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Posted: 20 Mar 2009 18:10
by Mandy
SandRider wrote:Who ? Mike Resnick ?

Mike Resnick
Mike Resnick
Mike Resnick

that guy ?

Mike Resnick ?

some kinda fantasy writer, isn't he ?

that Mike Resnick guy ....
His website should tell you everything you need to know about him, lol..

You've just stumbled across a cache of great Mike Resnick Stories! Here you will find Hugo winners, Hugo nominated, and other fanciful tales. Remember... this all belongs to Mike, so no reproduction, duplication, or retransmission allowed without the expressed permission of Mike Resnick and believe me, he will find you. He created the Widowmaker after all.

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 19:07
by SwordMaster
After looking into it further, I can find no trail of KJA being a Scientologist. I keep a close eye on this cult since I discovered how fucked up they are a few years back. They have an "org" in Toronto, some are trying to get their tax status removed with no progress at all...

But as far as KJA goes, I would say he is not a member, if he worked directly with LRH he would have known he was a complete fraud and I would bet even knows that scientology is a complete cult of greed and as LRH once said "the only way to really make money is to start your own religon"

Estimated wealth when he died - $750 Million

Guess old crazy LRH was right after all.

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 21:55
by SandChigger
Um ... I don't think anyone here has really ever seriously believed he is. A lot of weird circumstantial shit, but nothing real. It's like painting Hypochondria a Pretard, just something to irritate the person in question or his/her/its friends and fanthings. ;)

It would be hilarious if he secretly is, of course. :P

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 22:07
by Redstar
[Citation Needed]

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 22:34
by Schu
SandChigger wrote:Um ... I don't think anyone here has really ever seriously believed he is. A lot of weird circumstantial shit, but nothing real. It's like painting Hypochondria a Pretard, just something to irritate the person in question or his/her/its friends and fanthings. ;)

It would be hilarious if he secretly is, of course. :P
Actually, I'm not so sure that Hyppocrite isn't a pretard. I have reasons.
Kantele wrote: My choices:

Science fiction: Heinlein, Silverberg, Cherryh, Bradbury, Bova, Anderson
How do we know that isn't of the Kevin J variety? :P

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 01:38
by SandChigger
Not to defend the Braying Ass of Red Deer, but I think that would be of the Poul variety. ;)

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 02:30
by Schu
Well yeah, but do we know? :P

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 04:06
by SandChigger
More important, who cares? ;)

Here we go, The True Secret of KJA's McDune Philosophy, as expressed by C-H Tabr denizen Israfil in a comment on anoldo's Yueh shit:

Come's fan fic...he can do what he wants... :P

Kinda says it all, don't it? :lol:

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 09:51
by SwordMaster
It would be really funny if he was a secret sci con. But most sci cons are very open about being so in most cases, some how proud to have been taken for a few hundred thousand. But I honestly do think KJA is much more intellegent then McDune would lead one to belive. I bet he is close to becoming a millionare. Prove me wrong. I bet the guy is racking in loot.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 10:36
by Mr. Teg
SwordMaster wrote:After looking into it further, I can find no trail of KJA being a Scientologist. I keep a close eye on this cult since I discovered how fucked up they are a few years back. They have an "org" in Toronto, some are trying to get their tax status removed with no progress at all...

But as far as KJA goes, I would say he is not a member, if he worked directly with LRH he would have known he was a complete fraud and I would bet even knows that scientology is a complete cult of greed and as LRH once said "the only way to really make money is to start your own religon"

Estimated wealth when he died - $750 Million

Guess old crazy LRH was right after all.
Everybody was still uncertain if the claims about Frank's notes were true or not and everybody still liked Byron, when I first brought up the connection with scientology.

No one knew that KJA had co-authored a book with Hubbard.
No one knew that Brian wrote a glowing review of the book.
(This was before the famous first encounter that lead to their collaboration)
One of the Legends characters was named after Hubbard's son.
Both KJA and Brian were members of WoTFs.
Hubbard also was a record holder.
and so on...

I disagree that KJA would've figured out he was a he was already dead :P

Hubbard is an inspiration for KJA.
The nudune are more likely based on Hubbard's notes rather than Herbert's.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 10:49
by SandChigger

Never say surrender, Teg! :D

SwordMaster, I'm sure Kevin's a millionaire by now. Unless 'Becca has scarfed it all down. Byron maintains they don't make that much, but he may be disingenuously referring only to his share as a member of the Herbert Leech Parasites.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 11:24
by SandRider
we had that discussion awhile back, with no real resolution.

his horrible hair, the same "Going Out" jacket, his overall lack of
fashion sense or style, his CONTINUAL BITCHING about how
expensive little things are, his overall cheapness .....

cheap stingy bastard or under some kind of crushing debt ?

maybe it IS Scientology ..... you have to buy your way to the top
with them, right ? and g-d knows Keith wants to be on top ....

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 11:35
by SwordMaster
Mr. Teg wrote:
SwordMaster wrote:After looking into it further, I can find no trail of KJA being a Scientologist. I keep a close eye on this cult since I discovered how fucked up they are a few years back. They have an "org" in Toronto, some are trying to get their tax status removed with no progress at all...

But as far as KJA goes, I would say he is not a member, if he worked directly with LRH he would have known he was a complete fraud and I would bet even knows that scientology is a complete cult of greed and as LRH once said "the only way to really make money is to start your own religon"

Estimated wealth when he died - $750 Million

Guess old crazy LRH was right after all.
Everybody was still uncertain if the claims about Frank's notes were true or not and everybody still liked Byron, when I first brought up the connection with scientology.

No one knew that KJA had co-authored a book with Hubbard.
No one knew that Brian wrote a glowing review of the book.
(This was before the famous first encounter that lead to their collaboration)
One of the Legends characters was named after Hubbard's son.
Both KJA and Brian were members of WoTFs.
Hubbard also was a record holder.
and so on...

I disagree that KJA would've figured out he was a he was already dead :P

Hubbard is an inspiration for KJA.
The nudune are more likely based on Hubbard's notes rather than Herbert's.
Couple things Im not sure about here. what is WoTFs? How did they co author a book if LRH was already dead?

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 11:39
by SwordMaster
SandRider wrote:we had that discussion awhile back, with no real resolution.

his horrible hair, the same "Going Out" jacket, his overall lack of
fashion sense or style, his CONTINUAL BITCHING about how
expensive little things are, his overall cheapness .....

cheap stingy bastard or under some kind of crushing debt ?

maybe it IS Scientology ..... you have to buy your way to the top
with them, right ? and g-d knows Keith wants to be on top ....
Yes, it costs an estimated $3-400 000 to reach OT 5(same level as Tom Cruise he might have made 6 by now) and thats only about half way there. I think the highest level is still OT 7 and we are talking millions to get there.

Stingy fuckers are ussually rich fuckers, funny how that works. Dont look to his clothing and complaining as an indication of wealth. Rupert Murdoch dresses like he found a suit in a dumpster and complains about everything, and he is a billionare.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 13:54
by SwordMaster
Baraka Bryan wrote:
SandRider wrote:
maybe it IS Scientology ..... you have to buy your way to the top
with them, right ? and g-d knows Keith wants to be on top ....
you mean Xenu knows :lol:
haha, Xenu is the most LOL thing of all time!

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 14:38
by Mandy
WotF =
Established in 1983 by L. Ron Hubbard expressly for the aspiring writer, Writers of the Future has become the most respected and significant forum for new talent in all aspects of speculative fiction. The elite character of the contest is evident from the roster of judges: Kevin J. Anderson, Doug Beason, Gregory Benford, Algis Budrys, Orson Scott Card, Sean Williams, Brian Herbert, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Eric Kotani, Anne McCaffrey, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers, Robert Silverberg and K.D. Wentworth.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 14:49
by TheDukester
SandChigger wrote:Um ... I don't think anyone here has really ever seriously believed he is.

This is a classic example of a non-issue. KJA is a pathetic wannabe with overcompensation issues regardless of what his religious beliefs might or might not be.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:14
by SwordMaster
TheDukester wrote:
SandChigger wrote:Um ... I don't think anyone here has really ever seriously believed he is.

This is a classic example of a non-issue. KJA is a pathetic wannabe with overcompensation issues regardless of what his religious beliefs might or might not be.
No, sorry, you cannot call it a Religion dude. Its a cult of greed, nothing more. Just using the word dignifies them as what they claim to be before destroying people's lives. They don’t have to pay tax but you and I do. There is something far more sinister at work here and it would indeed matter if he was a CULT member or not to me. That would be something that is beyond being a sub par sci fi author. It means he is a brain washed cult member who I would never pay a penny to read his books. As it is now, I read new dune out of curiosity but if he was a cult member, it would make a difference to me.

This is not a question about what religion he practices, its if he is a cult member or not. Thank you, rant over.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:16
by Freakzilla
A cult of greed is different from mainstream religion how?

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:18
by A Thing of Eternity
SwordMaster wrote:
TheDukester wrote:
SandChigger wrote:Um ... I don't think anyone here has really ever seriously believed he is.

This is a classic example of a non-issue. KJA is a pathetic wannabe with overcompensation issues regardless of what his religious beliefs might or might not be.
No, sorry, you cannot call it a Religion dude. Its a cult of greed, nothing more. Just using the word dignifies them as what they claim to be before destroying people's lives. They don’t have to pay tax but you and I do. There is something far more sinister at work here and it would indeed matter if he was a CULT member or not to me. That would be something that is beyond being a sub par sci fi author. It means he is a brain washed cult member who I would never pay a penny to read his books. As it is now, I read new dune out of curiosity but if he was a cult member, it would make a difference to me.

This is not a question about what religion he practices, its if he is a cult member or not. Thank you, rant over.
Chig might correct me on this (with his constant grammar policing :wink: ) but I don't believe there is an actual literal difference between a religion and a cult, it's just a rough term for a scary religion with few members. Which is how every religion starts.

As for how KJA co-authored with LRH after his death - pretty much the same as how he kills Dune now, but Hubbard's notes/outline were near complete enough to warrant his name going on the cover. I think KJA did the same thing with another author's book post-mortem but I can't recall the name.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:40
by TheDukester
SwordMaster wrote:No, sorry, you cannot call it a Religion dude.
Oh, for fuck's sake: give it a rest, dude.

And you can skip the fucking lectures, too: I've been around the block a few times, and I'm perfectly aware of the CoS' checkered history. FYI: nothing you've said in any of your posts on this subject has been news to anyone here. You loathe the CoS and Scientologists in general: we get it.

I still say all of this nonsense misses the larger issue: regardless of his beliefs, if he even has any, Kevin J. Anderson should not be writing in the Dune setting. Not because he does or does not go to church every Sunday or does or does not sacrifice virgins on a pagan altar. He shouldn't be writing Dune because he is a talentless hack. THAT is the issue.

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:48
by SwordMaster
Well this is funny, an Atheist arguing for organized religion. How did I find myself here?? Oh man, I dont know where to start. Maybe a religious person could help me out here and explain the difference. But let me also be clear about something. I know of no religion that rips apart a person so harshly after a bogus personality test that that person goes home and kills themselves. Did they have a depression issue prior to visiting the "org" ? Yes, but there is something evil about a place that claims to provide spiritual salvation and proceeds to tell you that you are a mess and your life is a complete disaster if you do not join them. Common guys, that’s beyond what any on the ancient religions do.

On a side note... as you may wonder how I became so disgusted by scientology. My 15 year old cousin suffered from depression. She had heard that scientology could "Help" her. She went to the org, did the personally test. They told her her life was a complete disaster and she was going no where in life, blah blah blah. 2 weeks later my cousin jumped in front of a freight train. Im not saying that was the only cause. We were doing all we could to help, but this cult offers to help people, and then demolishes any confidence that person had, and of course, the big sell, then they build you back up! SO you need them to be happy. No guys, please all jokes aside... these are some bad muther fuckers!

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:50
by SwordMaster
TheDukester wrote:
SwordMaster wrote:No, sorry, you cannot call it a Religion dude.
Oh, for fuck's sake: give it a rest, dude.

And you can skip the fucking lectures, too: I've been around the block a few times, and I'm perfectly aware of the CoS' checkered history. FYI: nothing you've said in any of your posts on this subject has been news to anyone here. You loathe the CoS and Scientologists in general: we get it.

I still say all of this nonsense misses the larger issue: regardless of his beliefs, if he even has any, Kevin J. Anderson should not be writing in the Dune setting. Not because he does or does not go to church every Sunday or does or does not sacrifice virgins on a pagan altar. He shouldn't be writing Dune because he is a talentless hack. THAT is the issue.
Sorry I thought that the post was about the secret to his Success
being the fact he is a sci con and rolled out a book with LRH on the cover. My bad. And sorry for all the useless info on CoS Im still a bit emotional over the whole thing.

I do agree he should not be writing Dune regarless of his personal life

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 15:50
by A Thing of Eternity
I love angry Dukester. :D

Even more than angry Moreh Yeladim. :wink:

Posted: 25 Mar 2009 16:02
by A Thing of Eternity
SwordMaster wrote:Well this is funny, an Atheist arguing for organized religion. How did I find myself here?? Oh man, I dont know where to start. Maybe a religious person could help me out here and explain the difference. But let me also be clear about something. I know of no religion that rips apart a person so harshly after a bogus personality test that that person goes home and kills themselves. Did they have a depression issue prior to visiting the "org" ? Yes, but there is something evil about a place that claims to provide spiritual salvation and proceeds to tell you that you are a mess and your life is a complete disaster if you do not join them. Common guys, that’s beyond what any on the ancient religions do.

On a side note... as you may wonder how I became so disgusted by scientology. My 15 year old cousin suffered from depression. She had heard that scientology could "Help" her. She went to the org, did the personally test. They told her her life was a complete disaster and she was going no where in life, blah blah blah. 2 weeks later my cousin jumped in front of a freight train. Im not saying that was the only cause. We were doing all we could to help, but this cult offers to help people, and then demolishes any confidence that person had, and of course, the big sell, then they build you bank up! SO you need them to be happy. No guys, please all jokes aside... these are some bad muther fuckers!
Shitty, that would be more than enough to put me on the warpath too.

Honestly though, the definition of cult and religion remain pretty much the same, all you can do is call it an extra evil religion or cult, simply calling it a cult instead of a religion isn't much of a difference nor much of an insult. Maybe stop using either term and call them a terrorist scam artists. I have a similar story (2 actually) for Christianity destroying a person, though it certainly wasn't quite as intentional emotional abuse as your cousin. I'm sure everyone knows someone who would have been okay if not for one of the established faiths.