Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Post by Freakzilla »

The significant fact is this: No Bene Tleilax female has ever been seen away
from the protection of their core planets. (Face Dancer mules who simulate
females do not count in this analysis. They cannot be breeders.) The Tleilaxu
sequester their females to keep them from our hands. This is our primary
deduction. It must also be in the eggs that the Tleilaxu Masters conceal their
most essential secrets.

-Bene Gesserit Analysis -- Archives #XOXTM99 ..... 041

Reverend Mother Superior Taraza is meeting with the Tleilaxu Master of Masters, Tylwyth Waff, in a "neutral" Guild ship, in a copper walled spy-proof room. Both Guild and Bene Tleilax are anxious to appease the Bene Gesserit after Odrade's "You will pay" message from Rakis. Taraza opens by saying she finds the new face dancers interesting, which makes Waff grimace, he knows that Taraza is a far tougher opponent than any Honored Matre could be. Waff asks for an explaination of the note from Rakis. Taraza suggest they supply them with a female Tleilaxu and Waff balks. Waff says the attack was done independantly by people on the scene and they have already been punished. Taraza expected that response and calls him a liar. She gambles and threatens to tell the Honored Matres they have been invaded by face dancers, Waff supresses his anger at the fact that the Bene Gesserit somehow know. Taraza tells him that even when they subvert someone like Schwangyu, they still learn nothing. Waff claims she thought to hire them like assasins and they were only teaching her a lesson. However, neither faction has successfully penetrated the other. As the price for not telling the Honored Matres of the face dancer infiltration, Taraza demands he share everything they have learned about the whores. Thinking back on the Chapterhouse conferences in preperation for this meeting, Taraza can't fit Waffs pride with the image of obscenity the Bene Tleilax have built around themselves. Waff thinks about the poison dart throwers in his sleeves, then about the other three full Reverend Mothers waiting outside the door. There's no way his face dancers could overcome them. Waff agrees to share, he has no other choice. If the Honored Matres blamed them for their missing no ship, they would be exterminated. Taraza changes the subject to the ghola. Why have they been killing them to control their timing and why have they altered him? Waff insists that the gholas meet their specifications. She warns that if his alterations disrupt their plans they will wound the Bene Tleilax deeper than he can imagine. She lies and says captured face dancers have revealed much before they died. This enrages Waff and he thinks to himself that he must kill her and all the Bene Gesserit. Taraza interprets this and says that his religion and way of life are in no danger as long as they don't interfere with Bene Gesserit plans. She lies again and claims to know about his weapons, if he uses them the Honored Matres will also learn about them. Waff says they won't be Bene Gesserit satellites. Taraza offers him some prized bloodlines, Waff wants to know what they expect in return. Waff suggest first selection of their offspring. No way, perhaps first alternate then. Also, Taraza wants unrestricted access to the Tleilaxu genetic labs. Waff tells her she's crazy. She suggests then, a fully operational axlotl tank. Waff merely stares at her blankly, she had to try. Taraza exposes Waff's Zensunni and Sufi beliefs and feels urgency that she must get out of this alive to inform Odrade. She leads Waff to believe the Bene Gesserit are also Zensunni-Sufi and he agrees to the terms. They decide to complete the exchange on Rakis.
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Re: Chapter 19

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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