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Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 13:26
by SandChigger
Oh, I think he's already doing that. There are several examples where the twins are described as passing knowing glances or some such silliness, but I haven't marked them. Here's something from the creche scene with Gramma Jess:
Her words came out as a whisper. "Oh, Leto! Oh, Ghanima! What things must lie in store for you." She didn't know what else to say.

The babies gurlged and squirmed in her arms, as if they had established a mental synchronization. Jessica stared into their faces, and detected a ghost of Paul in the lines of their tiny jaws, the shapes of their noses, the set of their bright eyes...a biological déjà vu.

(Note that "She didn't know what else to say." There's another bit where she holds the babies close and kisses them and says, "I'm sorry, so sorry," but "he didn't know exactly to whom she was apologizing." She seems to be rather befuddled in general. Maybe that's why they took the title away from her? ;) )

Never mind that it doesn't make sense in REAL Duniverse times, I figured that since FH had Leto communicate with his father in DM, KJA would have to try to one-up him and have, say, Ghanima communicate with Jessica.

Or have Leto turn into a worm baby? :laughing:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 17:50
by Redstar
Oh yeah. Those psychic tornadoes? It was Mew!


Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 18:59
by GamePlayer
Very appropriate :lol: :laughing:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 19:35
by SandChigger
Pikachoo of Dune? :?

(Googled to check the spelling and was shocked by the Urban Dictionary entry:
pikachoo - 1 definition - referring to a females privates; including the vagina and sorrounding areas.
Oh, gawd, is NOTHING sacred?! :lol: So the above title I suggested might have covered the Jessica and Irulan "Heroes" books? :shock: )

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 19:44
by Redstar
SandChigger wrote:Oh, gawd, is NOTHING sacred?! :lol: So the above title I suggested might have covered the Jessica and Irulan "Heroes" books? :shock: )
Let me PM you some Pokemon hentai. :wink:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 20:26
by Tleszer
Redstar wrote:
SandChigger wrote:Oh, gawd, is NOTHING sacred?! :lol: So the above title I suggested might have covered the Jessica and Irulan "Heroes" books? :shock: )
Let me PM you some Pokemon hentai. :wink:
And the real reason he's teaching in Japan is because he's really, really into furries. :lol:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 20:37
by Redstar
Tleszer wrote:
Redstar wrote:
SandChigger wrote:Oh, gawd, is NOTHING sacred?! :lol: So the above title I suggested might have covered the Jessica and Irulan "Heroes" books? :shock: )
Let me PM you some Pokemon hentai. :wink:
And the real reason he's teaching in Japan is because he's really, really into furries. :lol:
Pokemon provides the best fetish fuel when it comes to the Internet: furries, bestiality, yaoi (single-gender only varieties), and if you're really lucky, transformation!

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 00:59
by SandChigger
Um ... yah, right. :P

OK, disposing of a few more PostIts...

This first one is just stupid hyperbole, but it's the type of stupid hyperbole at which KJA excels so well!
When the message arrived from the Mother School, even the written words seemed to have the imperative power of Voice. The Sisterhood demanded that Jessica go to Wallach IX regarding a "most important matter," and the order was signed by Reverend Mother Mohiam herself.
OK, sure, whatever. I can totally see the nearly brain-dead Jessica of this book thinking something like that. Par for the course. FORE!!! :roll:

When Mohiam and the others are trying to convince her Paul might be Abomination:
[Mohiam speaking] "...We suspect that he is already listening to advice that could destroy the human race. Corrupt ancestors from his pasts. What if Paul-Muad'Dib listens to the greatest dictators in human history?"

Harishka added, "You know all the obvious names. What if he has inner conversations with Genghis Khan, Keeltar the Ubertat, or Adolf Hitler? What if he takes private counsel from Agamemnon, known to be an Atreides ancestor? Or from ... others?"
Keeltar the Ubertat ring any bells with anyone? Me, either. Must be some future dictator. Whatever. Anyway, the important name here is Agamemnon. Isn't KJA clever the way he doesn't give in to what must have been an overwhelming desire to add "the Titan"? :roll:

Because you KNOW that's who he means. The original Agamemnon was hardly in the same league as Khan and Hitler, one of the "greatest dictators in human history". Hack probably thinks he's pulled a fast one here, you know? :roll:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 01:20
by SandChigger

Not quite, but close (about a ghola soldier delivery on SS):
The rugged red-walled canyon opened into a sheltered valley, far from prison settlements or Shaddam's domed city. On schedule, the Tleilaxu corpse ship settled on the hard-packed ground, stirring a haze of rusty grit with a roar of suspensor engines.
Um ... was there ever any suggestion anywhere that suspensors operated by displacing air (or anything else)?

Simply. Does. NOT. Get. It. :roll:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 07:01
by SadisticCynic
Ubertat? :?

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 07:58
by Schu
I got the sense that the suspensors were completely silent, like you.

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 08:39
by SandChigger
SadisticCynic wrote:Ubertat? :?
Don't know about you, but I get this Sylvester and Tweety vibe. "I t'ought I taw a puddy tat! I DID! I did tee a puddy tat!" "Oh, thufferin' thuccotat!" :P

I hereby add Ubertit to our communal list of KJA alternative titles.
Schu wrote:I got the sense that the suspensors were completely silent, like you.
Yeah. Is there mention anywhere of them making any noise at all? Humming or buzzing glowglobes?

He really is a total, uber tit. :clap:

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:03
by Nekhrun
SandChigger wrote: Keeltar the Ubertat ring any bells with anyone?
Watch him change his name in the next book and become Leto's OM guide.

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:04
by Nekhrun
SadisticCynic wrote:Ubertat? :?

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:30
by SandChigger
UberTATAYS!!! :lol: (Where's that damned ubertit emoticon?! :P ... :shock: Oh ... sorry, dirty mind got the better of me again. :oops: )

[RM Stokiah speaking] "... The Sisterhood cannot allow open defiance without consequences. Therefore everyone must see your guilt, and you must feel it. You must know it." Her papery lips formed a smile. "The Sisterhood has developed a new weapon, a technique that combines both psychological and Jongleur training. I am one of the first, and most powerful, Bene Gesserit guilt-casters, and you will obey."
Jongleur training. Ooh. Sister Stokiah, Guilt-caster extraordinaire.... Now who were those others? On the phone the other night Teg suggested their names might be Cokiah, Tokiah, Snortiah. And Dumpiah. (Not too sure about that last one. :P ) And what are these mysterious new GUILT-CASTERS, you ask?!
Guilt-casters...women able to manipulate thoughts and emotions to magnify a person's own doubts and regrets and reflect them back like a lasbeam ricocheting off a mirror. Tessia had thought them only a frightening rumor leaked by the proctors in order to compel unruly acolytes.
Those damned leaky proctologeurs! :twisted:

[Rheinvar the Magnificent speaking] "Ages ago, House Jongleur founded an ancient school of storytelling, employing clever showmanship and performing skills...but some of us had an extra gift, mental abilities that let us share emotions—strictly for entertainment purposes, you understand—to enhance the experience and increase the fear, romance, and excitement."
In case you've forgotten, these jokes made their first appearance in House Harkonnen (that wondrous tome of valuable info). Jongleur is the French word for "juggler". So we know KJA at least owns an English-French dictionary. :roll:

HE [=Paul] AND BRONSO stood behind the electronic containment barrier of a holding cell. Waiting. The Guild had already done full identification scans on them, and soon enough somebody would figure out who they really were.
OK, so there's shield tech, but "electronic containment barriers"? Maybe I'm just being forgetful; anything like this anywhere in the books FOR THIS PRE-DUNE TIME PERIOD?

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:41
by Schu
SandChigger wrote:
Schu wrote:I got the sense that the suspensors were completely silent, like you.
Yeah. Is there mention anywhere of them making any noise at all? Humming or buzzing glowglobes?

He really is a total, uber tit. :clap:
I seem to recall the word "silent" to do with it, but I can't remember where.

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:23
by SandChigger

I think I've already mentioned these "Jervish Updancers". They seem to be some kind of acrobatic dance troupe. No doubt just another clever but unnecessary addition by KJA. Or maybe they'll turn out to be some major or minor plot complication in future books.

Fook me if I care at this point. :roll:
They moved in a lissome blur, dressed in the blue and gold costumes of their remote planet.
OK, this is probably going to be my last spoiler post. There's still more shit to mine from this mother of a lode, but I'm getting bored. The last few items concern

With each stirring in the corridors outside the thick-walled cell, he sat up, remembering how Paul had come to him the last time he was here. The Emperor Paul-Muad'Dib himself had dismissed or diverted all the guards, then opened the cell door to let Bronso flee down empty corridors and dusty tunnels.
Well, answers that question, huh? Needed an answer, seeing how KJA had him escaping from a cell deep within the Keep. :roll:

I've mentioned a little about this next already. Jessica insists on visiting Bronso and cowls Alia's guards into letting her in with him alone. She offers to kill him mercifully with a gom jabbar, but he refuses, insisting on playing out the role fate has prepared for him. She offers him a bottle of water, since Alia is neither feeding him nor giving him anything to drink, calling it a waste of resources.
When he was off guard, she embraced him. "I'm grateful to you, Bronso. And so sorry." In doing so, she brushed the back of his neck with a different needle, leaving just a trace of potent residual chemical—another one of the new Ixian toys that the technocrats gave to Alia in hopes of impressing her. Bronso didn't even notice. As they drew apart, she thought, I've done everything I can for you. Paul's good and loyal friend, and a true patriot of the Imperium.
Then, later at his execution...
The priest guards cuffed Bronso forward, and he stumbled toward the deathstill. Jessica felt her heart burning with tears that her eyes could not shed, and decided it was time. She had her own trick that Bronso did not expect. In her conscious thoughts she triggered an activation code, then formed words, which she spoke silently deep in her throat and in her mind.

Tommy, can you hear me? She saw the prisoner's unmistakable reaction, as his hed jerked in surprise and he looked around. I know that song, from Old Terra! he thought. The Who? But how?!

Communication by nerve induction, she explained, never opening her mouth. A prototype Ixian technology—extremely expensive, designed for espionage and surveillance. I applied the chemical to you in your cell. I wanted to be there for you. Now.

Bronso stood at the deathstill, looking inside. Jessica heard his thought via her own chemical receivers. I feel much calmer now, my Lady. Thank you.
OK ... what to say about this complete bullshit?

First, it's KJA's way of working in the telepathy needed by his plot by some mechanical—well, no, he says "chemical", doesn't he? What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?—means. Maybe he thinks that makes it "science fiction", since he's not relying on some psychic hand-waving bullshit this time, not understanding that it's still just another science fantasy cop-out.

But WOW, how about that Ixian tech, huh? Talk about yer super science gongfu! They create a CHEMICAL that when applied to the SKIN creates a system (wave hands!) within the body that, once ACTIVATED BY THINKING A CODE, READS YOUR MIND (wave hands and pray to the Great Gods Below that no one quotes OCB prohibitions!) and somehow BOTH TRANSMITS & RECEIVES THOUGHTS (wave hands frantically and point, look over there!!!) to and from someone else the "chemical" has been applied to.


But get this, the second point: This will be presented as the origin of the technology that allows Leto II to communicate with his journal dictation machines, just wait and see.

That's right, once again KJA has to preempt and mangle some aspect of technology (or some other story element) imagined by Frank Herbert. MOTHERFUCKER.

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:30
by Karyle
I am pretty confident the suspensors weren't described as silent themselves, but in instances where, say, Leto II is sitting on his royal cart with the suspensors down instead of wheels, and the room being described as deathly quiet while he would council with Moneo or Duncan.

I'm not 100%, but I just did a read through of God Emperor... and I definitely feel like the suspensors didn't make any noise.

I think KJA has been watching too many movies lately. Or, maybe he's simply mixed up the universes in all 14 books he dictates a year.

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:19
by Ampoliros
WTF is up with the "Tommy" reference. Like anyone besides RM would even know who the fuck "The Who" were 20,000 years in the future. This seems to be a warning that the new Berg Dune Soundtrack will be filled out with British Invasion music.

So far this books seems to be worse than all the others out of pure horseshit and Young Adult mentality. It will take quite a bit to make me hate something more than Marie Fenring, but Paul Muad'dib running off to join the circus is pretty high up there.

House Jongular? Oh boy, are we going to see House Chef and House Gardener? House Butler? House Ringling Bros? House Douche Applicator?

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 13:04
by Tleszer
House Anderson vs the Sand Chig'gar? Nope, I didn't forget about that lame joke. :roll: :lol:

Of course this book sucks more than the others. Not only was the title changed but also the (US) book jacket!

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 14:39
by TheDukester
SandChigger wrote:Talk about your TOTAL FUCKING STUPID KJA BULLSHIT.
Okay, not even a preek can like this nonsense, right?

This book has FAIL written all over it. It will debut in the lower half of the NYT list (remember, cats and kittens: that's based on orders, not actual sales), disappear after one week, and be roundly dismissed by anyone with a working brain.

I'm thinking — hoping, too — that this might be the end for TheKJA. If he's not bringing in the fat dollars, what good is he to the HLP? They've made it clear that's all they care about (oh, hi there, Byron! Fuck you).

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 14:50
by Omphalos
I swear, this book is starting to sound like the cover to Rush's Moving Picutres looks. Or maybe a Marillion cover. At least he has abandoned pulp themes for prog rock imagery. Wonder what Bobo thinks of all this?

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 15:14
by TheDukester
Omphalos wrote:Wonder what Bobo thinks of all this?
"Sure, Kevin; whatever you say. Just make sure I get my check, okay? Now I'm feeling sl- zzzzzzzz ..."

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 16:54
by Tleszer
TheDukester wrote:
Omphalos wrote:Wonder what Bobo thinks of all this?
"Sure, Kevin; whatever you say. Just make sure I get my check, okay? Now I'm feeling sl- zzzzzzzz ..."

Re: The Winds of Dune: When they blow, they also suck!

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 18:53
by SandChigger
Yes, you called? :)
Ampoliros wrote:WTF is up with the "Tommy" reference. Like anyone besides RM would even know who the fuck "The Who" were 20,000 years in the future.

Ahem. OK, I apologize, I am really sorry, but I couldn't help myself. It just ... screamed for something inane like that. :oops: Here's what it really says:
Bronso. Can you hear me? She saw the prisoner's unmistakable reaction, as his head jerked in surprise and he looked around.
But really, when you think about it, with the stickers on the luggage and Rheinvar dressed in his white suit and top hat (covered in ice diamonds) and all the other late-20th-century sensibilities, would KJA injecting a Tommy reference really seem that impossible? ;)