Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Post by Freakzilla »

Greatness is a transitory experience. It is never consistent. It depends in part
upon the myth-making imagination of humankind. The person who experiences
greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in. He must reflect what is
projected upon him. And he must have a strong sense of the sardonic. This is
what uncouples him from belief in his own pretensions. The sardonic is all that
permits him to move within himself. Without this quality, even occasional
greatness will destroy a man.

-from "Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan

Duke Leto stops in the doorway to the dining hall, admiring the table setting. The flagons of water on the table could keep a poor family for over a year. He notices laving basins near the entrance. The old custom was for guest to wash their hands in it, slop some water on the floor then throw their towel in the puddle. After the dinner the towel squeezings would be given to beggars. The Duke sees this as typical Harkonnen repression and orders it stopped. He asks a servant to put the basins outside and any beggar that comes durring the meal shall be given a cup of water. As he leaves the dining room and enters the great hall, Jessica is entertaining the guests. Duncan is there too in dress uniform, keeping an eye on Jessica. Paul, who hadn't wanted to attend, is entertaining the young women, along with a few Atreides officers. Leto goes to the group around Jessica. The water shipper doesn't like the change in the laving basin custom and asks about the conservatory. Jessica says they plan to keep it for the people in hopes that one day they can change the climate so plants can be grown in the open. Kynes hears this and is in awe at another sign of the prophecy, they share the Fremen's most precious dream. Kynes asks Jessica if she brings the shortening of the way. She doesn't answer but notes that it translates into Kwizats Haderach and feeds her hope for Paul. Dinner is served. Paul remembers how Gurney had forbidden this event but the Duke wanted to start mingling his officers with the residents. Jessica points out a new addition to the guest list, Tuek the smuggler. She says to Leto that it was to emphasize his policy on graft but secretly it's because the smugglers have fast ships they can use to escape if they have to. Gurney plays a tune. After the toast, the Duke pours the rest of his water on the floor, the guests do the same, except for Kynes, he poured it into a concealed pouch. The Guild banker asks about the lost spice factory which angers the Duke and Kynes. Jessica discearns that the Guild banker is a Harkonnen agent and worders if even the Guild has turned against the Duke. Kynes and the banker get into an argument, durring which Jessica notices that the smuggler, Tuek, is allied with Kynes. Kynes and Leto get into a discussion about the water on Arrakis. Kynes fakes uncertainty as to whether or not there's enough water but Paul's truthsense tells him there is enough water. An Atreides guard enters and the Duke is needed elsewere, he asks Paul to take over as host and for Gurney to take Pauls place. He asks Gurney to bring Paul to field command post after dinner. Paul tells a story about how a drowning fisherman had marks on his shoulders from another man's boots who was trying to save himself by climbing the drowning man's back. The banker doesn't see the point. Paul explains that Duke Leto made an appropriate comment at the time. He said the drowning man who climbs on your shoulders to save himself is understandable, except when you see it happen in the drawing room. Paul adds, or at the dinner table. Gurney, Duncan and the house guards come to alert, the banker pushes his chair back and glares at Paul. Kynes says you bait an Atreides at your own risk. Bewt makes a toast to Paul to ease the tension and Kynes asks the banker to appologize again, which he does. Jessica receives a note from the Duke and informs the guests that the missing carryall has been found. A harkonnen agent overpowered the crew and tried to sell it to smugglers who turned him and the carryall over to the Atreides. She doesn't tell them that they also intercepted a shipment of lasguns and Leto wants them to take precautions.
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by Hunchback Jack »

I just finished reading this chapter today. There's a *lot* going on, a lot of characters, factions and alliances revealed. I'm going to have to reread it before continuing, I think.

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Re: Chapter 17

Post by Idahopotato »

This is one of my favorite chapters in the book. You are right in that so much is happening. In fact, someone of talent that is not named Anderson could have done a lot with this scene in the way of prequels. What would be cool would be a collection of short stories that from the perspective of each member at the table that starts sometime prior to, and ends somewhere after the attack, ala Tarantino style. Oh shit, I should not have said that, else the hack might start letting his ego think he can do Tarantino next.
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by nampigai »

dunaddict wrote:I like how the epigraph, and the end of this chapter, together foreshadow not only the fall of Leto Atreides, but maybe Paul's fall from grace in Messias as well:
Paul said: "I never doubted we'd find the carryall. Once my father moves to solve a problem, he solves it. This is a fact the Harkonnens are beginning to discover."
He's boasting, Jessica thought. He shouldn't boast. No person who'll be sleeping far below ground level this night as a precaution against lasguns has the right to boast.
Up until this part – Paul has acted mature beyond his age the way he handles the guild agent – priceless! However boasting like he does makes him sound like a little spoiled brat.
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by Freakzilla »

I think you gave sufficient warning.

Even though Paul has had all this advanced training and he's a genetic superman... he's still a 15-year-old kid. Look at the way he talked back to RM Mohiam.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by nampigai »

Yea Cynic – I think that was in one of the earlier chapters…or was it in one of the “chapter” texts… meh I can’t remember.

I actually meant to right something more…but the boss walked in on me ;-) I was going to point out that it helped making Paul look more “ordinary/normal”. I actually liked this.
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by nampigai »


I was wrong - this was what I remembered:

"There is probably no more terrible instant of enlightenment than the one in
which you discover your father is a man--with human flesh."
-from "Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
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Re: Chapter 17

Post by nampigai »

never thought of that - but you may be on to something inhuien.
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Re: Chapter 16

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: Chapter 16

Post by Serkanner »

It might be a cliché, but this chapter still one of my top favourite ones of Dune. I just wanted to say this at least once :)
"... the mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience."

“There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”

Sandrider: "Keith went to Bobo's for a weekend of drinking, watched some DVDs,
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Re: Chapter 16

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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