Sticks and stones may break my bones...

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Post by orald »

Valis, your fall reminds me some girl from elementry school(5th grade?) who got pushed or something from the roof of low building, maybe 3 meters high, and ended with 3 fractures to her leg. Must've hurts. :?

I remember in boot-camp we were given a weapons-safety lecture and were told about a soldier who messed around with a LAW launcher, ending up with the missile going through his abdomen after he tried to collapse the tube with it. :lol:

On a related note, not something that resulted in injury but almost.
I was playing with my M-16 in a guard tower near some god-forsaken communictions bunker, and when I put out the magazine and cleared the bullet chamber(cuz I'm a safety centered guy! :P ) a bullet dropped from it...turns out I was one little finger twich from shooting one in the post(I wonder if it would've ricocheted from the metal walls), and I did plenty of those, appearantly before said loading.
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

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Post by Tleszer »

DUNE, as interpreted by a blue man with a green tushie
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Post by orald »

Tleszer wrote:Speaking of bones...
I have the headless bodies of a score of kittens in mine...muahahahahaha! :twisted:
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by The Sons of Idaho »

orald wrote:I have the headless bodies of a score of kittens in mine...muahahahahaha! :twisted:
How 'bout that... I've been carryin aroung 40 kitten heads for some time now. Never could find the bodies...
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Post by Tleszer »

The Sons of Idaho wrote:
orald wrote:I have the headless bodies of a score of kittens in mine...muahahahahaha! :twisted:
How 'bout that... I've been carryin aroung 40 kitten heads for some time now. Never could find the bodies...
Who would've thought that a Dune site could bring you two together. Have enough bones to start a museum?
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Post by orald »

Uh, nothign like ressurecting one of my finest(mind you, they're ALL fine) threads. :)

Spice Grandson wrote:My injuries ...

Fractured skull.

I've gone through the realization that this explains alot for quite some time now.

So...I'm starting a dental plan soon, got 3 root-canal operations to have and some fillings.

Went to the place that works with my, uh, medical insurance company(here you've got to have a medical insurance from one of 3[?] companies) to get an estimate for my plan and the costs, and they gave me something with a price tag of 8,000 NIS(1$US=3.25[?]NIS right now, I think). That's with my discount from being a member on that medical insurance co' that works with them(full price is a bit over 10,000 NIS).

Now I went to a private place i've got recommendations about(and is in the same building as my gas station too) and made the same check and plan, and they gave me, without a discount and with 2 more fillings(4 instead of 2), a price tag of almost 7,000 NIS. Still alot, but yea, it's 3 root-canals.

Don't you hate such assholes? Jeez, and to think I'm fucking paying for this medical insurance crap! :x

I'll be hopefully startign on Monday, and not a day too soon, as I've been seeing a very bad increase in tooth aches lately(didn't get to sleep most of a night the day before yesterday).

Now I'm off to sleep soon because I've slept about 8 hours in two days.

Oh, and medically related- my sister gave birth to a girl yesterday evening('bout 24 hours ago for you damn yankees).
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by inhuien »

Don't you have free emergency dental treatment for the pain?? And congratulations on becoming an Uncle, is this your the first time?

i wonder if ol' orlad ging to go all soft on us now :)
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Post by Mr. Teg »

Pardot Kynes wrote:Ugh... Kidney stones....

Omph, I'm a martial artist.
Which martial art?
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Post by orald »

The martial art of lying! :evil:

Still love you, Pard. Seriously. :wink:

No, inhuien, I don't have a free emergency dental treatment.
There are special dental insurence policies I guess, but I don't have any.

My mandatory medical insurence is quite lame actually, hence th mandatory part of it. Not sure WTF it helps anyway, since I only get a few precentages off prices. For a box of simple pain reliever pills I bought yesterday I got like 25% off, but I bet on anything expensive you get shit.

I've been an uncle for 6 years now, and no, I'm not gonna get soft.
One of my idiot co-workers asked if I saw the baby, which I didn't.
I only went to show my regards for my sister, talk to her briefly and then I was off. Only because I'm expected to really. :|
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by ARCH »

Freakzilla wrote: I wish women could have their ovaries hang outside their bodies for a day and have someone kick 'em.
:shock: :lol: well now, lets see it as it is, during one lifetime how many females can one male person impregna...
so, we don't need every male person to do that.
then what does it matter how hard you injure them in that place,realy?
but who am i to talk i always make sure that i'm not realy angry when i'm doing it so they can keep their ammunition dry and functional.

the way i see it every male person being such a coward that while loosing a fight feels the need to smash my head and cause a concussion and memory loss deserves to be in severe pain for as long as those minutes of agony i've suffered while trying to get my body to obey me.

i blame their parents. raising them to belive they can win in a fight against a woman. newsflash, not with every woman.

*bastard,every time i'm putting powder on my face and see the scar make me 10000000000000000000000000000000000 times sorry i didn't smash it beyond recogniturrgh nevermind.

there's lots more but this is kind off the most frustrating one.
" Nature beauteous form
Contains a lovely essence
Called by some- decay
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Post by Serkanner »

There is no need to kick a man in the nuts ... "grazing" them is far worse because for a short while we don't know whether it will hurt or not. Those 5 seconds are the worst in a man's life.
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Post by trang »

OM, Im sorry to laugh at your situations, but after I read this I was crying laughing hard. I can appreciate your pain and glad things worked out.

I luv when threads like these rise to the top, or I would have missed them.

As for being kicked in the junk and women's ovaries, well I have to give in to them. Ill take a full on smash in the junk compared to being impregnated, carrying a growing child in my belly, then having to pass it a place that wasnt designed for a comfortable process. I know they can have drugs and do it without pain, but still carrying it, the contractions, etc are more pain that I think I could endure.

Now, my pains, well I have made it 40 years and never broke a single bone. I have had plenty of the normal, cuts, bruise's, sprains, etc, nothing broken.

The worst thing I have endured so far was just this past november. Ironically it was in the Pubic area as well, with a possible threat to the junk. Along the line were your thigh connects to your torso, which rides just below and to the left of my junk, and dagerously close to the rectal region, I developed some bumps, red, and swollen. I thought they were ingrown hairs, but I went a couple weeks and they got progressivly worse. I had a total of 4 ranging right down above the rectal area, up along the line of inner thigh less than an inch across from my sack.

I talked with a nurse friend and she said is sounded like a hernia, and I better get to the doctor. I said ok, and went to work that night. I had had a little bit of a fever, but as about an hour into work, it got worse, I was sweating profusly, the bumps were more like knotts and inflamed, when I walked it hurt and burned. Then my left eye went cloudy, so I said, hmmm better go talk with boss and head for the doc, this was like 12:30 at night.

I went into office sat down for a few minutes and my eye cleared up. My temperature was getting a little better but still hot as hell. Boss sent me home.

Next day I wasnt feeling terrible, but hot and weak. I went to family practitioner and explained the situation. Of course he had to check the area, so up on table spread eagle and he was a little surpised.

I put my cloths back on, and he said I needed to leave here and go directly to the emergency room. I asked why, he said I had a serious Staph infection and it needed to be treated.

This is the same day I found out I have diabetes. The family doctor had had me do a urine test while he was checking my bumps, the results showed my blood sugar at 580. I had no frame of reference for what that ment, other than doctor saying it was bad, and I was lucky I was still conscious.

I said ok, wife drove to hospital, went to emergency room. The had file, threw me in bed, pumped me full of insulin, and the strongest antibiotics they have.

Now the fun part, sorry im so wordy, its just how it happened. I was in ER for about 4 hours, after insulin and AB's and a couple hours, I felt 100 percent better, the burning and hurting was down considerable. I told the ER Doc I was ready to go home, and he told me no, I had to stay overnight. I said why, I feel fine, and my family doctor had said once treated to just rest at home and see if the infected bumbs drain on their own, if not in 24 hours after AB's, to come back to Family practitioner and he would LANCE Them, to drain.

The ER doc said, yes and no, these were a lot worse than my doctor understood, and that I needed to stay over. I sensed in his voice unconcern, so I felt he was full of shit. I said look, Im feeling fine and I prefer to follow the advice of my family doctor, he knows me better.
The ER doctor was furious, and told me, he couldnt keep me if I didnt want to stay, but said I can fully expect to be back in the ER in 24 hours, after the infection spreads to my rectal area and into my junk, and from there, things I dont want to think about would have to be cut and so forth.

Again I think he was full of shit, and I my thoughts were confirmed an hour later, when this nurse came by with a heart x-ray machine and said she needed to take a shot of my heart??? I said no you dont im not in here for my heart. She argued and said ER doc ordered the picture. I said, my heart is fine, and I had just had a Heart checkup, including X-rays, in MAY at my physical, and to beat or I would shuv that machine up her ass!

My wife was confused to say the least, but had initially sided with the ER doc (Im not going to go into that argument, suffice to say after a "discussion" she saw it from my perspective), but changed her mind. An hour later, totaling 4 hour stay, I was on my way home with bandages and ointment, and 4 bottles of pills.

Overnight was the wierdest thing I have ever experienced in my life physically. On the way home, I felt a little wetness on the inside thigh, I checked when we got home and the upper bump had opened. A yuky brown-red mess, but manageable.

I layed down on a towel, and decided to sleep. Wife went about her chores, I was feeling fine, my Blood sugar was down to about 140, and going lower, so no problem there. Wife went to bed, I was on couch, towel underneath, little draining but not bad. About 10pm, I fell asleep again.

I awoke about 3am in the morning, I had to pee, so I went to stand up ( I had boxer shorts on for looseness) and a HUGE amount of fluid fell from between my legs onto the living room floor. Now when I say HUGE I mean HUGE, half gallon maybe?? My boxers were soaked beyond reality, I hopped to the bathroom, hit the light and both insides of my legs down to my feet were covered in a bloody-brown mix. I didnt scream, but it scared the bejesus out of me, thought my ass had fallen out or something.

I sat down on can, and there was a stream of that stuff pouring out from between my legs, I couldnt see obviously, but I was a tad worried to say the least. Again trying to stay calm, I started to clean up my legs and so forth. I got a mirror and aimed it down to inside my legs, fully expecting my ass to be dangling by some fiber strands or something. It turns out the Super Antibiotics they gave me, were just that, strong as shit. They attacked the infection and all of the bumps had burst open at once.

Between the mess on the floor, the soaked boxers, soaked towel, and the 20 minutes I sat on the can waiting for them to slow down, I bet it was a gallon or more of fluid. My major concern was blood loss, but it wasnt direct loss, just indirect. Doctor said I maybe only lost half a pint of blood.

Anyway I got cleaned up, and finally called wife to come down, I layed down and she looked at them and they were still draining but not to bad.

I said not much to do but wait till morning and go see doc. Which I did, He saw me early at 7am after he had got message. I got checked out, he said it was all a good thing, and in couple days the draining would stop and I should be ok.

Thats about the size of it, sorry so long winded, just a scary/messy situation.

Im alive, kicking, no more infection, diabetes under control with just diet. I used to drink anywhere from 4-7 two liters of Soda a day, for the past 20 years. 4 days after this event, I stopped and never have drank anymore since. I drink water, and some milk, but mostly water now.

Anyway, thats my worst,
Next up,
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Post by orald »

I bet the amounts you shed were much smaller in reality. Fluids seem to expand alot in our minds when spilled on the floor.
I see alot of spills in the station.
I do some. :P

You can check it if you ever piss on the ground or something. Though you only hold about half a liter it seems like so much more.
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by SandChigger »

Well...that wasn't something I expected to be reading this early in the morning. :mrgreen:

Thanks, trang, for sharing. :shock:

(But glad you're ok. :) )
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Post by ARCH »

trang wrote:
see,you got it all wrong. becasue giving birth is soo completly natural.
and how many times we've heard "oh but the pain is nothing compared to the joy of having my baby."
so,being a woman is a very easy thing. they mostly do nothing but dress up and inflame male passion.

but seriously soem woman hardly feel any pain while giving birth.
it all depends on how mobile the person is.
or at least that's what the doctors birth is more painful for woman of the new generations to come because of the city way of life.
the organism grows weak because of the lack of the good old pedestrian inside you and that kind off primitive stuff.

but i was so happy when i heard that they are working on the male pregnancy thing.
i can't wait for that to happen.maybe zthen this whole 'whose is bigger' crap will stop between the genders.
it's quite boring actually.
at least to me.

i mean it's quite obvious that woman are without a doubt more superior in every possible way:P
" Nature beauteous form
Contains a lovely essence
Called by some- decay
By this lovely presence
New life finds its way.
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Are but water of soul
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Post by orald »

ARCH wrote:i mean it's quite obvious that woman are without a doubt more superior in every possible way:P
I challange you to a pissing contest!
I win. 8)

I've seen in the newspaper yesterday(?) that some transgender gave birth lately. Thing is, he started out as a woman, now looks like man with all the hormones(little beard and all), but didn't change the genitals.
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by Robspierre »

orald wrote:
ARCH wrote:i mean it's quite obvious that woman are without a doubt more superior in every possible way:P
I challange you to a pissing contest!
I win. 8)
I know this girl who could write her name in the snow pissing.......

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Post by Omphalos »

I walked into the bathroom the other day and caught my (then) two year old daughter pissing while standing up. Quite a shock. She was so proud of herself I just said "good job, honey!"

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Post by ARCH »

Omphalos wrote:I walked into the bathroom the other day and caught my (then) two year old daughter pissing while standing up. Quite a shock. She was so proud of herself I just said "good job, honey!"
and you should.i remember my sister bursting into tears when my parents didn't allow her to pee standing up with my brother.
the poor thing always forgot to remove her underware properly not to 'wet' it.
she just couldn't understand why she shouldn't do it like her brother did.

thankfully today you can buy that tubey looking thing for girls to pee standing up so no problem there.

wow,your daughter is realy soemthing.

and orald you would lose with me.
i can last forever.
that's how powerfull the jet is.
*is slightly disgusted with herself now*
**the feeling is slowly dying**
***giving it a finishing blow***
" Nature beauteous form
Contains a lovely essence
Called by some- decay
By this lovely presence
New life finds its way.
Tears shed silently
Are but water of soul
They bring new life
To the pain of being--
A separation from that seeing
Which death makes whole."

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Post by Freakzilla »

Omphalos wrote:I walked into the bathroom the other day and caught my (then) two year old daughter pissing while standing up. Quite a shock. She was so proud of herself I just said "good job, honey!"
I guess I have that to look forward too. My little princess already grabs her junk like Michael Jackson in immitation of her big brothers.
and you should.i remember my sister bursting into tears when my parents didn't allow her to pee standing up with my brother.
the poor thing always forgot to remove her underware properly not to 'wet' it.
she just couldn't understand why she shouldn't do it like her brother did.

thankfully today you can buy that tubey looking thing for girls to pee standing up so no problem there.

wow,your daughter is realy soemthing.
A catheter? :shock:

and orald you would lose with me.
i can last forever.
that's how powerfull the jet is.
*is slightly disgusted with herself now*
**the feeling is slowly dying**
***giving it a finishing blow***
I think the goal is distance, not durration. :lol:
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Post by orald »

Freakzilla wrote:I think the goal is distance, not durration. :lol:
Yep. :lol:

Well, had *part* of a root canal operation today, since appearantly they only gave me a half hour appointment and there wasn't enough time.
They cut some overgrowth of my gums there where a part of the tooth was missing for some time or something, so there was alot of bleeding and hence they couldn't finish the job in that half hour.
They put some drug to kill my nerve there and closed it with a temporary filling, and warned me it might hurt some while it dies. No shit.
It's 3:42 AM and guess why I'm not sleeping. :|

Seems like getting up dulls or vanishes the pain(usually), so I'll have to try and sleep in a sitting position and maybe it'll work.
At least I slept most of the night, even with 2 awakenings.
But mostly I'm glad it stopped hurting for a bit, it was driving me crazy.

Will have to see if they've got any free time to fit me in Wednsday morning before work. If this continues a whole week I'm gonna be a wreck by next Monday.
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

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Post by orald »

Is your name by any chance Dagmar Cleftjaw? :P

Yep, yet another ASoIaF refrence.

It calmed down for half an hour and now it's back, though not peeking right now. :cry:
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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Post by Serkanner »

orald wrote:Is your name by any chance Dagmar Cleftjaw? :P

Yep, yet another ASoIaF refrence.

It calmed down for half an hour and now it's back, though not peeking right now. :cry:
Have some Vodka ... works for me all the time when I have tooth aches and I have had my share I can tell you.
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Post by orald »

Well I had another root canal op. today, and had the second part of the former on Monday.

Monday went kinda OK...though it did seem my tooth puzzled them alot.
Seems my roots(probably in all the teeth) go a bit deeper than usual('bout 21-22 milimeters instead of 18-19), making their ends very close to other nerves. Also, those specific roots were somehow twisted a bit at their ends, not straight.

Today it took 3-4 serringes(sp?) of anasthetic to put my nerve to sleep, but after that it was a breeze, and so far I've had no bad feelings from the tooth.

Taking a two week break since my doc is off for vacation or something, and I'd rather keep with her instead of starting on the other teeth with a new one.
I think she's starting to get my sense of humor too! :P We're having a blast at the sessions.

And yea, she's a hotty(if a bit oldie, around 35-40), and the assistant too. :D
In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly.

I wish I could have been with you that one last time.
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