Braid & Mechinarium

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Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Ampoliros »

If anyone here likes PC games at all you need to check this one out. Its a work of art and pure genius and will stretch your brain. Its basically a 2D side-scroller with a lot of artistic revamping of Super Mario Bros style platforming. However the levels require you to think in a 3rd dimension and its not Depth, its Time.

The demo is free and the full game is only $10.

Mechinarium is a standard adventure point and click style game but its amazingly crafted and animated. The soundtrack alone is worth the purchase. Iirc its the same price as Braid.

EDIT: Omph fixed the first link.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Serkanner »

I jut played the machinarium demo ... wonderfully crafted game ... and the puzzles are fun too.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Xenu »

I need to buy Braid for my 360, played the demo on PC a while ago, same for Machinarium, the demos were absolutely wonderful.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by nampigai »

We need a game discussion board for the ”young” folks!

I myself, am waiting for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for my Nintendo Wii. I’ll not buy the game yet, as I’ll have enough to waste my time on in a few weeks, but I will get it that damn sure.

If I win the lottery this Wednesday I’ll buy a PS3 and Heavy Rain to go with it.

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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by lotek »

ha silent hill...

Metro 2033 shows some promise:
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by nampigai »

Metro 2033 smells a bit like Fallout ( I’m waiting for Fallout 3 for my pc). But still it looks – like you say – promising! I’m just happy that there seems to be coming new “mature” games for the Wii. I don’t have a lot of games (don’t have the time for it) but I do enjoy Resident Evil 4 and Tenchu.

I’ve been looking at Splinter Cell: Double Agent as well (only EUR 19,25 on but like I said I don’t have much time so I doubt I’ll get it, I’ll rather wait for Silent Hill ^^

oh and ofc Resident Evil: Zero – for the Wii aswell!

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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by lotek »

I played Fallout 3 on the 360 and even if it has shortcomings(no vehicles and uneven add ons), I still found it to be the perfec compromise between action fighting and true roleplaying stuff(meaning spending hours reorganizing your equipment and balancing your stats :)... and picking up loads of junk to make money/caps)

The whole Karma system was excellent, I became the meanest mf of the wasteland, so much that even the dreaded slavers respected me and offered me present out of admiration lol

So I'd advise it but be prepared to struggle at the beginning and getting killed bt fucking mole rats!

one last piece of advice, there is a wiki somewhere, it's good to read a bit about character creation as early choices will influence your later gameplay :)

Have fun!
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by nampigai »

I will have fun with it ^^

I was a huge fan of Morrowind, and it looks like Bethesda has used alot from that game.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Seraphan »

I've played Dragon Age: Origins recently but i've stoped and went back to Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate II.
Once you play those, the level of storytelling in new RPGs just doesn't cut it.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Xenu »

I played the new Silent Hill on my PSP(it's a very good port of the Wii version), great game, my most enjoyable SH so far.

Heavy Rain is also great, bought it on release, I do feel it has little in the way of replay-value, all the actual gameplay sequences are almost identical, only difference when replaying is the endings which are just a group of different cutscenes with slight changes to'em. Heavy Rain was definitely overhyped by Sony to generate more PS3 sales.

As for Metro 2033, it's looking great and it has a pretty funny story behind it: the developers of Metro 2033 were originally a part of "GSC Game World", developing the game called "STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl" but after THQ got the publishing rights for STALKER, they felt their vision was being compromised too much by THQ, so they left the team.

This new team immediately sought up the permission to make a game based off the Metro 2033 novel(A cult-classic in Russia I might add), and started out making it, hoping it would be what they originally envisioned STALKER to be.

Now, a few years later, and THQ has gotten the publishing rights for Metro 2033.

So they ended up with the same company that originally made'em leave their original development team.

Personally, I can't wait for 2033, got it pre-ordered for my 360.

Also, as for Fallout 3, Bethesda has sadly gone downhill when compared to its glory days of Daggerfall and Morrowind in my opinion, especially Oblivion feels like a hollow shell of an RPG when compared to Morrowind.

Fallout 3 was a fun game I'll admit, but it had flaws, the shooting mechanics felt poorly implemented, like the devs couldn't quite decide whether to focus on proper shooting mechanics or proper RPGing. It also in my opinion lacked the great humor and writing of the original Fallout games.

But, luckily Bethesda realized this, and contracted Obsidian, which contains several of the ORIGINAL devs of Fallout 3(known as Van Buren), and the original two Fallouts as well. Their game is called "Fallout: New Vegas", and it was just previewed in PCGamer, and they said the entire 'world' in New Vegas in their experience is a ton better, better writing, better humor, better atmosphere altogether. There's also several gameplay improvements, damage resistance is going back to the old way of the originals, with armors having several different damage resistances for different types of damage(I.e. ballistic, laser, plasma and so forth.) Also, reputation/karma now applies on a local level rather than a global, i.e. you can have an AWFUL reputation in one city, but a great one in another.

Also, for anyone on here with a Nintendo DS(Or an Nintendo DS emulator for PC such as Desmume), Infinite Space is out soon in English, it's been hailed in Japan as the most epic sci-fi 'RPG' to come along in years, it's a game focused around space exploration, combat and role-playing, with over 150 recruitable characters(which can be crewmembers) and 200 different ships(all of which are very customizable), it's looking to be a great game that no sci-fi fan should miss out on.

Oh well, I ramble on, my apologies!

Edit: Oh and FYI, Metro 2033 is more comparable to Bioshock than Fallout 3, it's not a completely open-ended game ala Fallout 3, but rather a semi-linear atmospheric shooter like Bioshock.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by lotek »

ramble ramble!!

I don't always have time to read reviews or play new games for that matter, so it's cool to have a quick look at what a fellow gamer who has the good taste of liking Dune thinks ;)
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Ampoliros »

System Shock 2 remains the best atmospheric game ever.

I love the games that draw you in and wont let go. Shadow of the Colossus is another great game that will stand the test of time. I love the sandbox feel to GTA and Morrowind and If i had time to devote to an MMO i'd love to do EVE. If my tax refund is enough this year I'm hoping to pick up a PS3. I've hated Xbox ever since they took a little project called Halo and turned it into a fanboy fps. I still like Halo, but its original incarnation was more reminiscent of Tribes which had to be the all time baddest-assed multiplayer game I've tried. Nothing like getting bitched out after you snipe someone 2km away and you point out "Hey, you're the idiot standing still on a battlefield"

Has anyone here played Mass Effect 1 or 2? I'm thinking of picking them up for PC because Bioware has never done me wrong that I can remember.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Xenu »

Ampoliros wrote:System Shock 2 remains the best atmospheric game ever.

I love the games that draw you in and wont let go. Shadow of the Colossus is another great game that will stand the test of time. I love the sandbox feel to GTA and Morrowind and If i had time to devote to an MMO i'd love to do EVE. If my tax refund is enough this year I'm hoping to pick up a PS3. I've hated Xbox ever since they took a little project called Halo and turned it into a fanboy fps. I still like Halo, but its original incarnation was more reminiscent of Tribes which had to be the all time baddest-assed multiplayer game I've tried. Nothing like getting bitched out after you snipe someone 2km away and you point out "Hey, you're the idiot standing still on a battlefield"

Has anyone here played Mass Effect 1 or 2? I'm thinking of picking them up for PC because Bioware has never done me wrong that I can remember.
I agree, System Shock 1 and 2 both have a very special place in my heart.. "Look at you, hacker.. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors.. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"

As for your other questions, I own Mass Effect 1 on the XB360, it's a very enjoyable game, though not without its flaws.

It feels a bit lite on RPG aspect, but it has a very good story and lots of choices, something that's put to great use in Mass Effect 2 since you can carry over your Mass Effect 1 game(and ALL the choices you ever made in it) into Mass Effect 2, drastically altering quests, characters and the smaller details in the story.

I sadly have not had the time to get around to playing ME2 myself yet, bought the Collector's Edition at release but it's still in its plastic wrappers. But, given the savegame carry-over, and the way the stories hang together, I'd definitely recommend you get Mass Effect 1 first, then 2.

By the way, if you ever feel the need to read some sci-fi novels other than Frank's, there's two great Mass Effect novels, one prequel to Mass Effect 1 and one that bridges the gap between the first and second game. There's also a third on the way. I've read'em all and can easily say they are very worthy of reading, they're decent, entertaining reads, and they will make you enjoy the games more in my opinion.

Oh, and as for getting a PS3, I can fully recommend it over the 360. I've had two 360s die on me since 2005, all within around two years each. The only reason I use my 360(and keep buying one) is because that's what all my friends own and I enjoy my multiplayer with friends rather than on public servers, you know?

I hope you found at least some of that helpful
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by nampigai »

@Seraphan have you ever tried Neverwinter Nights? if you like RPG, you'll like NWN - can't say much about the sequel, though I've heard it was kinda shallow in comparison.

As for MMO's I think those days are over for me, I've played a bit of WoW but I've never had the time for raids or anything on a larger scale in end game, so that takes out the fun of it. Besides it all comes down to getting newer better gear and listning to crackpots whining about how some class is impossible for them to kill. I'ld rather crash on a bike than keep playing.

Does anyone remember when Cryo had "Dune Generations" in production? I still think that would have been the game of the century! The idea was brilliant, and I think it would have non-readers hooked aswell. I still remember the guild wars at the official forum.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Xenu »

nampigai wrote:@Seraphan have you ever tried Neverwinter Nights? if you like RPG, you'll like NWN - can't say much about the sequel, though I've heard it was kinda shallow in comparison.

As for MMO's I think those days are over for me, I've played a bit of WoW but I've never had the time for raids or anything on a larger scale in end game, so that takes out the fun of it. Besides it all comes down to getting newer better gear and listning to crackpots whining about how some class is impossible for them to kill. I'ld rather crash on a bike than keep playing.

Does anyone remember when Cryo had "Dune Generations" in production? I still think that would have been the game of the century! The idea was brilliant, and I think it would have non-readers hooked aswell. I still remember the guild wars at the official forum.
NWN2 is great these days, especially if you get the expansions, it's more party-based than NWN1, so it's very reminiscent of the Baldur's Gate games.

Sadly it's still poorly optimized but still, if you're a fan of Dungeons and Dragons NWN2 and it's expansions are must-haves.

I also agree wholeheartedly, I found out about Dune Generations after its cancellation but still took the time to read up on it and it's a great concept, one that I think could do very well now too, especially considering MMORTSs have become a fairly established sub-genre of MMOs now too.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Seraphan »

Yeah, i've played neverwinter nights and i have NWN2 and it's first expansion. I still think they are leagues away from what Black Isle Studios did back in the days.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Xenu »

Seraphan wrote:Yeah, i've played neverwinter nights and i have NWN2 and it's first expansion. I still think they are leagues away from what Black Isle Studios did back in the days.
No doubt about that, but these days when it comes to DnD I feel like I sorta have to take what I can get.
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Re: Braid & Mechinarium

Post by Ampoliros »

The Bard's Tale (3) anyone?
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