At the doctor today

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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandChigger »

Musta been some of that Omphalotic literalness rubbed off on me! :P
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by D Pope »

All the best, Eyes! We're looking forward to the time this'll be a bad memory. :pray: :pray:
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Freakzilla »

Y'all can keep my privates in you thoughts if it makes you happy. :wink:
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandChigger »

I'm thinking that would probably make you happier, thinking about us thinking about them. :hand: :naughty:
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Omphalos »

SandChigger wrote:Musta been some of that Omphalotic literalness rubbed off on me! :P
A harsh astringent should take it right off.

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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Eyes High »

Freakzilla wrote:Y'all can keep my privates in you thoughts if it makes you happy. :wink:

Oh, I just bet you'd love that wouldn't you? :roll:
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Shaitan »

Sorry to hear about your son's troubles, Eyes High. After all that I've been through with my health over the past 10 years, I frequently get paranoid over any sign that my kids might develop similar problems. Particularly if they were to set in even younger than mine did.

I've heard of people outgrowing these kidney issues, so there's definitely hope there. Long term antibiotics certainly aren't fun, but probably better than the alternative. Make sure you get him the best possible probiotics (many docs debate whether taking both pro- and anti- at the same time is likely to blunt the effect of the ABs, but in general the consensus seems to be that it's better than doing nothing, particularly in terms of long-term immune dysfunction developing in kids with situations like your son's -- probably something you might want to look into and form your own opinion about) -- I personally recommend something that contains no less than 8 strains, preferably including L. Reuteri, which is very important to maintaining the lining of the intestines and immune function. Just taking Acidophilus or a probiotic with 2-5 strains isn't going to have nearly the same effect as the substantially more expensive high-end probiotics which have 8-12+. There are dozens in the average digestive tract but the more, the better in general. Don't be afraid to spend more to get more in this case, IMHO.

Long term ABs can thin the lining of the intestines and allow pathogens/viral-bacterial fragments to penetrate into the surrounding tissues, aggravating the immune system and potentially leading to auto-immune disease later in life.

Obviously, since I have a rather nasty immune condition (Reiter Syndrome AKA Reactive Arthralgia/Reactive Constellation Syndrome, abbreviated as ReA), this is something I think about....but I figured better to give my two cents than remain silent when it stands a non-trivial chance of making a difference. I'm back on antibiotics (minocycline) myself this month, so this topic has been brought to the fore in my life once again.

I hope this helps, and that your son has no further troubles! There are few things in this life worse than having to watch your child suffer.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Eyes High »

Thanks Shaitan. I've never heard of probiotics. I'll talk to our regular Dr about it and do some research. Have a blessed time. Hope you get better yourself.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandRider »

and y'all keep my privates in your thoughts & prayers over the next two weeks as I travel the Forts Trail;
libel to have them gored by longhorns or stepped on by Doug Baum's camels ... plus, they'll be some of
them fur-trade era re-enactors around - them Mountain Women got rough, callused hands ...

and ChaniLuv, you'll be interested to know I do plan on soaking my dusty penis
in the Clear Fork of the Brazos River 'bout this time next week ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Shaitan »

SandRider wrote:and y'all keep my privates in your thoughts & prayers over the next two weeks as I travel the Forts Trail;
libel to have them gored by longhorns or stepped on by Doug Baum's camels ... plus, they'll be some of
them fur-trade era re-enactors around - them Mountain Women got rough, callused hands ...

and ChaniLuv, you'll be interested to know I do plan on soaking my dusty penis
in the Clear Fork of the Brazos River 'bout this time next week ....
"When the going gets weird, the Weird turn Pro." -Hunter S. Thompson
"Man, a guy gets drunk *once* and it's all anyone remembers..." -HBJ
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by D Pope »

The news;
I've got a new grandchild on the way! His name will be Benjamin.
My Mom had surgery for carpal tunnel today, she's doing as well as can be expected.
My brothers shoulder overhaul seems to have gone well, he keeps wanting to overdo it... again.
My sister had a part removed and announced last Saturday that she can eat ice cream now with no ill effects.
Whew! What a month.

The request;
My daughter inlaws OB is driving me nuts! The short of it is that the guy is making problems worse by his manner. This'll be her forth baby and her old doctor has left town. I remember admiring his manner when he said, "Everything is fine and moving along as it should, i'm going to write a perscription to try to improve your BP numbers and we'll see how your doing next week. OK?" A real nice fellow and a soft touch. Her new doc has her crying with his, "This is a problem we MUST adress IMMEADIATLY! I can't overstress the importance of strictly following this Rx, gonna set you up with a specialist, till then- DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF! Limit activities..." the whole shebang.
So far her numbers are right on par with her prev three, i'm not making light of the issue but feel that this guys excited manner is making the problem worse.

How do I (filthy peasant) tell a doctor to take a softer approch? Should I try?
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandChigger »

My very limited experience with members of the medical profession (none with OBs) has taught me you can't tell a doctor fucking anything. If you try, they turn into REAL dicks.

If she's that unhappy with him but can't change doctors, I'd say try to talk & work with her and get her into a place where she can ignore the dramatics and just listen for the important stuff.

I don't know... maybe someone with more experience with dicdocs will have better advice...
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandRider »

I'm not sure how this will help you, and it's also more of a personal trait than anything, applied to every facet of my life:
no matter who you're dealing with, no matter their "position" or status, every person you look in the eye should not have
a doubt that you can and will whip their ass if they get out of line, and if it should come to that, they should have no doubt
it was their own fault ... this is best accomplished with a (very) few choice words, eye contact and body language ....

if, for some reason, I was ever in an exam room with a daughter-in-law & OB and he (first off, right there, dump him anyway,
get a woman OB/GYN - in this day and age, any male GYN not over the age 70 is a pervert) started with the crazy talk, I'd
just take a step up, interrupt him (?); "Doctor, can I see you outside for a moment ?" (if he protests, calmly insists, take hold
of him on his upper bicep, lead him on out) squeeze the daughter's shoulder, smile at her ...

once outside, maneuver yourself in the middle of the hallway, keeping the doctor between you and the wall,
in case it should become necessary to brace him later ...

calmly now, in a low strong voice, say :"Now, I don't think your tone of voice in there is all that helpful ..."
raise you hand slightly, just a bit above your waist to stop him when he tries to speak - remember, he has
nothing to say to you in this situation; you are telling him how the beans are going to be boiled ...

cock your head and give a small sideways smile (it helps if you have an old straw cowboy on here, and a Sam Elliot mustache -
in face, envision Sam Elliot giving this speech - y'all know Sam can and will whip your ass, and y'all know that if he
does have to do that, it was your fault ...)
"Now, Doc, I know, and I'm just tellin' you, your manner with that girl in there ain't helpful, and I think we both know you can do a lot better ...."

grab the cap of his shoulder at an angle and give it a brief, hard squeeze; smile and lead him back in ...
if you were successful and he improves, fine and dandy; if he's still not performing up to your expectations,
stop him again, take him back outside, have another talk ...

if, during this or the first talk, you see the flicker of defiance in his eyes, step in closer and squint ...
it may very well be necessary to step right up in his face, bracing him against the wall if he tries to slide away,
putting the brim of your hat down on his forehead, right at the hairline - this is where stiff-brimmed straw hats are most effective, BTW ...

never lose your temper or total control of the situation; calm authority is the key - you are the authority, you are the Law,
and the reason this is so is because you will whip ass right here in the hallway of this medical complex ... if the doctor (or whoever
it is, a mechanic, accountant, your lawyer, little league coach, your pastor, son-in-law, &etc) is not getting your physical cues, or thinks
he is the tough guy and you're bluffing, you'll have to ratchet up the rhetoric, and be a whole lot clearer :
"No, now Doc, look here: you ain't tellin' me shit" (sideways smile) "I don't give a fuck about you; I care about the well-being
and peace of mind of that little girl in there, I think you'd better make that your top priority, too."

adding "or Imma whip your ass" is not necessary, should never be necessary ....

the trick here, in any similar situation, is not to be intimidating or threatening, even tho you are in fact intimidating and threatening someone;
you should appear to be standing on the higher moral ground, reminding the shitheel you are dealing with of what their proper behavior
is supposed to be - in case they've, you know, just forgotten, or have had a rough and busy day and just forgot their manners for a second;
and that's okay, hell, we're all human, let's just get back on track here and do what we all know is right ...

okay, so here's the hard part of this tactic -if, somewhere along the way, your shitheel-in-question did not follow the program,
became defiant or mouthy, heaven forbid tried to shake off your hold on his arm, or pushed at you when you put him up on the wall,
there really is only one option : ass whippin', right here, right now ...

now keep in mind that if you have to carry it on over into this stage, in the hallway of a medical center, on a doctor of medicine,
you are going to be eventually arrested and sued .... and this is the outcome of most of these situations, so unless you are
prepared for that, you'd best not even start with this tactic - without the ability and will to carry thru on the implied violence of
your rhetoric, you're just a bluffing shitheel, and are likely to get your ass whipped by whoever you're dealing with, and they'd
be right, you needed your ass whipped for letting your mouth write that check your ass couldn't cash ...

so, if you're now going to go on thru with it, remember this - if you are going to get arrested and have to pay your lawyer
and fines and court fees and do some time in the county lockup and pay your lawyer some more for the civil suit and all that,
remember that charges are going to be the same if you just slap him with an open palm and push him down, scaring him but
not really hurting him or teaching him a lesson he'll not soon forget, or pour about half the can of whip-ass on him - one quick
jab to the face to bust open his nose and start the profuse bleeding and take all the defiance out of him, then a series of
open palm slaps to the side of the face and head, to show him that if he acts like a bitch, he'll be treated like a bitch (every fourth
hit should be an upward-arcing backhand catching corner of the chin) ....take his neck in your left hand and pin him to the wall;
deliver no more than three swift, light blows to the stomach, the last one a little higher to catch the "solar plexus" and
drive the wind out him - no more than three, and light, because these blows will just hurt and knock the breath out of him -
harder and more could damage internal organs, lead to internal bleeding (&death) - this is one of the things that mark the thin
line between "assault" and "aggravated assault" (also, be sure to check your state laws, any way - you should always know
the penalties for any actions you think you might have to take)

now step back and let him fall to the floor - by now, there will be nurses and staff in the hallway, looking out of doors;
depending on how they feel about the doctor, they may or may not have called security and the police; this is not your
concern and has no bearing on your mission ... give him a swift kick in the ass to get him crawling towards the front lobby -
if he tries to get his knees in under him to stand up, put your foot on his back and push him down - you may have to move
quickly, he may be scrambling and fast due to fear and adrenaline; you may have to bend over and grab an ankle and pull
him back flat - remember that you are the law - you'll allow him to crawl, like the beaten-down dog he is, but he can
only get up when you decide to let him ...

keep kicking him down on down the hall and hopefully out into the lobby before the cops show up; you want everybody
on this whole floor to see what being as asshole buys you in this town ....remember to kick only the ass or in the back
lightly - remember the internal organs things, and never in the head ...

at your first sight of the cops, stop kicking and back away, raise your hands and submit - if the first responder is a security
guard of other kind of semi-authority, go ahead and submit, too - your beef is not with them, and they will be doing their
job by coming to handle this "situation" - let them ....

don't say anything to the cops whatsoever - you've just publicly whipped the ass of a medical doctor in his own office;
they are going to arrest you - they have to ... telling them anything ("he deserved it", "just schoolin' shitheels, officers")
is pointless .... they ain't the judge and they don't care what happened, anyway ... tell them only where your ID is, and say "yessir"
when they ask you if this is your name and address ....when they ask you "what happened here?" the only proper response is non-verbal -
slowly look over at the bleeding mess that was a haughty, dignified OB/GYN, slowly look back over at the cops, shrug your shoulders ...

don't hit your head getting into the back seat of the squad, and don't catch the handcuffs under your butt or on your beltloops or belt
or rivets on your jeans, as it's a bitch to get your weight up once your sitting down and the cuffs will cut into your wrists all the
way downtown ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Freakzilla »

In the military they call that "wall-to-wall counseling".
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Serkanner »

I am so relieved I am not an OB/GYN ... :shock:
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandRider »

of course, I also have to say that this type of attitude/lifestyle is not for most people;
and in my lifetime, there have only been a few occasions where I've had to move on
to the actual ass-whippin stage .... esp. these days, American men have become so
passive & non-confrontational ... their first reaction is to threaten to call the police -
when reminded that by the time the police show up, their ass will be thoroughly
whipped, they seem to fall in line ... I've also used the tactic of offering to call
the police myself ... pulling out my cellphone ... "Yeah, 911? We need some crusiers
and an ambulance over here ... say is Bubba Joe on duty? Great, send him, too."

of, course you have to have the little baby jesus on your side; you have to be
completely correct in your heart and mind; you are not a thug, or bully, you are
a concerned, caring parent, or brother, correcting the misbehavior of a fellow
traveler before he gets himself into real trouble ....

if things ain't right between you & The Lord ... well, you're gonna get your
ass whipped and the sheriff and the judge are not gonna look kindly on you, and
it'll turn out the student in this Life Lesson was you .... which has happened to
me more times than I can remember ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by D Pope »

SandChigger, I agree.
Normal 'having a baby insanity' combined with 'you don't know more than the doctor' has her believing this is the only guy that understands/can help. Reason and gentle pleas have yielded little or temporary benefits. Before Joanne, I assumed that women with two kids or more knew better what was going on with themselves but she's young and times are stressfull.

The only reason I haven't tried a more physical solution is that the fellow seems to really have her interests at heart. While I agree with what you've said, there needs to be greater disparity between our mutually self-perceived righteousness. I think that you'd agree that intimidation is a great tool for removing normal barriers to communication, but it seems too easy to fall into the brute pidgeonhole locking him into a martyred role. I've done nothing so far because I can't conceive a way around that 'i'm a doctor, you're shit' ego. I'm worried that trying to impose a better behavior would worsen my dilemma. He is a doctor and knows what he's doing- he doesn't know his attitude is causing a portion of the problem.
On the other hand, perhaps I should consider the greater good. An assault charge and a little jail time seems a fair price if it would get this guy to take a calmer approch to problemsolving. The more I think about it, the more I think it's probably not in him to believe in my point of view.
The difference between 'we're gonna keep an eye on this' and 'OMG WE GOTTA!...' seems so trivial compaired to the effect it's having that I just continue to work on her.

What do you think about asking the doc about how behavior effects blood pressure, getting him locked into a calm approach/don't get her excited mindset, then gently trying to get him to examine his own behavior in that light?
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by TheDukester »

SandChigger wrote:My very limited experience with members of the medical profession (none with OBs) has taught me you can't tell a doctor fucking anything. If you try, they turn into REAL dicks.

After working many jobs, being on many insurance plans, etc., I've become convinced that getting a good doctor is largely a matter of luck.

I finally like all of our doctors (pediatrician, OB, general practice, etc.), so I'm pretty much desperate not to switch insurance right now, even if it means saving a few bucks.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandRider »

ass-whippin' is not the inevitable end of the situation, and shouldn't be, if you're in the Right,
but it is a possibility if things go bad, and you've got to be prepared for that; both the dealing
out of the ass-whippin' and the consequences of that, which are inevitable ....
(all I'm saying - if you're gonna stand your ground, you gotta be willing and able to
go to the bitter end ... but all along that path, you're going to try to get your shitheel
to see reason and get hisself right with the little baby jesus ... trouble is, see,
shitheel's and reason rarely go hand in hand ... and the baby jesus loves a sinner,
but hates them shitheels ....)

and this doctor may not be that kind of shitheel, but here's what I see as your first problem :
I can't conceive a way around that 'i'm a doctor, you're shit' ego.
you don't have to; that attitude is his problem; it only becomes your problem when
you buy into it, giving him the Power, and also perpetuating that "Doctor as God" horseshit;

when all is said and done, especially in this country, Medical Services are still that : services ...
all the schoolin' and pieces of paper in frames around his office doesn't change that fact that he is still basically
working in the "service sector" ... he gets paid a little more than the kid at Whattaburger, but in the end,
in this country, Medical Service is a commodity, it's a Free Market, and the doctor damn well better
understand that his job is to satisfy you, the customer .... you wouldn't take any attitude off a
snot-nose kid behind the counter at the Whattaburger; the only reason people take attitude off of snot
nose doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs is because they allow it ....

and that's really all I'm saying - respect, equality, politeness - I give these things to other people from the
git-go, until they give me a reason to revoke one or all of those things - and I expect the same, and damn
well will receive it .... due to the fucked-up society we've built for ourselves here (and again, I take a
huge share of the blame for that, on behalf of the entire Hippie generation - we did some very good, very
important things, and fucked up alot, too - unintended consequences & all that) I'll give folks, esp. people
younger than me, which is goddamn near everybody now, a couple of chances to re-think whatever kinda
bullshit they thought they was gonna try to lay on me ... and I know the common wisdom these days is
that "violence doesn't solve anything", but it does ... when you've ran the course out on dialog and the
other guy is still refusing to Get Right, the only thing left is .... ass whippin'; which may not solve all the
problems in the world, but will for damn sure guarantee that the shitheel in question's not going to give
you any more attitude, and will think twice before trying it on anyone else, too ... or ... maybe not;
in which case, it's Ass Whippin', Round Two ....

I give all my doctors a lot of respect, and I gots a shitload of doctors these days ... but they are not
any better men than me ... and most of them know it .... I had one little tiff with a neurosurgeon two
years ago when my discs started blowing out in my lower back ... I told him real calmly I didn't agree with
what he was proposing and told him what I wanted done and when .... he balked and told me he thought he
knew what he was talking about ... I told him that he, if fact, did not, and walked out of his office and over
the other side and told the little girl I wanted to see the other member of the practice and I'd sit right here
until he was available ...

a few hours later, the other neurosurgeon came out into the lobby; I quickly explained to him what I wanted
done and why, and that the other doctor had disagreed - now ... again, I had the little baby jesus on my side,
because I had researched what I was proposing and discussed it with a number of my friends who are doctors
of different things, and some of them had already told me that the first neurosurgeon was going to balk at
doing this procedure as the first remedy, and would most likely want to do several other, expensive, and
ultimately ineffective remedies, which I did not have time or patience for; the second doctor agreed with me
that the procedure I wanted would work, and he also said he could understand why his colleague would want
to do these other things first, but that, again, he agreed with me that the probability of success was low and
they'd end up doing the procedure, anyway .... great, I said, so I got up and we went to the receptionist's desk
and got me scheduled for the surgery ....

now the LittleBigTown is in fact a Little Big Town, so I of course ran into the other doctor, not long after ... I did
not act like a shitheel myself with "see I told you so" bullshit, but smiled and shook his hand, asked after his wife
and kids, and it was only a little later that he brought up the surgery himself; I praised his colleague, described the
benefits I'd gotten from the procedure and the problems that were continuing .... I presented myself to him as a
good, decent citizen of this little community who held no grudges against him personally, and certainly gave no
indication that I had been or would in the future be disparaging his professional reputation by telling all my friends
he was a snot-nose shitheel I had to school a little; if he held some kind of grudge or ill-will towards me, he
concealed it well and kept it to himself, which was the right thing to do, because I couldn't give less than one and
half fucks as to what he thought of me; and, at that point, with me being a Nice Guy and a Good Ol' Boy in
my conversation with him, any hint of an attitude from him would've been an Open License for more Schoolin' ...
and, as this conversation happened to be occurring at an artsy-fartsy Chamber of Commerce event in the Quarter-
master's Building at the Fort, with an open bar, taking him out back behind the stables for an ass-whippin' would've
been a simple task ...

but none of that was necessary ...
he doesn't know his attitude is causing a portion of the problem
what I'm sayin' ....

it's your job to inform him ... why it's called "Schoolin'" .....

What do you think about asking the doc about how behavior effects blood pressure, getting him locked into a calm approach/don't get her excited mindset, then gently trying to get him to examine his own behavior in that light?
don't think much of it a-tall .... that's giving him all the Power, because he's a "Doctor", a higher form of human being than us mere mortals ...
why would you want to hear his opinion on the subject ? you don't, that's just obfuscation, dancing around the fact of the matter -
"Look here, Son, you gotta calm your ass down when you're talking to that girl - you're getting her all riled up, and I ain't gonna stand for that."
that's the issue, and whether or not he does some soul-searching and behavior-modification with other patients and in his life in general
is between him & The Lord; I don't give a fuck how you act towards other people, this is how you're going to behave around me ...

I've developed this philosophy over a lifetime, not always applying as I should have, sometimes abusing it;
it is a throw-back to an earlier time, a set of Codes that were in place when we had a very different
Society ... I realized that most of it came from the way my Daddy and Uncles saw the world, the way they
interacted with it ... I came to believe in the righteous of it when I truthfully examined all the times I'd had
my ass handed to me, or been set-down a notch in front of other people, and realized that I'd been acting
like a shitheel ... and somebody that was Right with the little baby jesus decided I needed schoolin' ...

and I ain't gonna go so far as to say I was grateful for it, or any kinda silly shit like that, but I know
that I hold no grudges against the men who did the deeds .... and I learned from each situation what not
to do ... f'instance, if it's about 1977 or thereabouts and you're in a gen-U-wine rough-ass bar in NorthEast
Texas, and Pittsburgh has just beat the tar out of the Cowboys (again) and there's a big ol' bear of a man
at the bar who's been drinking all night and ain't moved or said a word since the Steelers went up however
many touchdowns it was in the third quarter, it just ain't right to stagger up to him and slap him on the back,
giggling your ass off from all the bong-hits you've been doing out in the parking lot and scream in his ear:

cause when he crosses your head with a pitcher still half full of PBR and stomps your ribcage with the heel
of size15 Red Wings, and puts that steel-toe right-square into your tailbone .... the little baby jesus is
lighting up another joint and laughing his ass off ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Freakzilla »

I went and got shot of steroids and antibiotics, one in each cheeck and a prescription for ABs.

I smiled and said, "Thank you."
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by Shaitan »

SandChigger wrote:My very limited experience with members of the medical profession (none with OBs) has taught me you can't tell a doctor fucking anything. If you try, they turn into REAL dicks.

If she's that unhappy with him but can't change doctors, I'd say try to talk & work with her and get her into a place where she can ignore the dramatics and just listen for the important stuff.

I don't know... maybe someone with more experience with dicdocs will have better advice...
I've got more experience with docs than any 10,000 people ought to have....and my advice is pretty much the same. Give them the simplest possible version of the facts, they'll do whatever they're going to do, and try to be happy with whatever they deign to toss your way. If you want more, find it yourself, only about 1 in 100 docs (if that) have the humility and patience to actually listen to any NEW information from a patient and do anything about it other than act like a complete asshat.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by SandRider »

grow yourself a Sam Elliot mustache & get a straw cowboy hat ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by D Pope »

You make a great case Rider, I can hear my Dad sitting on my shoulder as I read your post saying, "Listen to that boy, he knows what he's talking about!"
SandRider wrote:grow yourself a Sam Elliot mustache & get a straw cowboy hat ....
I've got an award winning handelbar and a straw Panama, they'll have to do.
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: At the doctor today

Post by A Thing of Eternity »

TheDukester wrote:I finally like all of our doctors (pediatrician, OB, general practice, etc.), so I'm pretty much desperate not to switch insurance right now, even if it means saving a few bucks.
That's one of the nicer things about the way our private insurance works up here (yes, we do have private on top of our public for anyone who hasn't heard that), it doesn't decide who you can or can't see at all. The way it works here is you pay for it yourself, then send them the bill and they reemburse you. It's sweet, I can get whatever chiropractor works I want, physio, all kinds of shit. The policy just lists what kind of stuff you can get, and up to what amount (maybe only $500 of free glasses a year for example), it never ever says where you can or can't go.

I don't know if that's a regulatory thing, or just the way it happened to work out here though.
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