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Chapter 46

Posted: 02 Jul 2008 11:11
by Freakzilla
Justice? Who asks for justice. We make our own justice. We make it here on
Arrakis -- win or die. Let us not rail about justice as long as we have arms
and the freedom to use them.

-Leto I: Bene Gesserit Archives

Teg lands his captured no-ship in the middle of the Rakian desert and orders armored thopters and cars out. He tells the crew they will be picking up a worm with Odrade and Sheeana who arrive soon after. Teg and his assembled ban remain behind to cause a diversion. The Honored Matres will think the ghola is with them and likely destroy the entire planet. He tells Odrade to go where it’s safe and do what she must. Soon the worm they came on might be the only one left in the universe.

Re: Chapter 46

Posted: 25 Aug 2012 06:36
by Freakzilla
No revisions.