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Chapter 44

Posted: 11 Jun 2008 11:33
by Freakzilla
Looked at one way, the universe is Brownian movement, nothing predictable at the
elemental level. Muad'Dib and his Tyrant son closed the cloud chamber where
movement occurred.

-Stories from Gammu

Murbella heads down to Junction in a one man lighter after witnessing Streggi drop to the floor dead, sprawling Teg, and Odrade looking on in shock through the comeye images in the command center. She sends her Honored Matre ID ahead of her but is still met with a squad of Honored Matres at the flat. Murbella tells their leader, Elpek, that she has escaped capture by the Bene Gesserit, has learned everything they teach and knows the location of Chapterhouse. One of them asks Murbella questions and she kills her. There were no further questions. She is taken to Great Honored Matre. Odrade and Teg are still alive. Murbella lectures Logno with insults and tells her she has no style. Logno attacks, Murbella grabs her by the foot and smashed her head into pulp on the floor without even breathing hard. Elpek kills Odrade while this is going on. Murbella Shares with Odrade then killes Elpek. She orders the room cleaned, Teg released and a proper robe brought to her. She makes the Honored Matre who brings it to her, Angelika, the first member of her council. Murbella tells Teg that Odrade liked apples and to see that she is buried under an apple tree.

Re: Chapter 44

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 09:23
by Edric
The differences between the US and UK versions in this chapter are telling.

This passage from the US version only shows how the Honored Matres practice warfare...
Murbella felt she had lived through such a scene many times—aftermath of Honored Matre Victory: swaths of their enemies' bodies left where they had been brought down. Honored Matre attack with the bloodless weapon had been swift and deadly, a typical viciousness that killed when killing no longer was required.
She suppressed a shudder at the memory of this deadly reversal. There had been no warning, only the troops dropping in wide lines—a domino effect that left the survivors in shock. And Great Honored Matre obviously enjoyed the shock.
While this line found only in the UK version states how the "Bloodless Weapon" from the Scattering has been squandered countering the Bene Gesserit forces attack on Junction leaving the Honored Matres without their trump card! . . .
"We have weakened ourselves! We could have waited, saved some of them!"

Re: Chapter 44

Posted: 11 Sep 2012 11:55
by Freakzilla