21 degrees C and so forth, no one other than lab rats needs a more precise measurement than single degrees, and that's easy to do, you just add decimal places!
It's hard changing a lifetime of learning. Intellectually I know that 20-25C is basically "cool" to "warm", but
a casual glance at the number doesn't provide any immediate feedback, which is frustrating. I suppose I
could train myself to get good at it, but why? Because the rest of the world does it that way? HA!

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 15:30
by Spicelon
GamePlayer wrote:And on that note, a brief reminder about temperature from the best TV series ever made...

Forty-Degree Day (Six Feet Under)

I don't remember that line? ;)

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 16:43
by A Thing of Eternity
Spicelon wrote:
A Thing of Eternity wrote:
SadisticCynic wrote:
Spicelon wrote:My problem with Celsius is there's too much wiggle room between digits.
Sorry, I don't quite get that. Isn't it the normal distance between numerals ie. difference between say 15C and 25C is 10C? I don't think its a logarithmic scale or anything fancy like that...
I think he's saying that it isn't precise enough, the old system had more degrees between freezing and boiling.

That said - I've never met a person who could tell the difference between 20 degrees C and 21 degrees C and so forth, no one other than lab rats needs a more precise measurement than single degrees, and that's easy to do, you just add decimal places!
It's hard changing a lifetime of learning. Intellectually I know that 20-25C is basically "cool" to "warm", but
a casual glance at the number doesn't provide any immediate feedback, which is frustrating. I suppose I
could train myself to get good at it, but why? Because the rest of the world does it that way? HA!
20-25 is actually pretty warm, I'd say regular summer weather. Anything above 25 is getting too hot to go outside (for me, for those suthurnurs who get up to 40 or 50... I pity you).

Why change? Because it's kind of embarrasing for the US to not be on the metric system. And most people don't leave the old system behind entirely - I still use inchs and feet and pounds to measure my height and weight, cm and kg is just annoying to me. By the next couple generations I imagine Canada wil be full metric though.

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 20:23
by SandChigger
It's fortunate you're short, then, and the conversion doesn't take much work. :P


YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Got some kind of Man vs Wild omnibus on the tube this morning and he just drank his own pee again and then squeezed water out of elephant dung!!! Goddamn, YEAH!!! I just died and went to heaven! :banana-angel: :banana-angel: :banana-angel:


Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2009 23:33
by Hunchback Jack
Can't say I share your enthusiasm for Bear, Chig. The guy's a drama queen.


Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 18 Jul 2009 00:18
by SandChigger
Hunchback Jack wrote:Can't say I share your enthusiasm for Bear, Chig. The guy's a drama queen.
OH, I KNOW!!! :D

And a shameless exhibitionist! :D

If he doesn't drink his own pee and drop trou at some point during an episode, it's just NOT COMPLETE. :lol:

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 02:19
by SandChigger

The SUN is actually out and it's HOT here today!!! Been out pulling weeds in the yarden, just came in for something to drink and to see what the latest stink was. :P

They've been doing jangara dancing with bells and drums and chanting all around the neighborhood, at homes where they've lost a family member since Obon last year. Kinda weird, kinda kewl. :)

Ciao for now!

(We've had more rain and cloudy weather since the rainy season ended than we had during it. Every day, gray gray gray. Enough to drive you crazier than a New Age marblecake. :lol: )

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 02:29
by Omphalos
Were in Phoenix today and yesterday. Twernt cool.

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 06:07
by SandChigger
Damn ... there must have been a lot of people kicked off this past year: I could hear them doing the jangara at different spots around the ku here from the time I went back out (around 4:30) until I called it a day and came in around 7:00. :shock:

The place around the corner and down a house or two got hit twice today that I heard. (You put a wooden lantern pole out in front of your house and any jangara groups that pass by will stop and perform until you take the lantern down.) You're supposed to give them a snack (a rice ball or two?) and some sake, and pay them. (Not sure what the going rate is, but I heard a few years back that it was around 20,000 yen.) I think it's kind of a status thing, how many groups you can host and keep smiling. You know, keeping up with the Jounouchis. :roll:

Anyway, hopefully it'll be sunny and hot again tomorrow! :dance:

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 07:50
by GamePlayer
SandChigger wrote:Enough to drive you crazier than a New Age marblecake. :lol:
LOL! I'd ask, but I think it's funnier not knowing :lol: :P

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 17:01
by smugetsu
My patrol car is telling me it's 90F here in Missouri, and that's pretty chilly for this time of year.

However, the inside is a nice, Smu-friendly 72F!

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 16:20
by Eyes High
Cool. A law enforcement officer. A big salute for putting your butt on the line. :auto-dirtbike:

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 16:31
by SandRider
well over 100 out there, with a hot, hot SW wind blowing like a clothes dryer.

Which is why I'm inside, playing on the net.
I sent the Mexicans out to hand-hoe cactus along the fence lines,
because I'm a mean White Sumbitch like that ...

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 16:43
by Freakzilla
I don't think we even made it to 100F in Atlanta this summer. Record lows are being recorded all over the continent.

It's global warming... :lol:

Why is it we don't believe the solar scientists? Oh yeah, because you can't tax the sun. :roll:

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 16:53
by Eyes High
We are actually kind of cool today. We have only reached 86 as of this time. The rains have cooled us down a lot. We did actually have a few days of triple digit heat. 101 was the last one I remember.

The rest of the week is calling for scattered storms, so we shouldn't bet to hot. Looks like this August is going to be bearable.


Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 12:03
by SandChigger
Rainy season seems to be over and it was HOT and SUNNY all (of the three-day) weekend! Enough to make a McDuner squeal like a roast peeg! :dance:

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 12:36
by Omphalos
They called for temps north of 105 all last week, but it only hit that once or twice. Sat and Sun morning were nice, cool and sunny. Got hot later, but it was not too bad.

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 12:39
by TheDukester
Miserable here ... typical 100-degree summer on the eastern slopes.

However, the evenings have been great. It was 81 when I left work last night, with a nice breeze coming off the river. Perfect.

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 14:30
by Robspierre
Been averaging 102+ down in the basin, 85 or more on the mountain with humidity, very miserable out.


Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 14:43
by A Thing of Eternity
You folks need to move north... that's way the bloody hell too hot... people in INDIA would be complaining about that!

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 15:43
by Nekhrun
A Thing of Eternity wrote:You folks need to move north...
You must mean waaay north, because I went swimming in Lake Superior the other day and it wasn't that cold. There were actually families at the beach with little kids like it was the freakin' Bahamas.

When I was younger it would've been a silly thing to do, but I've gone swimming there now for the last 4 years and it's getting warmer and warmer every summer.

Re: How hot are you?

Posted: 19 Jul 2010 16:00
by TheDukester