SandRider's Opus 1

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SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Ampoliros »

I figured I'd post this here since I just discovered it, and I think it's a prime example of the finest of OH works/arguments/attitude etc. I label it SandRiders' Opus 1 (not that its the first or last gem to tumble from him) This was from a review discussion on Amazon for Smellhole.
I, along with others of my "ilk", have fallen into the convention over the years of referring to Herbert the Lesser
as "wet-brained", a "zombie", and etc. ... for quite awhile, there was a amusing running joke about Brian wearing
adult diapers on the book-signing tours, and soiling himself at the podium; this stemmed from one photo of the
two of them where this is EXACTLY what their facial expressions looked liked {"Kevvie, I made doody in my pants
again." - "Wha ?? Aww, g-dd-mn-t, Brian! ... Folks, we'll be right back ..."}

this impression was formed from the early interviews when both of them would actually sit down in a room together
for some kid with a homebrewed website and actually talk about the McDune, before Keith just started sending out
copy-pasta email answers to these "interviews" ... Brian does seem subdued, not very alert, looking to Keith to answer
the questions first, like a beat-down dog afraid to say or do the wrong thing ... and back then, Keith was making an
effort to at least give lip-service to Frank, his Legacy, the actual continuation of "Dune" ....

that dynamic changed somewhat after the wholesale rejection of their version of "Dune7"; they were not prepared for
the backlash from average fans of Frank's Dune, the lackluster sales, the flat-out dismissal of the two books (claimed
to have be based on Frank's Own Outline) by actual professional reviewers ... nevermind the reaction of the "talifans",
the Orthodox Herbertarians, and other Dune-geeks who considered McDune7 not only to be an ugly little piece of bad
fan-fiction, but also an *abomination*, a literary crime, and the claim that the books were based on this super-secret
guarded "Outline" simply *reprehensible*, seeing as it was an obvious lie ...

after that, and the aborted "trilogy" of "interquels", stuffing inconsistent, even contradictory, plot elements *in between*
Frank's Dune books, Keith became more combative, defensive ... not even bothering to dismiss criticism or even ignoring
it, but flat-out *denying its existence*, and entered this strange self-made fantasy-world where PAUL OF DUNE and JESSICA
TO THE WINDS OF DUNE were hugely successful, in terms of sales and reader approval ... and on the promo-tour for
WINDS, he began to drop little snarky asides about Brian, on his blagh and twits (which Brian, being a-skeered of the
innertubes, would never see) that appeared to be attempting to be a subtle shifting of blame for any (perceived) lack
of quality of the book onto Brian ... smug and condescending little comments, along the lines of "Brian has a hard time
functioning in the world, isn't a brave little man for trying?", also silently implying "Look at what I have to work with ..."

and every now and then, Brian seemed to wake up, become almost lucid, and I myself saw the look in his eyes of the
gentle lap-dog and beloved family pet about to have had enough, and start biting folks on the a$$.

(to wrap-up this tl;dr aside: what we do not know is if the decision to stop the "Heroes of Dune" "Interquel" "Trilogy"
{and goodl-rd, it is so difficult to write about Keith without putting almost everything in "quotes": "writer", "book",
"plot", "characters"; or parens: "((less-than)minor) award-nominated (never-awarded)", "best-selling (based on
antiquated numerical standards, also being the *total* number of copies printed, making no distinction between
copies actually sold, returned, cover-stripped, tossed in the dumpster after failing in the bargain-bin for $2, &etc.)"}
was TOR's, looking at the sales of "Heroes" vs the "Prequels" (not taking into consideration, of course, the steady
decline of what little quality there was at the beginning, and the growing wider knowledge among average readers
of the Hackiness of Keith in general), or, as Keith has spun, Brian wanting to return to the "Butlerian Jihad" era,
which, if anyone is to be believed anymore, was the project Brian had possibly had discussions with Frank about;
altho, that conversation could've been on Frank's deathbed and went something like "Hey, Dad, all that men-with-
machines war stuff, that sounds cool. Maybe me and you could do something about that ..." - "Yeah, sure, kid,
whatever ...")

But the main damning fact against Herbert the Lesser having any higher brain functions was not necessarily
the original choice of Keith to re-animate the Dune ghola, altho the story that Brian himself has spun that he
in fact did read some of Keith's previous "work" (what? the Star Wars?) and still went with him is awful troubling,
the reason we all figured he was a zombie was that he CONTINUED let Keith molest Dune ... and occasionally
appear in some type of controlled public arena to defend what had been produced ...

then Keith discovered the twitting-thing, and suddenly we were privy to his every move every day ...
and it became clear that his "production" schedule far-outstripped Brian's ability ... adding up some
of the numbers, dates, and figures of the various stages of the McDune assembly-line shows fairly
obviously that Brian really just *couldn't* be contributing much to the actual "writing" ...

so the only point I wanted to make here is simply this:
after looking back over all the "evidence", over ten year's worth now of on-line and archived
nonsense, my opinion is this: Brian Herbert is not a brain-dead zombie, but in fact a reasonably intelligent man ...
with a NUMBER of caveats ....

I think some of his father's traits of thinking deep and far afield, of seeing larger patterns in smaller incidents, of
applying true philosophical thinking to situations or events were transferred to some degree ... it might have been
during the later years, during the "reconciliation" period ... Brian might not have been doing so many drugs then,
have been older and a little more experienced, had gotten over the juvenile anger and rejection of everything that
was his father ... grew up a little and realized ..."Dang ... my old man's purty dang smart."

but this was just a surface phenomena ... Brian lacked the basic raw intelligence and disciplined academic background
to fully develop this trait ... also, and this is the main point, what he CERTAINLY lacked then, and now, is the ability
to coherently translate those thoughts & ideas into words ... either verbally or in prose ... in short, he can think of
some of these things, but he cannot express them ... and certainly cannot write them down ...

I think there is a lot of evidence of this in some of the audio and video interviews ... altho painful to listen to, esp.
if Keith is always jumping in with blathering nonsense, if you give it the effort, you can sometimes almost grasp
what Brian is trying to say ... you can tell there is SOMETHING there in his words, something real and important,
possible valuable, but he has such a fumbling, hesitant manner of expression, the message simply gets lost ....

and Keith certainly doesn't have the patience in a promo-interview to allow Brian to find the right words, or the
compassionate intelligence to help him out, this isn't a college-dorm bull-session, we're here to make money,
and will jump in an finish Brian's half-formed thought with copy-pasta and Brian will seem confused for a moment,
knowing that what Keith said is not at all what he was driving at, but agreeing anyway ... resigning ... nodding his
head ... "Well ...sure" ... which gives Keith the opening to take back the conversation and turn it towards himself,
or the safe, non-philosophical topics of book sales and deadlines and all the "writer's seminar" talking points ...

and at that point, you can see Brian's eyes glaze over and he is lost in thought, confused and struggling to finish
in his own mind whatever point he had been trying to make, not listening or caring about what Keith is saying
about "writing as a business" ....

both of these men are socially-inept, in different ways;
Keith is falsely modest and co-operative; he gives the appearance of "working with" Brian, but, before whatever
happened on the WINDS promo-tour, anyway, bullies Brian into nodding and saying "Well ...sure."

and Brian may in fact be a coward of sorts, to allow all this, ALL of it, the stupid story-lines and publication
schedule and so on, but he also may just not be able to express his actual opinion forcefully enough to
break thru the ego-shield of tehKJA ...

also then, to the three Anderclones who are the only actual members of tehKJA's Special Fans,
(Conway, David James, & Prester (altho it's about time you other two know that "prester dilly" is
and has always been, an OH sockpuppet)) ---- THIS is my "issue" with Keith ... Brian Herbert was
obviously not in possession of the talent necessary to *produce* new Dune books, or to *produce*
a reasonable "Dune7" (with or without any "Outline"); he MAY have possessed some of the type of
thinking that would have been required, but could not have translated that to acceptable prose
on his own ... an actual "writer", a TRUE "collaborator", would have been able to help Brian flesh
out his ideas, helped to integrate them into the CANON of Frank's Dune, and been the key player
in the PRODUCTION of new Dune books ...

all Keith brought to the table was the *PRODUCTION* part ... yes, Lord, that man, he know how to churn'em out !!
Keith was already very experienced in the machinations of "publishing" and obviously adept at marketing (to certain
segments of bottom-dwelling juvenile-adult tripe-swallowers that infest the basement of "sci-fi" fandom, keeping
the actual adults upstairs awake at night with the banging of plastic light-sabers on Darth Vader helmets
and shouting "pew-pew-pew" til 4am)

so all the *sweet tehKJA-hatin'* actually just began as pointing out, in calm, rational detail, just how POOR a
"writer" Keith is ... that's all ... "My gawd, this McDune is just horrible !! How could it be so bad ??"
& we'd point to hundreds and hundreds of examples of his hack-work, basically saying "No, that's just Keith."

it was when Keith moved the "Dune Blog" from the dead and stinking Official Corporate Dune Forum to
his own blahg and started posting more and more personal things that we began to publicly comment on
(and link to) the unbelievable examples of Keith's social awkwardness, his petty attitudes and snarky asides,
his miserly b-tching (strange for a "successful" "best-selling" "author"); his tone-deafness at his own words ...

then, thank the little baby jesus, he jumped on the twit-train (four or five years after it left the station, too)
and we got these little gems EVERY DAY ... and the FAIL was irresistible ... (how I can still chuckle at the
snide, horrible little thing he twitted about his own "editors" at TOR ... as if those people don't know what
the internet is ... and the petty mindlessness, the lack of impulse control, the lack of ANY kind of thought
about the wisdom of posting such a thing .... or, even better ... can anyone EVER forget the mental image
he gave us of loofah-ing his wife's stretch marks in the bathtub ?)(priceless, I say, and you just can't MAKE
UP any better parodies or mockings of tehKJA than he will provide himself ..)

so yes, the Jihad on Keith has crossed the boundaries, for many of "us", of the McDune issue ...
altho, this "Hellhole" thing is very much fair-game in that arena, too ... this is an "Anderson & the Other Guy, authors
of the McDune" product, and the product smells exactly like McDune, and is an example of the fact that even when
attempting to create a "new universe" and a "new epic", independent from the McDune franchise, the main ingredient
is still Massive Fail ...

but despite you two clown's continuation of the Jedi Mind Tricks (*Pay no attention to the haters; they are haters
and jealous*)(waving chubby-fingered hands in the faces of non-existent "average readers" on these pages)
the legions of the OH are extremely, painfully honest, and truthful ... this is mostly due to the fact that all of the
OH are internet-experienced ... they know you can't go spouting off half-cocked nonsense and not have it quoted
back to you with links ... and you can delete that nonsense if you want to, but they'll toss back the linky to the archives ...

Ron Craig has NEVER, to my knowledge, stated he is any kind of objective about tehKJA ... certainly not at this point,
with all the polluted water that has flown under this bridge ... he will take any and every opportunity presented to
mock Keith, which, as I've pointed out, Keith himself provides on a daily basis ...

when it comes to this issue, and you clowns need to learn how to compartmentalize your internet-persona surfing,
Craig takes great delight and enjoys much amusement at jabbing people with pointed sticks to hear them squeal ...
as do I ... this form of internet-entertainment has been a wonderful addition to my life ... and you can type "troll,
trolling troll, you troll !!" until your fingers fall off ... neither of us have ever claimed to be anything other than
innerwebz meanies, the bullies of the cyberplayground, pushing the fat kids down, kicking them in the butt,
sending them home crying to momma ...

this "fight" comes down to this : Kevin J. Anderson is a product-generating machine of the lowest quality at the moment;
I would be hard pressed to find an example of a less-talented hack churning out product for a nominally legitimate publishing
house; the fail that was McDune is not even debatable anymore, we done moved on; Kevin J. Anderson, personally, is a
horrible, petty, disgusting, fraudulent human being, with delusions of grandeur that would make Hitler giggle ....

if any person, any person at all, actually comes into the net-space with a positive opinion of Kevin J. Anderson's work,
or of him personally, I am going to just assume you are an LCD-drag-on-the-species, and mock you ...

it's just that simple ...
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Raspudding »

It's sad what they did to Frank's legacy.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandRider »

huh. I don't remember any of that at all ...

(coulda posted it in my tl:dr thread, too ....)
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandRider »

oo, shit, which reminds me ... there's a new book out by a "serious journalist" on Area 51 .... the "new" story from an
"anonymous" source who "lived and worked on Area 51 for years" is so fucking clever, I'm surprised I didn't make it up ...

there was a "flying saucer" crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 - it was an operational Nazi Flying Saucer piloted
by midgets (cause the thing was so small, see) - Stalin sent it flying over US airspace to scare the Army Air Corp because
they hadn't yet successfully tested their bomb ... whether it crashed accidentally or intentionally I don't know yet -
it won't be long before the story on the internet is that Stalin's Flying Saucer was shot down by a squadron of P-51 Mustangs ....

it's a great fucking story, tho, fits right in there with the overall saga (& see the4 tl:dr thread for the repost of
all that, if you don't know what I'm talking about; the original post was in the thread about the accidental launch of the
missile from the US Navy sub, when-ever the fuck that was ...)
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandChigger »


Is there still discussion going on over SMALLHOLE? I haven't even checked for a few days.... :whistle:

(Hey, 'Rider, remember Photoscribe/Stephen Turner? He's popped up on Amazon again, spouting 50-11 varieties of batshit. I think you really unnerved and unmanned him last time with the pedophilia shit. He's already thrown "litigation target" at me, so I asked him if he needed an address for his lawyer. He hasn't mentioned it again since. :roll: Totally batshit fucking loony. He's making Marilyn look sane and intelligent this go round. :shock: )
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandRider »

first off, I must state that categorically, "No, I donot remember posting this"
either here or @amazon ...this is NOT a denial, merely a statement of fact; as well, I donot
recall whatever the fuck it was that the SandChigger alluded to in the follow-ups .....

what has struck me NOW, was that while I recognize the arguments and statements presented here,
and I surely recognize the style, and while it was but LESS THAN A YEAR AGO, I must admit
that I could not, today, re-create such prose .... the past year, if only the past half-year, has fucking
ROBBED me of my former potential ... as did my Youth, and my Young-adulthood, &etc. ....

I am certain I have but a few brief years of crucial import remaining, and I ask you, brothers:
what would you have me tell you .... ??



? ....
Last edited by SandRider on 23 Apr 2012 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Freakzilla »

Listen... do you smell something?
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandRider »

Christ-almighty, I'm on my deathbed here, and you would
quote Ghostbusters @me ???

well played, Freakzilla .... well played ...
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Freakzilla »

Ghostbusters is highly underated.
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by lotek »

I think it's awesome.
I'm afraid of no ghosts.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by gurensan »

"I ain't afraid o' no ghosts."

Edit: not a geek recall, but a musical foray into flexing my immensely minuscule recollective powers.
If you fart in the wilderness, and a bear eats you before you can smell it, does it matter if it makes an odor?
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Omphalos »

gurensan wrote:"I ain't afraid o' no ghosts."

Edit: not a geek recall, but a musical foray into flexing my immensely minuscule recollective powers.
The way Lotek wrote is how it appeared in the original French version.

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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by gurensan »

Omphalos wrote:
gurensan wrote:"I ain't afraid o' no ghosts."

Edit: not a geek recall, but a musical foray into flexing my immensely minuscule recollective powers.
The way Lotek wrote is how it appeared in the original French version.
The French version of

Wasn't aware there was anything French about it.
I could just be a popculturetard.

But then I'm not French.
If you fart in the wilderness, and a bear eats you before you can smell it, does it matter if it makes an odor?
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Omphalos »

gurensan wrote:
Omphalos wrote:
gurensan wrote:"I ain't afraid o' no ghosts."

Edit: not a geek recall, but a musical foray into flexing my immensely minuscule recollective powers.
The way Lotek wrote is how it appeared in the original French version.
The French version of

Wasn't aware there was anything French about it.
I could just be a popculturetard.

But then I'm not French.
Thats OK, because I'm not correct.

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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Nekhrun »

Careful guys, if Nebby catches wind of us talking about this song we're facing another YouTube rant about double negatives in American pop culture.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by lotek »

I ain't not so sure about that
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by gurensan »

/me facepalms and forgets.
If you fart in the wilderness, and a bear eats you before you can smell it, does it matter if it makes an odor?
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Freakzilla »

Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by SandRider »

well, I ain't so sure he don't almost understand the deployment
of the double-negative, so technically, his post might not
be possibly incorrect, unless I thought I didn't misunderstand
what he was saying ....
................ I exist only to amuse myself ................

I personally feel that this message board, Jacurutu, is full of hateful folks who don't know
how to fully interact with people.
~ "Spice Grandson" (Bryon Merrit) 08 June 2008
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by D Pope »

SandRider wrote:...what has struck me NOW, was that while I recognize the arguments and statements presented here,
and I surely recognize the style, and while it was but LESS THAN A YEAR AGO, I must admit
that I could not, today, re-create such prose .... the past year, if only the past half-year, has fucking
ROBBED me of my former potential ... as did my Youth, and my Young-adulthood, &etc. ....
I disagree, mate. You may not feel it but I have no doubt that when the passion and inspiration command,
we will get another Great Text of the Rider.

ps Still waiting for the important announcement of great import!
Leto II is gone for good, except for OM. The "pearl" was just that; a miniscule portion of what Leto was, and not a compressed version of the whole. The pearl that the worms have do not make them Leto, or in any way similar to him.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Nebiros »

Nekhrun wrote:Careful guys, if Nebby catches wind of us talking about this song we're facing another YouTube rant about double negatives in American pop culture.
Thanks for the memo to make that particular rant. I'm sure the 'careful' part was sarcasm.

I will do that video but a few more political videos still to make.
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by Freakzilla »

All you have to do is say his name...
Paul of Dune was so bad it gave me a seizure that dislocated both of my shoulders and prolapsed my anus.
~Pink Snowman
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by lotek »

Freakzilla wrote::doh:
gurensan wrote:/me facepalms and forgets.
mission not unaccomplished !
SandRider wrote:well, I ain't so sure he don't almost understand the deployment
of the double-negative, so technically, his post might not
be possibly incorrect, unless I thought I didn't misunderstand
what he was saying ....
Ain't I glad you most likely do not get the opposite of what my point might have been !
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Re: SandRider's Opus 1

Post by gurensan »

lotek wrote:
Freakzilla wrote::doh:
gurensan wrote:/me facepalms and forgets.
mission not unaccomplished !
What? I'm sorry, I... uh.
If you fart in the wilderness, and a bear eats you before you can smell it, does it matter if it makes an odor?
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