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Chapter 08

Posted: 12 Feb 2008 17:31
by Freakzilla
"Yueh! Yueh! Yueh!" goes the refrain. "A million deaths were not enough for

-from "A Child's History of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan

Jessica finds a disheveled Dr. Yueh looking out a window while Paul sleeps in the next room. We find that Yueh has been with the Atriedes for six years, long enough that Jessica thinks they may dispense with formalities in private. Yueh's thoughts reveal to us that his wife was a Bene Gesserit Truthsayer. They discuss the bleak conditions on Arrakis and its people. Yeuh wishes he could hate the Atreides instead of love them. Jessica reminds him of his wife, the Harkonnens may not have killed her yer, he has to be sure. He hopes his plans will give him a chance to strike at the Baron in his moment of gloating. While Jessica checks on Paul, Yueh wonders why Wanna never gave him any children. Jessica notes the darkness of the sky and Yueh points out that the lack of moisture is partly responsible. They discuss the mysterious lack of and dissapearance of moisture. Jessica is suprised at the hate in Yueh when he talkes about the Harkonnens. He starts to tell her about his wife but breaks down. They talk about the feud, how the Atreides are Royalty where the Harkonnen titles come from CHOAM. They talk about the spice and her relationship with the Duke. Jessica suspects he's hiding something but still has no clue to the treachery he has in store.

Re: Chapter 08

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 13:11
by Freakzilla

Re: Chapter 08

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 09:28
by ahnnah
This chapter shows just how flawed in their purpose both Yueh and Jessica are. Yueh puts his emotional desires before the well being of his patron, indeed is willing to bring down an entire House on the slight (and very improbable) chance that the Harkonnens will return his wife to him... which I never understood. To me, it just emphasizes what a weak man he is, unworthy of the loyalty of the Atreides. Jessica seems a complete failure at this point to me. She ignores her training and her instincts, constantly allowing her emotions to lead her astray. I wonder if she was always this ineffective but was valued for her bloodline enough to keep her in the machinations of the BG or if she began to weaken and fail when she embraced her love for her Duke. The BG shun love for just this reason. It makes one an incompetent sister.

Re: Chapter 08

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 15:21
by Freakzilla
Keep in md, she was not a Reverend Mother and an adept of the Missionaria Protectiva. But you're right, she was a breeder.

Re: Chapter 08

Posted: 27 Dec 2011 13:09
by Freakzilla